Big fight on the verge of breaking out! Walk into cervine island antler advocate the place of busine

Local time on August 27, 2018, japanese deer island, 2018 inferior Tianjin of coronal 1/4 final counterpoises the match on the verge of breaking out of antler of island of deer of challenge of field of be good at guest, ci city county establishs Lu Dao the football ground is majestic and solemn and respectful. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "Local time on August 27, 2018, japanese deer island, 2018 inferior Tianjin of coronal 1/4 final counterpoises the match on the verge of breaking out of antler of island of deer of challenge of field of be good at guest, ci city county establishs Lu Dao the football ground is majestic and solemn and respectful. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "Cervine island antler is the first rich and powerful family of Japanese, number of each match champion is ranked inside Japan the first. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "Cervine island antler is the first rich and powerful family of Japanese, number of each match champion is ranked inside Japan the first. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "Enable the Lu Dao 1993 although the football ground is relatively dated, but in detail respect still very advanced. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "Enable the Lu Dao 1993 although the football ground is relatively dated, but in detail respect still very advanced. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "Field 2 doors. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "Field 2 doors. (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "In the Temple of God of this Japan football, authority be good at what kind of show can you have? (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "In the Temple of God of this Japan football, authority be good at what kind of show can you have? (the picture signs: Zhong Zhenbin of Oriental IC/ Oriental IC) "
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