24-25 of team of China of tounament of East Asia handball loses Huo Qigang of Hong Kong team to awar

On July 8, 2018, chinese Hong Kong, match of group of male of tounament of handball of the 6th 2018 East Asia is held in gymnasium of 9 dragon park. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "On July 8, 2018, chinese Hong Kong, match of group of male of tounament of handball of the 6th 2018 East Asia is held in gymnasium of 9 dragon park. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Race site is surpassed besides intense. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Race site is surpassed besides intense. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Final, chinese team (black clothes) with 24 than 25 lose at team of Chinese Hong Kong, obtain the 5th. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Final, chinese team (black clothes) with 24 than 25 lose at team of Chinese Hong Kong, obtain the 5th. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Contest hind reachs Yang Dejiang of assistant director of sports of special zone government to award prize by Huo Qigang. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Contest hind reachs Yang Dejiang of assistant director of sports of special zone government to award prize by Huo Qigang. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Huo Qigang and player are kind handclasp. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Huo Qigang and player are kind handclasp. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "
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