Too beautiful! 8 gold beautiful force controls water ballet group Japan seizes chief, contribute the

On August 29, 2018, match of water ballet of the 18th Asia Game blocks center of Nuo stadium aquatic sports to hold in the Geluolapeng of Indonesian Jakarta. National flower swims in the team precedes with assembly accomplishment the cent of 4.0705 needs team of the 2nd Japan gain the championship, results is current inferior carry flower swims the 2nd gold of the project, also be the 100th gold of delegation of China of Jakarta Asia Game. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)On August 29, 2018, match of water ballet of the 18th Asia Game blocks center of Nuo stadium aquatic sports to hold in the Geluolapeng of Indonesian Jakarta. National flower swims in the team precedes with assembly accomplishment the cent of 4.0705 needs team of the 2nd Japan gain the championship, results is current inferior carry flower swims the 2nd gold of the project, also be the 100th gold of delegation of China of Jakarta Asia Game. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The collective technology in the morning is free in the match, national flower swims in the team is performed wonderfully with a paragraph, will " beautiful Lake Baikal " expressional incisively and vividly, the height that gains a judgment is approbated, took the tall fraction of 92.5062, row the first. The free and free link afternoon, chinese girls bring " phoenix dance the quintessence of a country " likewise wonderful and fetching, took 94.4333 minutes, assembly accomplishment is without be concerned about 186.9395 minutes row the first, seize chief successfully. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The collective technology in the morning is free in the match, national flower swims in the team is performed wonderfully with a paragraph, will " beautiful Lake Baikal " expressional incisively and vividly, the height that gains a judgment is approbated, took the tall fraction of 92.5062, row the first. The free and free link afternoon, chinese girls bring " phoenix dance the quintessence of a country " likewise wonderful and fetching, took 94.4333 minutes, assembly accomplishment is without be concerned about 186.9395 minutes row the first, seize chief successfully. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Japanese team harvests runner-up with the 2nd, the intent swims for Japanese woman flower the team is being performed (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Japanese team harvests runner-up with the 2nd, the intent swims for Japanese woman flower the team is being performed (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Korea team wins bronze medal with 170.8475 minutes, the graph is toward bright Hua Yong the team is being performed (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Korea team wins bronze medal with 170.8475 minutes, the graph is toward bright Hua Yong the team is being performed (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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