23 years old of women propose actively 68 years old old person, disregard family to object knot legi

Tu Lei once said in the program: In love the age is not a problem, height is not a distance. Do you endorse this kind of view? This differs 45 years old to age of husband and wife in the graph. The woman is called Zhang Feng, she is 15 years old when, begin to know with Wen Changlin of 60 years old, days of 8 years, let two people arise to depend on gradually. Wen Changlin always is when Zhang Feng is the flimsiest show loving care for to her. Zhang Feng is in 23 years old when propose actively to Wen Changlin of 68 years old: "I should stay take care of you, live together with you " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Tu Lei once said in the program: In love the age is not a problem, height is not a distance. Do you endorse this kind of view? This differs 45 years old to age of husband and wife in the graph. The woman is called Zhang Feng, she is 15 years old when, begin to know with Wen Changlin of 60 years old, days of 8 years, let two people arise to depend on gradually. Wen Changlin always is when Zhang Feng is the flimsiest show loving care for to her. Zhang Feng is in 23 years old when propose actively to Wen Changlin of 68 years old: "I should stay take care of you, live together with you " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Zhang Feng's mother objects this paragraph of amour to the utmost, think two people age differs very far, the daughter jokes in the youth that takes her and destiny. Dan Zhangfeng held the person that he loves, in her heart, only this man can give Wen Changlin him safety sense, let oneself rely on. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Zhang Feng's mother objects this paragraph of amour to the utmost, think two people age differs very far, the daughter jokes in the youth that takes her and destiny. Dan Zhangfeng held the person that he loves, in her heart, only this man can give Wen Changlin him safety sense, let oneself rely on. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Wen Changlin is right of Zhang Feng propose also somewhat apprehension, difference of two people age is so big, be afraid that village person is met gossip, still her mom also does not agree. Dan Zhangfeng not so think, she felt to love each other to be about together. Move actively in Home Wen Changlin then, she had been been used to live together with him, be cared by him and take care of. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Wen Changlin is right of Zhang Feng propose also somewhat apprehension, difference of two people age is so big, be afraid that village person is met gossip, still her mom also does not agree. Dan Zhangfeng not so think, she felt to love each other to be about together. Move actively in Home Wen Changlin then, she had been been used to live together with him, be cared by him and take care of. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Zhang Feng disregards family objected getting a marriage certificate with Wen Changlin, become lawful husband and wife. After Zhang Feng discovers he is pregnant, she insists to want to be delivered of this child. Wen Changlin is indecisive, he says him age is old, if where day wanted, leave the child who will take care of. Additional, the condition in the home is poor, what to take to leave a son? She holds to Dan Zhangfeng want the child, zhang Feng feels the child is her place. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Zhang Feng disregards family objected getting a marriage certificate with Wen Changlin, become lawful husband and wife. After Zhang Feng discovers he is pregnant, she insists to want to be delivered of this child. Wen Changlin is indecisive, he says him age is old, if where day wanted, leave the child who will take care of. Additional, the condition in the home is poor, what to take to leave a son? She holds to Dan Zhangfeng want the child, zhang Feng feels the child is her place. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)After the child is born, often come child the old father happiness that lets this 72 years old must be in a complete mess. He says: "The child is god-given, word of a season was taken in the name so. " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)After the child is born, often come child the old father happiness that lets this 72 years old must be in a complete mess. He says: "The child is god-given, word of a season was taken in the name so. " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Wen Changlin feels he is the happiest hour, often come child, have virtuous wife, sweet love, it is to be fond of really fall from the day. After the graph does change door procedure for the family, hurried back again Na Tianping countryside. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Wen Changlin feels he is the happiest hour, often come child, have virtuous wife, sweet love, it is to be fond of really fall from the day. After the graph does change door procedure for the family, hurried back again Na Tianping countryside. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Although resemble grandparent and grandchild,two people of husband and wife look, but the person with familiar village knows, two people conjugal love has add. Ever somebody asks Zhang Feng, how do you and virgin forest live together? Zhang Feng replies: "We do not have romance, it is insipid, also be happy " . (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Although resemble grandparent and grandchild,two people of husband and wife look, but the person with familiar village knows, two people conjugal love has add. Ever somebody asks Zhang Feng, how do you and virgin forest live together? Zhang Feng replies: "We do not have romance, it is insipid, also be happy " . (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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