Pulley sends eat little elder brother inadvertent trip, instant of whole public house is quiet, neti

Social competition pressure is particularly great now, all trades and professions is competing, so a lot of bosses also are innovating ceaselessly, make the variety of a few extraordinary, let a client experience different new move, everybody should also somewhat feeling, a lot of dining-room give a client to send eat in popular clerk slippery pulley now, do not have feeling one time really it seems that! Social competition pressure is particularly great now, all trades and professions is competing, so a lot of bosses also are innovating ceaselessly, make the variety of a few extraordinary, let a client experience different new move, everybody should also somewhat feeling, a lot of dining-room give a client to send eat in popular clerk slippery pulley now, do not have feeling one time really it seems that! This service is unripe play skate having on land to still sneak away really, a big eat since end of a hand dish, there is the course that should attend to the guest to taste inside, a the back of hand is in after one's death, for the balance. Wearing drought skate, move back and forth every corner with dining-room, small make up thinking, this need grooms how long ah, experienced pulley can not be in one day with respect to can skilled thing ah! This service is unripe play skate having on land to still sneak away really, a big eat since end of a hand dish, there is the course that should attend to the guest to taste inside, a the back of hand is in after one's death, for the balance. Wearing drought skate, move back and forth every corner with dining-room, small make up thinking, this need grooms how long ah, experienced pulley can not be in one day with respect to can skilled thing ah! Abrupt, blare, restaurant immediately quiet come down, everybody did not know to produce what thing, when had answered a god to come, the service that just knows before is slippery pulley sends eat gives birth to trip, the tableware of the end in the hand falls entirely rotted, for a short while the look of entire restaurant person was in centrally on body of this little elder brother, little elder brother looks very helpless, do not know what he is thinking in the heart now. Abrupt, blare, restaurant immediately quiet come down, everybody did not know to produce what thing, when had answered a god to come, the service that just knows before is slippery pulley sends eat gives birth to trip, the tableware of the end in the hand falls entirely rotted, for a short while the look of entire restaurant person was in centrally on body of this little elder brother, little elder brother looks very helpless, do not know what he is thinking in the heart now. The manager also came over, other staffs heard noise to also be driven come over, little elder brother slowly climbed from the ground, actually small make up feel, before the work in the same placing can go up really, these go to help him up, this job too not easy, do not know little elder brother can be fined, how can if you are in,you make the scene? The manager also came over, other staffs heard noise to also be driven come over, little elder brother slowly climbed from the ground, actually small make up feel, before the work in the same placing can go up really, these go to help him up, this job too not easy, do not know little elder brother can be fined, how can if you are in,you make the scene?
未经允许不得转载:Picture » Pulley sends eat little elder brother inadvertent trip, instant of whole public house is quiet, neti