Chinese parasol leaf falls in succession

Wind of yesterday evening frost, enter Chinese parasol first. Muddy is nowhere, evasive decline look. Ask fair why thing, not language book is empty. But bout is drunk, bout disease, bout languid. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Wind of yesterday evening frost, enter Chinese parasol first. Muddy is nowhere, evasive decline look. Ask fair why thing, not language book is empty. But bout is drunk, bout disease, bout languid. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Below Chao Laiting, time is like an arrow, be like you of reticent, intended injury. all things, fu Yuqian bell. Hold the post of wine grey, dazed chaos, snuff is red. -- Su Shi " travel is sweet child · autumn and " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Below Chao Laiting, time is like an arrow, be like you of reticent, intended injury. all things, fu Yuqian bell. Hold the post of wine grey, dazed chaos, snuff is red. -- Su Shi " travel is sweet child · autumn and " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Create at author old age, the Qiu Zhi that belong to Bei is made. Go up a technique that uses personification write scene, below piece lyric. This word carries lubricious to Qiu Rijing picture, because politics is frustrated,conveyed an author and the dejected mood of generation, die easily to days, senile and helpless deep feeling. Cool chilly of Bei of full term style beautiful, affection depressed lingering, be full of appeal. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Create at author old age, the Qiu Zhi that belong to Bei is made. Go up a technique that uses personification write scene, below piece lyric. This word carries lubricious to Qiu Rijing picture, because politics is frustrated,conveyed an author and the dejected mood of generation, die easily to days, senile and helpless deep feeling. Cool chilly of Bei of full term style beautiful, affection depressed lingering, be full of appeal. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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