Vivid advertisement of polo shirt quality? Red shop sign of Lashenfude and polo shirt of adversary c

Local time on September 2, 2018, british Bern benefit, 18/19 sports season flower exceeds 4 rounds, graceful couplet of Bern benefit 1-1, lashenfude takes body of of people of talent to make reprisals in movement be addinged by Baercili, by direct red shop sign is punished below. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Local time on September 2, 2018, british Bern benefit, 18/19 sports season flower exceeds 4 rounds, graceful couplet of Bern benefit 1-1, lashenfude takes body of of people of talent to make reprisals in movement be addinged by Baercili, by direct red shop sign is punished below. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Two people give tit for tat. Be worth what carry is, baercili also is family background of graceful couplet green standard. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Two people give tit for tat. Be worth what carry is, baercili also is family background of graceful couplet green standard. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Lashenfude is right of the judgment sentence punish indissoluble. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Lashenfude is right of the judgment sentence punish indissoluble. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "In the process of bilateral conflict, lashenfude's polo shirt suffers drag. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "In the process of bilateral conflict, lashenfude's polo shirt suffers drag. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Polo shirt was ripped quickly to rot... (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Polo shirt was ripped quickly to rot... (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "
未经允许不得转载:Picture » Vivid advertisement of polo shirt quality? Red shop sign of Lashenfude and polo shirt of adversary c