Volt Min dawn dates nail door, ever wore marriage gauze to make public marriage on the program publi

Volt Min dawn, was born in Sichuan on January 17, 1988 the province is wide yuan of city, be graduated from Sichuan Normal University, chinese inland master of ceremonies. 2011, volt Min dawn holds the position of east to defend inspected love to make friend kind the life serves a program " one in hundred " compere, began her thereby manage career. 2012, piece perform teleplay of individual head ministry " battle of highest grade your work " . Volt Min dawn had the honor to win the 6th 2013 " put together art " year program and TV person provide latent capacity compere most award. Volt Min dawn, was born in Sichuan on January 17, 1988 the province is wide yuan of city, be graduated from Sichuan Normal University, chinese inland master of ceremonies. 2011, volt Min dawn holds the position of east to defend inspected love to make friend kind the life serves a program " one in hundred " compere, began her thereby manage career. 2012, piece perform teleplay of individual head ministry " battle of highest grade your work " . Volt Min dawn had the honor to win the 6th 2013 " put together art " year program and TV person provide latent capacity compere most award. Volt Min dawn, independence of good looking and talented, disposition, language has self-restraint bitingly, visit the appearance that seems reason, also have a girl's pure heart, be in " one in hundred " hold the position of a honored guest during in, be known as beauty " date nail door " . Volt Min dawn holds the position of east to defend later those who inspect is former achieve the whole people to sing arena program " who is big hit advocate " compere. In June 2014, the star interview program that enters Shanghai recreation channel " domestic studio " transcribe. Volt Min dawn, independence of good looking and talented, disposition, language has self-restraint bitingly, visit the appearance that seems reason, also have a girl's pure heart, be in " one in hundred " hold the position of a honored guest during in, be known as beauty " date nail door " . Volt Min dawn holds the position of east to defend later those who inspect is former achieve the whole people to sing arena program " who is big hit advocate " compere. In June 2014, the star interview program that enters Shanghai recreation channel " domestic studio " transcribe. " one in hundred " almost program of every first phase, because volt Min Xiao Dou is having distinctive understanding and perspective to male honored guest, one's words humour is taking a few minutes of acuteness again, in discuss by audience heat while, also gained the favour of numerous man. Haggard, ice and snow is clever, inherent beautiful qualitative... participate in in her 20 period in the program, many male honored guest is defeated repeatedly repeatedly battle, go after her persistently, go up for many times even " one in hundred " profession to her. Hunan boy Wu Fugong is among them a most persistent. He appears 5 times in " one in hundred " , the target is volt Min dawn from beginning to end. " one in hundred " almost program of every first phase, because volt Min Xiao Dou is having distinctive understanding and perspective to male honored guest, one's words humour is taking a few minutes of acuteness again, in discuss by audience heat while, also gained the favour of numerous man. Haggard, ice and snow is clever, inherent beautiful qualitative... participate in in her 20 period in the program, many male honored guest is defeated repeatedly repeatedly battle, go after her persistently, go up for many times even " one in hundred " profession to her. Hunan boy Wu Fugong is among them a most persistent. He appears 5 times in " one in hundred " , the target is volt Min dawn from beginning to end. It is thus clear that volt Min dawn is in at that time the welcome degree of the program, on June 24, 2011, volt Min dawn wears marriage gauze to appear " one in hundred " , dawn of Min of spot bend over announces oneself and Xue Bin got a marriage certificate, and Xue Bin attends before this just about " one in hundred " fail to pull a hand to succeed and the regret leaves the male honored guest of field. 2014, volt Min dawn and Xue Bin divorce. 2016, the son Luo Jiang of volt Min dawn and alliance of Luo Lian of president of group of family name of a white horse with a black mane remarries. It is thus clear that volt Min dawn is in at that time the welcome degree of the program, on June 24, 2011, volt Min dawn wears marriage gauze to appear " one in hundred " , dawn of Min of spot bend over announces oneself and Xue Bin got a marriage certificate, and Xue Bin attends before this just about " one in hundred " fail to pull a hand to succeed and the regret leaves the male honored guest of field. 2014, volt Min dawn and Xue Bin divorce. 2016, the son Luo Jiang of volt Min dawn and alliance of Luo Lian of president of group of family name of a white horse with a black mane remarries.
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