Man of ancient strange new fund most series is recreational shoe, vamp uses an entrance high grade cowhide, logo of brand of shoe body color print, lead freeboard later, inside in use high grade derma inside joining together in soft and comfortable, choose the do manual work with delicate makings captiously to give you best enjoymentPhilip is newest explode a recreational shoe, already led fashionable tide, calf of entrance of superior PP original matchs vamp breathe freely filling makings, supplement brand is exclusive Logo hardwareAncient strange history tastes fashionable and recreational shoe newly, import original printing cloth cover, all sorts of detail are not afraid that enlarge will pat, catch Niu Li into salivaFragrance enlighten high-end vogue is recreational shoe, vamp imports cowhide, inside calf in makeAncient strange fashionable and recreational shoe, original skin imports calf in the round, inside in entrance calf, quality goods balata prevents slippery large base, play emulsion high solely to shape mat, exceed strong intimacy