Before long, chinese country ping is the Chang Sheng's general of international contest all the time, a lot of moment return before undertaking the whole thing 3 position. But as a result of all sorts of reasons, although the level of ping of Chinese men and women is powerful as before, but had lost very number one status. On a lot of open competition, the country pings and can not protect the champion of the contest. Switzerland makes public contest, although the country pings,undertook the whole thing male single, male pair of championship that still have female sheet, but in the contention in female Shuang Guanjun, china combined what Chen Meng and Zhu Yuling regret to be defeated by Japanese daughter double combination early Tian Xina and Yi cane beauty sincere. Yi Teng is beautiful sincere the talent ping-pong player that can saying is Japan, this year also ability is 17 years old, it is the star of the hope that Japanese daughter pings. Perhaps be too long had not won Chinese group, after obtaining open competition female Shuang Guanjun, yi Teng is beautiful sincere in go back to the motherland accept when interviewing, excited expression: Accepting when awarding prize, let Chinese player stand on smaller than us prize-giving stage, this kind of feeling very bright. Took the champion of doubles this, must take the champion of singles the next time. She still expressed determination to Japanese media, self-confident expression should be on Tokyo Olympic Games, also should make Chinese country ping shorter than Japan one cut. The champion that just took an open competition just, had made Yi Teng beautiful sincere on wings, obtaining a victory to regard as indeed is worth while for the athlete glad to mix show off, but Yi Teng is beautiful sincere if it is to be aimed at a country to ping of purpose apparently, saying word is not so friendly. After Japanese media reports her opinion on public affairs, these words also aroused extensive controversy. Athletics sports is existing to compete, but put Chinese country ping in hostile face all the time, it is animosity face even, some passed. Many Chinese fan express: This word is pair of China apparently be hostile to and sneer at, regard a country as the fan of ping, look at really uncomfortable. Actually Chinese daughter pings and be pretty good all the time before the player relation of Japanese female ping, once brunt blessing loves formerly and the beautiful of Ishikawa of female group team leader of Japanese team is pure now, ping with Chinese country the athlete is a good friend, but later the young general that is ping of Japanese men and women without giving thought to, wisdom of an anticipatory actin is mixed or his Yi Teng is beautiful sincere, the manner that serves Chinese line is to be full of those who sneer at. Because of a few opinion on public affairs too aggressive, media of a few Japan still stands to admonish Yi Teng is beautiful sincere, need loves formerly to blessing more and Ishikawa beautiful is pure wait for elder study, any moment should maintain modest attitude. This also is not Yi cane beauty sincere suffer censure for the first time, hand of this talent ball is before in the match hit opponent 11-0, after winning a ball also very proud, show off wantonly, passed with respect to some in Chinese fan eye. From these opinion on public affairs we can see, japanese country pings future was full of animosity to Chinese team, we also should be mixed alertly somewhat preparation just is, must strangle such impetus in the cradle, cannot beat to them formidably.