"Bully male " limitation of blacklist be includinged takes a train! Break one's promise what cons

Recently, according to media coverage, gao Tie " bully male " Sun He is brought into formally the country is common blacklist of credit information center, this means Gao Tie " bully male " Sun He will be restricted to take all train banquet to fasten. This was a lot of people to carry to wake to everybody, breaking one's promise is to pay enormous price. Sun Mou's individual breaks his promise action is penalized to restrict a travel. What consequence does if be brought into to break his promise to be carried out,person blacklist have? Be brought into to break his promise to be carried out what consequence does person blacklist have? Recently, according to media coverage, gao Tie " bully male " Sun He is brought into formally the country is common blacklist of credit information center, this means Gao Tie " bully male " Sun He will be restricted to take all train banquet to fasten. This was a lot of people to carry to wake to everybody, breaking one's promise is to pay enormous price. Sun Mou's individual breaks his promise action is penalized to restrict a travel. What consequence does if be brought into to break his promise to be carried out,person blacklist have? Be brought into to break his promise to be carried out what consequence does person blacklist have? 1, cannot apply for loan: If the individual had had undesirable credence to record, and more serious word, can no more be in China an any banks apply for churchyard loan. 2, cannot handle credit card: If the individual had had undesirable credence to record, the daily consumption of if individual wants to handle credit card, also manage without deal with according to law. 3, limitation takes vehicle: Cannot choose soft sleeper of plane, train, ship second-class above cabin seat or berth; Have the person of undesirable credence, will not pass naughty cat of treasure, day, pay treasure, China to hire the platform such as the car to buy travel, go vacationing product, also do not have a law to book airline ticket. 4, limitation is in the place such as field of guesthouse of astral class above, hotel, nightclub, golf undertakes high spending. 5, limitation pays insurance cost of high specified number to buy product of insurance manage money matters. 6, limitation rents the spatial office such as high-grade office building, guesthouse, apartment. 7, limitation is bought blame run indispensible car. 8, limitative net buys luxury. 9, limitative children is read tall collect fees private school. How to remove break one's promise blacklist? 1, cannot apply for loan: If the individual had had undesirable credence to record, and more serious word, can no more be in China an any banks apply for churchyard loan. 2, cannot handle credit card: If the individual had had undesirable credence to record, the daily consumption of if individual wants to handle credit card, also manage without deal with according to law. 3, limitation takes vehicle: Cannot choose soft sleeper of plane, train, ship second-class above cabin seat or berth; Have the person of undesirable credence, will not pass naughty cat of treasure, day, pay treasure, China to hire the platform such as the car to buy travel, go vacationing product, also do not have a law to book airline ticket. 4, limitation is in the place such as field of guesthouse of astral class above, hotel, nightclub, golf undertakes high spending. 5, limitation pays insurance cost of high specified number to buy product of insurance manage money matters. 6, limitation rents the spatial office such as high-grade office building, guesthouse, apartment. 7, limitation is bought blame run indispensible car. 8, limitative net buys luxury. 9, limitative children is read tall collect fees private school. How to remove break one's promise blacklist? Be included to break his promise to be carried out person list, if had fulfilled a court decision, general meeting is met after 5 years eliminate automatically. If do not have,fulfill, will accompany lifetime, won't eliminate. Be included to break his promise to be carried out person list, if had fulfilled a court decision, general meeting is met after 5 years eliminate automatically. If do not have,fulfill, will accompany lifetime, won't eliminate. So, remind everybody to want to become an a man of one's word, credit is impayable. Copyright statement: If involve copyright issue, ask an author to hold authority to belong to the proof contacts with this net (article origin: Oriental head)So, remind everybody to want to become an a man of one's word, credit is impayable. Copyright statement: If involve copyright issue, ask an author to hold authority to belong to the proof contacts with this net (article origin: Oriental head)
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