Magali contracts premature senility disease inherently, there is different with common child when just was born, grown she begins 18 · to age quickly when 24 monthsShe appears slowly adipose and rapid prediction of a person's luck in a given year, joint hardens, return disease of meeting occurrence heart and vessels, the disease such as heart exhaustion. The hair of Magali falls off already, to keep figure she can wiggedThe doctor thinks her meeting and other patient are same, in 13 years old predecease dies, but she insisted to come down, nowadays she 15 years old. The can be counted on one's fingers of premature senility patient that the whole world can have lived 13 years old, magali family feels proud for her. In Magali home town, 15 years old of birthday have extraordinary sense, the child spent 15 years old of birthday to become true adult, this is very important to a girl. Magali tells her mom wants to held a clique to be opposite that day in birthday, although she cannot dance,also want to see relatives and friends people joy dances. So mom was birthday that day she puts on formal attire, the dangler on the belt still made up to allow beautiful, countless relatives and friends come round to celebrate this happy hour together. Father is helping her up to dance together realized her desire.