Light plane is in Cambria beach crash

1/49 month 5 days of messages, british Cambria beach, local time 4 days afternoon 1:30, a light plane is in Cambria western near bay of at present of bosom spy mulberry crash. 1/49 month 5 days of messages, british Cambria beach, local time 4 days afternoon 1:30, a light plane is in Cambria western near bay of at present of bosom spy mulberry crash. Lucky ground is living after 2/4 eyewitness says air man is rescued from the plane. Coastal posse controller installs Dikaluoer to say: "This pilot head gets hurt, already was sent toward service department of relieve a sick or injured person. Already was sent toward service department of relieve a sick or injured person.. Lucky ground is living after 2/4 eyewitness says air man is rescued from the plane. Coastal posse controller installs Dikaluoer to say: "This pilot head gets hurt, already was sent toward service department of relieve a sick or injured person. Already was sent toward service department of relieve a sick or injured person.. Near 3/4 the boss Yi of a hotel En Price (IanPrice) say, "After crashing incident happens, there are a lot of staff members on beach undertaking urgent cure. Near 3/4 the boss Yi of a hotel En Price (IanPrice) say, "After crashing incident happens, there are a lot of staff members on beach undertaking urgent cure. 4/4 fortunately, accident wind is very big that day, the person all round is not much, did not cause personal casualty. At present accident reason is in investigation. Copyright statement: If involve copyright issue, ask an author to hold authority to belong to the proof contacts with this net (article origin: Phoenix net)4/4 fortunately, accident wind is very big that day, the person all round is not much, did not cause personal casualty. At present accident reason is in investigation. Copyright statement: If involve copyright issue, ask an author to hold authority to belong to the proof contacts with this net (article origin: Phoenix net)
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