Hubei Yichang: Campus of elementary school of five home hillock is beautiful! "Kangaroo mom " clas

On September 6, 2018, white Sha Lu of hillock of five home of Hubei Yichang town, campus of elementary school of five home hillock is beautiful, chromatic playground glows. On September 6, 2018, white Sha Lu of hillock of five home of Hubei Yichang town, campus of elementary school of five home hillock is beautiful, chromatic playground glows. This is cameraman stands in in the campus beauty of the astral high-rise high angle shot that builds Yichang is illuminated oh. | | | Elementary school of five home hillock is Yichang city the city zone east the school of name of grade of the first city of the gate, establish 1952. This is cameraman stands in in the campus beauty of the astral high-rise high angle shot that builds Yichang is illuminated oh. | | | Elementary school of five home hillock is Yichang city the city zone east the school of name of grade of the first city of the gate, establish 1952. Beautiful campus and pupil. Beautiful campus and pupil. The parent awaits the child to classes are over in doorway of Wu Jiagang elementary school, receive the child to come home. The parent awaits the child to classes are over in doorway of Wu Jiagang elementary school, receive the child to come home. " kangaroo mom " in Wu Jiagang elementary school doorway awaits the child to classes are over, receive the child to come home. " kangaroo mom " in Wu Jiagang elementary school doorway awaits the child to classes are over, receive the child to come home. The Wu Jiagang elementary school with beautiful environment. The Wu Jiagang elementary school with beautiful environment. The campus installation nowadays is truly fine, the times that cameraman reads, school sports ground is mud ground. The campus installation nowadays is truly fine, the times that cameraman reads, school sports ground is mud ground. Wu Jiagang elementary school and circumjacent dweller high-rise. Wu Jiagang elementary school and circumjacent dweller high-rise.
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