" The Book of Changes " the add on Ze Zhongfu Xun issues wind of the inspire confidence in sb in a

In inspire confidence in sb | | | Filefish auspicious. | | | 3 celestial bodies are in the last of the twelve Earthly Branches, | | | (the picture comes from Oriental IC)In inspire confidence in sb | | | Filefish auspicious. | | | 3 celestial bodies are in the last of the twelve Earthly Branches, the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is pig. | | | (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Yao is broken, friend goes and as a child. | | | Logion pig ear. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Yao is broken, friend goes and as a child. | | | Logion pig ear. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)4 celestial bodies are in ugly, ugly for turtle, crab. | | | Turtle, crab, of the fish small person. Yao is gotten, friend goes and from big. | | | Logion fish ear. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)4 celestial bodies are in ugly, ugly for turtle, crab. | | | Turtle, crab, of the fish small person. Yao is gotten, friend goes and from big. | | | Logion fish ear. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Add of each other body, add is lustre. | | | 4 on the value highs heaven and deep sea, 25 all pit. | | | Yao bank is water, 2 invade lustre criterion pig. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Add of each other body, add is lustre. | | | 4 on the value highs heaven and deep sea, 25 all pit. | | | Yao bank is water, 2 invade lustre criterion pig. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Benefit deep of 5 Yi Yishui fill, criterion piscine benefit. | | | Filefish with Yu Xiaomin also. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Benefit deep of 5 Yi Yishui fill, criterion piscine benefit. | | | Filefish with Yu Xiaomin also. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)And for Ming Junxian's official, favour meaning place makes offerings to, reason auspicious. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)And for Ming Junxian's official, favour meaning place makes offerings to, reason auspicious. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Multiply Mu Zhou, empty also. | | | The boat calls collect board, do it from empty big wood nowadays, say empty. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Multiply Mu Zhou, empty also. | | | The boat calls collect board, do it from empty big wood nowadays, say empty. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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