Be quick-witted! Earthquake of river of Yunnan Chinese ink will raid 6 years old the boy " schoolbo

On September 8, county of river of Chinese ink of city of Yunnan general Er produces 5.9 class earthquake. When seismic happening, cao Yang of 6 years old is sitting on sofa, the ceiling inside house drops. Small Cao Yang runs quickly to the corner, hide in the safe area between freezer and horny ark, a room just escapes after awaiting safety. On September 8, county of river of Chinese ink of city of Yunnan general Er produces 5.9 class earthquake. When seismic happening, cao Yang of 6 years old is sitting on sofa, the ceiling inside house drops. Small Cao Yang runs quickly to the corner, hide in the safe area between freezer and horny ark, a room just escapes after awaiting safety. Cao Yang was aware of an earthquake. Cao Yang was aware of an earthquake. Rise immediately. Rise immediately. Find avoid risk department. Find avoid risk department. Go in body Tibet. Go in body Tibet. At this moment, a bat drops, within an inch of breaks Cao Yang. At this moment, a bat drops, within an inch of breaks Cao Yang. Cao Yang avoids at that time the corner of danger. Cao Yang avoids at that time the corner of danger. The Cao Yang after the earthquake is accepted interview. The Cao Yang after the earthquake is accepted interview. A room just escapes after Cao Yang awaits safety. Copyright statement: If involve copyright issue, ask an author to hold authority to belong to the proof contacts with this net (article origin: Oriental head)A room just escapes after Cao Yang awaits safety. Copyright statement: If involve copyright issue, ask an author to hold authority to belong to the proof contacts with this net (article origin: Oriental head)
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