Living Changjiang Delta ancient town -- canal hub Wu Jiangping looks (20170101)

The warbler  Man  lake with drizzly aerosol. According to legend is one of 5 lakes that the Fan Li when Wuyue age swims, the  Man  with warbler of its be similar in shape (neck) and get a name. Warbler  Man  lake is Changjiang Delta canal east the line is old of brook of sodden pond of Beijing Hangzhou canal, central line, Xi Xiandi pond fall the point that collect. Beijing Hangzhou canal is one minute so far 3. The warbler Man lake with drizzly aerosol. According to legend is one of 5 lakes that the Fan Li when Wuyue age swims, the Man with warbler of its be similar in shape (neck) and get a name. Warbler Man lake is Changjiang Delta canal east the line is old of brook of sodden pond of Beijing Hangzhou canal, central line, Xi Xiandi pond fall the point that collect. Beijing Hangzhou canal is one minute so far 3. Small 9 China temples, be located in the warbler  Man  lakefront with pretty scenery, all around annulus water, only northern part has the An Deqiao with forceful bank of a Wei to be linked together. Bright generation " Ping Wangzhi " carry: "Since Sui Tang of according to legend, here vasts like that, dweller delicacy is little, from south to north, only pond road vessel divides Yu Jiawei between, daylight water is lubricious, hope to all be made the same score, this is smooth hope to get a name also. This is smooth hope to get a name also.. Small 9 China temples, be located in the warbler Man lakefront with pretty scenery, all around annulus water, only northern part has the An Deqiao with forceful bank of a Wei to be linked together. Bright generation " Ping Wangzhi " carry: "Since Sui Tang of according to legend, here vasts like that, dweller delicacy is little, from south to north, only pond road vessel divides Yu Jiawei between, daylight water is lubricious, hope to all be made the same score, this is smooth hope to get a name also. This is smooth hope to get a name also.. An Deqiao a Ping Wangqiao, vaulted sheet aperture, trend of north and south, cross Yu Guyun river and pond of a kind of reed to fall meeting point. You Ping of perversing Shi Shiceng visits city of lake of Tang Yan true Qingren, make " ascend Ping Wangqiao dirty " a poem with five characters to a line, have among them " look extremely with balance " sentence. An Deqiao a Ping Wangqiao, vaulted sheet aperture, trend of north and south, cross Yu Guyun river and pond of a kind of reed to fall meeting point. You Ping of perversing Shi Shiceng visits city of lake of Tang Yan true Qingren, make " ascend Ping Wangqiao dirty " a poem with five characters to a line, have among them " look extremely with balance " sentence. Thither to the canal see An Deqiao. Lie between a river and look at An Deqiao, see one party bridge opening all takes Home Gu Zhenren only in the abdomen. Yang Moli of poet of the Southern Song Dynasty has " too smooth look " Shi Yun: "Random harbor is handed in wear city, gao Qiao gets mast too " . Thither to the canal see An Deqiao. Lie between a river and look at An Deqiao, see one party bridge opening all takes Home Gu Zhenren only in the abdomen. Yang Moli of poet of the Southern Song Dynasty has " too smooth look " Shi Yun: "Random harbor is handed in wear city, gao Qiao gets mast too " . Making the same score the street before visitting department just is a thing 108 meters long, north and south is 3 meters wide the small market that extends by flag, but it is an old market that having be worthy of the name of 800 old histories however. Be in smooth hoping to be able to say is to have check of make one's rounds first department office, there is the market before department after, drawing near office of department of check of make one's rounds, build along  Zuo  pond bank had many hotel, the civilian house of land add add gathers, formed this market gradually - -- the street before department. Making the same score the street before visitting department just is a thing 108 meters long, north and south is 3 meters wide the small market that extends by flag, but it is an old market that having be worthy of the name of 800 old histories however. Be in smooth hoping to be able to say is to have check of make one's rounds first department office, there is the market before department after, drawing near office of department of check of make one's rounds, build along Zuo pond bank had many hotel, the civilian house of land add add gathers, formed this market gradually - -- the street before department. The carefree old person of card games of the have a rest in cafes of the street before departmentThe carefree old person of card games of the have a rest in cafes of the street before departmentThe street before department is old curtilage in the old person of the lifeThe street before department is old curtilage in the old person of the lifeThe street before department on the west head it is Ping Wangna ave. The variety shop of all sorts of goods that pass bamboo offers on the street. The street before department on the west head it is Ping Wangna ave. The variety shop of all sorts of goods that pass bamboo offers on the street. South the old tailor on the ave. South the old tailor on the ave. The little boy below cured meat. Because the Spring Festival draws near, street edge is basked in full cured meatThe little boy below cured meat. Because the Spring Festival draws near, street edge is basked in full cured meatSouth before street. South before street. Make the same score the small market that hopes to run paralell with the canal to call south before the street, street before north. South before ancient enclosure of street town god's temple. The end of the street is An Deqiao. South before ancient enclosure of street town god's temple. The end of the street is An Deqiao. Chen Jia is done. Connect the street before ave of north and south and north and south is incomputable lane. Chen Jia is done. Connect the street before ave of north and south and north and south is incomputable lane. Do the help in the path to kill chicken to kill the old husband and wife of duck fade wool. This one act is lukewarm thaw very touching. Do the help in the path to kill chicken to kill the old husband and wife of duck fade wool. This one act is lukewarm thaw very touching. Taking the woman that traditional kerchief goes into the street. Taking the woman that traditional kerchief goes into the street. An Minqiao, common says north crosses the bridge, bridge of renown Beijing University, be located in Suzhou city Wu Jiang district to make the same score north visitting a town, vaulted sheet aperture, the thing is moved toward, cross Beijing Hangzhou the Grant Canal to go up. There is fisher come and go only on the ancient canal nowadays. An Minqiao, common says north crosses the bridge, bridge of renown Beijing University, be located in Suzhou city Wu Jiang district to make the same score north visitting a town, vaulted sheet aperture, the thing is moved toward, cross Beijing Hangzhou the Grant Canal to go up. There is fisher come and go only on the ancient canal nowadays. Smooth north visitting a town is presbyterial the berth in the river bay on the west of the bridge became full fisherSmooth north visitting a town is presbyterial the berth in the river bay on the west of the bridge became full fisherThe other people on the boat of have a rest of river bay edge. The other people on the boat of have a rest of river bay edge. Wintersweet is collected in lane. Wintersweet is collected in lane. Beijing University street. There is the old store of not rare characteristic on Beijing University street. Beijing University street. There is the old store of not rare characteristic on Beijing University street. The reverse side of Beijing University street makes the same score the city river that look namely. The reverse side of Beijing University street makes the same score the city river that look namely. The restful cafes on the west of city river, although there still are many tea settle or live in a strange places midday. The restful cafes on the west of city river, although there still are many tea settle or live in a strange places midday. Such treatment come out stuffing of sweetened bean taste. Look at very inviting. Such treatment come out stuffing of sweetened bean taste. Look at very inviting. A Fengyan miscellaneous inn. Did not know to had left how many years. A Fengyan miscellaneous inn. Did not know to had left how many years. Warbler  Man  lakefront repairs the fisherman of flue. In smooth hope ancient town is encountered dozen of so much fisher and the other people that hit fishing is really beyond my anticipation. Warbler Man lakefront repairs the fisherman of flue. In smooth hope ancient town is encountered dozen of so much fisher and the other people that hit fishing is really beyond my anticipation.
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