Insect name, belong to scale wing eye, noctuid division. The renown the larva of a noctuid, bug that cut a root. The cutworm of the account of our country of important underground pest that is seedling stage of our country of all kinds crop has more than kinds 170, foregone it is those who kill crop to have 20 kinds or so about. Among them small cutworm, yellow cutworm, big cutworm, white edge cutworm and alarm the harm such as grain cutworm is more seriousImaginal: Body length 16-23mm, the wing exhibits 42-54mm. Filiform of antenna female moth, shuang Zhi is dentate, fetters tine amounts to antenna only, end is filiform half timesBefore the wing is black Brown, inferior base line, inside horizontal line, outside horizontal line and inferior predestined relationship line all is double a curve; Outside kidney form spot side has an apparent most advanced and outward wedge shading, in inferior there are spots of 2 most advanced and inward black Brown wedge on predestined relationship line, 3 spot are most advanced and opposite, it is its most striking featureCutworm has in countrywide each district distributing, reach physical features of a place with river of lake of coastal, edge, edge among them water level of low-lying, underground relatively altitude, the drought food division that wet miscellaneous a thick growth of grass gives birth to soil and area of cultivate land of cotton grain clip happen the heaviest, make area and vegetable area also have the harm of different level to other drought