Egypt Caire: Annual donkey race contest began, champion ass host can be gotten 2 1000

On September 28, 2018, egypt Caire, in Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, the villager people the burro that is caballero and them cheers, share 35 burro to play the game this year, the burro that wins championship can win the money award of 5000 Egypt pound for asinine host, be less than 2000 yuan of RMBs about. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)On September 28, 2018, egypt Caire, in Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, the villager people the burro that is caballero and them cheers, share 35 burro to play the game this year, the burro that wins championship can win the money award of 5000 Egypt pound for asinine host, be less than 2000 yuan of RMBs about. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Egypt Caire, in Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, the villager people the burro that is caballero and them cheers, share 35 burro to play the game this year, before running, seeing donkey is how excited. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Egypt Caire, in Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, the villager people the burro that is caballero and them cheers, share 35 burro to play the game this year, before running, seeing donkey is how excited. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)In Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, the villager people card of the number on the donkey mark that is caballero. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)In Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, the villager people card of the number on the donkey mark that is caballero. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)In Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, before running, having a look at this burro is how excited. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)In Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race contest began, before running, having a look at this burro is how excited. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Egypt Caire, in Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race began, caballero is taking lash often lash is worn donkey, let it run quickly, share 35 burro to play the game this year, the burro that wins championship can win the money award of 5000 Egypt pound for asinine host, be less than 2000 yuan of RMBs about. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Egypt Caire, in Aerbalageer village, annual donkey race began, caballero is taking lash often lash is worn donkey, let it run quickly, share 35 burro to play the game this year, the burro that wins championship can win the money award of 5000 Egypt pound for asinine host, be less than 2000 yuan of RMBs about. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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