Does legerdemain of all corners of the country arrange technically to attract passerby cheater to no

On a market with green ancient city of Shandong Wei lane, a booth advocate booth is placed to use birdie fortune-telling in Gu Cheng, the business is hot to extremely. Be his exert to one's utmost, it is a young bird that he raises however. The passerby with the heavy curiosity of a lot of was surrounded on the side. Say curiosity kills dead cat, curiosity is how terrible sometimes! (the picture comes from Oriental IC)On a market with green ancient city of Shandong Wei lane, a booth advocate booth is placed to use birdie fortune-telling in Gu Cheng, the business is hot to extremely. Be his exert to one's utmost, it is a young bird that he raises however. The passerby with the heavy curiosity of a lot of was surrounded on the side. Say curiosity kills dead cat, curiosity is how terrible sometimes! (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This booth advocate say, this birdie is more magical, the power of movement of affection of person cipher out that fortune-telling comes to before it can give, career movement power is waited a moment... be ineffective not to want money. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This booth advocate say, this birdie is more magical, the power of movement of affection of person cipher out that fortune-telling comes to before it can give, career movement power is waited a moment... be ineffective not to want money. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Surround the citizen of view to express to refuse to obey, someone says " be a hole, the person of the fortune-telling that place vendor's stand says can numerate. " and the boss is ill-affected however, booth advocate say " this little brother, can this my bird give your numerate your letter even your birth date day? " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Surround the citizen of view to express to refuse to obey, someone says " be a hole, the person of the fortune-telling that place vendor's stand says can numerate. " and the boss is ill-affected however, booth advocate say " this little brother, can this my bird give your numerate your letter even your birth date day? " (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Foot enrages the boy that hold high high to refuse to obey of course. Booth advocate say, you take 20 money, calculate allowed money to put in me 's charge, calculate forbid an autograph to put in you 's charge. The boy says " into! " . (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Foot enrages the boy that hold high high to refuse to obey of course. Booth advocate say, you take 20 money, calculate allowed money to put in me 's charge, calculate forbid an autograph to put in you 's charge. The boy says " into! " . (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Booth advocate the cloth that wears to have date of the traditional Chinese calendar in the ground upper berth of the spot. According to booth advocate directive, the boy chose a piece to give an employer. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Booth advocate the cloth that wears to have date of the traditional Chinese calendar in the ground upper berth of the spot. According to booth advocate directive, the boy chose a piece to give an employer. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)And booth advocate use the mouth to bite without direct birdie give this groups small birthday, birdie is held with the mouth those who go out is a piece of red paper that placing. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)And booth advocate use the mouth to bite without direct birdie give this groups small birthday, birdie is held with the mouth those who go out is a piece of red paper that placing. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Booth advocate say: "Boy, your birthday is day of Xx month Xx, right? " , groups small listen, say to be opposite. Booth advocate this ability gave groups small red paper, say this is your autograph. The autograph puts in you 's charge, money puts in me 's charge. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Booth advocate say: "Boy, your birthday is day of Xx month Xx, right? " , groups small listen, say to be opposite. Booth advocate this ability gave groups small red paper, say this is your autograph. The autograph puts in you 's charge, money puts in me 's charge. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Groups small very of be convinced taking the seeing with serious autograph rise. Birdie is holding red paper hand in the boss' hand. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Groups small very of be convinced taking the seeing with serious autograph rise. Birdie is holding red paper hand in the boss' hand. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)See groups small praise those who calculate is accurate again and again, in the spot the kongfu of differ meeting, several pedestrians let birdie give calculate on one autograph. Every sign 20 money have more than is needed 2 minutes to calculate. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)See groups small praise those who calculate is accurate again and again, in the spot the kongfu of differ meeting, several pedestrians let birdie give calculate on one autograph. Every sign 20 money have more than is needed 2 minutes to calculate. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)One the world comes, this booth advocate the bird can want to earn many money to him. Actually, this is a kind of new fraud, the boss that calculates divinatory symbols was to apply the permutation on a kind of maths to combine the birthday of a person to give plan " calculate " came out just, and what birdie does just is the random in the paper from red hold give a piece to stop. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)One the world comes, this booth advocate the bird can want to earn many money to him. Actually, this is a kind of new fraud, the boss that calculates divinatory symbols was to apply the permutation on a kind of maths to combine the birthday of a person to give plan " calculate " came out just, and what birdie does just is the random in the paper from red hold give a piece to stop. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This that boy, is why one is held in the palm? Small make up friendship to warn a citizen: Work from already vivid, do from already thing, go into the street go for a walk must not bring curiosity. Want to remember: Curiosity, kill dead cat to be not told, also can kill a person. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This that boy, is why one is held in the palm? Small make up friendship to warn a citizen: Work from already vivid, do from already thing, go into the street go for a walk must not bring curiosity. Want to remember: Curiosity, kill dead cat to be not told, also can kill a person. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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