Every day brook head sits, wave red how much much

Every day brook head sits, wave red how much muchEvery day brook head sits, wave red how much muchPick take collect books annotation, the sky that do not have companion is decayedPick take collect books annotation, the sky that do not have companion is decayedDimly top-ranking shallow, dusk is in as before. The Teng Yun between hill rises, fleet is deep and remote have lensDimly top-ranking shallow, dusk is in as before. The Teng Yun between hill rises, fleet is deep and remote have lensIt is the beautiful maple part of a historical period that enjoys the autumn likewise, what some people think of is " jockey sit love maple Lin Wan, red leaves is red spent in Feburary " beautiful artistic conception. What some people think of is however, deciduous leaf is intended running water is merciless, looking forward to, who knows my heart? ! This proves again: Go out travel, the most crucial is not to see what landscape, see a landscape however with who together, and the mood when seeing a landscape! It is the beautiful maple part of a historical period that enjoys the autumn likewise, what some people think of is " jockey sit love maple Lin Wan, red leaves is red spent in Feburary " beautiful artistic conception. What some people think of is however, deciduous leaf is intended running water is merciless, looking forward to, who knows my heart? ! This proves again: Go out travel, the most crucial is not to see what landscape, see a landscape however with who together, and the mood when seeing a landscape! Zhen Meijian of hill of large cloud mist, liver mosses of cereal of empty quiet and beautiful shows. Red Huang Mo it is monochromatic, before Qiu Yizheng great way. Zhen Meijian of hill of large cloud mist, liver mosses of cereal of empty quiet and beautiful shows. Red Huang Mo it is monochromatic, before Qiu Yizheng great way. Really beautifulReally beautifulLook well, want to travelLook well, want to travelEvery day brook head sits, wave red how much muchEvery day brook head sits, wave red how much muchEvery day brook head sits, wave red how much muchEvery day brook head sits, wave red how much much
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