Chemical plant of Jiangsu salt city explodes, explosive instant is patted

On March 21 afternoon, chemical plant of Tian Jiayi of area of garden of chemical industry of harbor of Chen Jia of county of noisy water of town of Jiangsu province salt produces explosion. The netizen takes explosive spot picture. On March 21 afternoon, chemical plant of Tian Jiayi of area of garden of chemical industry of harbor of Chen Jia of county of noisy water of town of Jiangsu province salt produces explosion. The netizen takes explosive spot picture. The spot has the people to express, the vitreous Dou Zhen outside 5 kilometers brokeThe spot has the people to express, the vitreous Dou Zhen outside 5 kilometers brokeThe residential area austral the fill of fill Heibei edge and school pane are broken by shake countless. | | | (neat Lu Yi nods integrated CCTV news, watch news)The residential area austral the fill of fill Heibei edge and school pane are broken by shake countless. | | | (neat Lu Yi nods integrated CCTV news, watch news)The graph films for the netizen pictureThe graph films for the netizen picture(neat Lu Yi of · of Qi Lu evening paper nods integrated CCTV news, insurgent news to wait)(neat Lu Yi of · of Qi Lu evening paper nods integrated CCTV news, insurgent news to wait)
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