Speak of Vietnam the biggest city Hu Zhiming city (on the west tribute) , people often mentions a brilliant and busy city picture. However, there is no lack of inside a such modern city old and halcyon corner, among them the Chinese city of the 5th county is such place. The any corner of Chinese city has very big appeal, like beautiful person to those especially. Tribute is Vietnam Chinese's most area on the west, here also is the town that the Chinese develops, the 5th county is here Chinese most centralized place. 1623 Ruan advocate invite the Chinese open up that does not wish to fall clear to build on the west tribute, stand for fine a border develop earth that acknowledgment Chinese is after the Ruan Chaojian after deciding government office stands, designed salary of this group of Chinese call them bright sweet person, the meaning is the person of burning incense of successive Ming Dynasty. The graph is palace of halcyon and old Chinese temple Queen of heaven, here you can think your place oneself at Taiwan or Fujian another name for Guangdong Province. Chinese development is made tribute goes out of cultivation from on the west the new metropolis that fertile ground becomes a Vietnam to be able to be compared everywhere. Also make here makes the Vietnam province that invades Yue Fajun to covet the earliest. France of 19 centuries metaphase defeats Ruan Jun, ruan Chao alienations include fine the 3 provinces that decide inside, the French collects the build on area edge in the Chinese later new on the west tribute city. The graph is temple of Xi Gonghua's person. Chinese cloister is the swims surely land that visits the 5th county from beginning to end. In 20 centuries metaphase new old tribute incorporates on the west, gradually confluence becomes Vietnam a main commercial port and international commercial port, those who have Oriental Paris say. The graph is on the west tribute old boarding house of the 5th county, block of China of the 5th county is considered as here " indicative " . Near Chinese quarter halcyon with testimony of contracted old block of flats here lives bustlingly in former days, in the economic center that Na Yue area ever was here. Na Yue is ruined 1975, in former days area of flourishing Xi Gonghua's person is regarded as decayed creed more by north, undertake transforming, the Chinese goes bankrupt enter labour camp. A lot of Chinese are forced finally angry sea of go to somewhere for shelter, those who leave ancestors to live on the west tribute China city. The 5th county that in former days tens of 10 thousand Chinese collect becomes old old block, angry without the person former days. Chinese of a few Vietnam after 1986 is returned on the west tribute, but flourishing former days already was absent, and most Chinese also is done not have abundant former days. The Chinese of Vietnam churchyard also is decrease one year than a year.