" lean on Tian Tulong newly to write down " 6 Gao Yan are worth a belle, which do you like most?

Zhao Min, mongolia infanta, bright admire intelligent, complete in both respects of civil and military, resourcefulness is incomparable, at the beginning she is sham Zhang Moji's identity is in Central Plains and all sorts of contradiction are received between each school, for it is to be hit below one time as, won't do after wanting to be acquainted with Zhang Moji later, fell in love with this man, in Zhang Moji the day of get married comes round to grab finally close. Zhao Min, mongolia infanta, bright admire intelligent, complete in both respects of civil and military, resourcefulness is incomparable, at the beginning she is sham Zhang Moji's identity is in Central Plains and all sorts of contradiction are received between each school, for it is to be hit below one time as, won't do after wanting to be acquainted with Zhang Moji later, fell in love with this man, in Zhang Moji the day of get married comes round to grab finally close. Zhou Zhi if, high mountain eyebrow sends female child, epigenesis sends palm door for high mountain eyebrow, from small be acquainted with Zhang Moji, after be brought up, she falls in love with Zhang Moji, however the master eradicates division too do not allow, she is forcing if Zhou Zhi establishs envenom oath certainly will to promote high mountain eyebrow. After that, she makes plan knife of dragon of spirit away massacre, sword leaning on a day and killing Yan Li, impute Zhao Min, obtain the secret Ji in Dao Jian, military accomplishment advance rapidly, right now, she is not her original any more, be abandoned by Zhang Moji finally. Zhou Zhi if, high mountain eyebrow sends female child, epigenesis sends palm door for high mountain eyebrow, from small be acquainted with Zhang Moji, after be brought up, she falls in love with Zhang Moji, however the master eradicates division too do not allow, she is forcing if Zhou Zhi establishs envenom oath certainly will to promote high mountain eyebrow. After that, she makes plan knife of dragon of spirit away massacre, sword leaning on a day and killing Yan Li, impute Zhao Min, obtain the secret Ji in Dao Jian, military accomplishment advance rapidly, right now, she is not her original any more, be abandoned by Zhang Moji finally. Yan Li, disposition is eccentric, humanness is extreme, capricious peremptoriness, stubborn crazy sex. The daughter of Yan Ye king, because father is partial,love concubine parent child, desolate spider mother and daughter, under one anger, killed 2 women, mother to save oneself, and the commit suicide that wipe a neck, from this spider as renunciative as father, roam about everywhere. Spider escape be born Queen of heaven, escape to one Gu island together with Zhang Moji, how if plot against,know Zhou Zhi everybody, set next venomous scheme to make spider wait for a person to stop to go up in the island, spider finally more for lack of medicaments, do not treat go up at the isle. Yan Li, disposition is eccentric, humanness is extreme, capricious peremptoriness, stubborn crazy sex. The daughter of Yan Ye king, because father is partial,love concubine parent child, desolate spider mother and daughter, under one anger, killed 2 women, mother to save oneself, and the commit suicide that wipe a neck, from this spider as renunciative as father, roam about everywhere. Spider escape be born Queen of heaven, escape to one Gu island together with Zhang Moji, how if plot against,know Zhou Zhi everybody, set next venomous scheme to make spider wait for a person to stop to go up in the island, spider finally more for lack of medicaments, do not treat go up at the isle. Small clear, of 1000 leaves of silk of figured woven silk material of black of yew the Dragon King and Han female. The lot that gives a parent plays the part of light of deformed appearance interfuse to support, big move of purloin heaven and earth moves heart law. Safeguard of Zhang Moji everywhere, make small Zhao Xinsheng is appreciated, fall in love with Zhang Moji, do not have the slave-girl that complains the ground that do not have regret to become him, although know his heart to be belonged to somewhat, still Zhang Moji controls squire of ground of be most willing to. Small Zhao Congming is firm, understanding, form appearance is elegant unsurpassed, disposition tenderness and suitable, when encountering the crisis, can come out boldly, have the wind of the general. Small clear, of 1000 leaves of silk of figured woven silk material of black of yew the Dragon King and Han female. The lot that gives a parent plays the part of light of deformed appearance interfuse to support, big move of purloin heaven and earth moves heart law. Safeguard of Zhang Moji everywhere, make small Zhao Xinsheng is appreciated, fall in love with Zhang Moji, do not have the slave-girl that complains the ground that do not have regret to become him, although know his heart to be belonged to somewhat, still Zhang Moji controls squire of ground of be most willing to. Small Zhao Congming is firm, understanding, form appearance is elegant unsurpassed, disposition tenderness and suitable, when encountering the crisis, can come out boldly, have the wind of the general. Yang Buhui, poplar of Xiao and Ji Xiaofu female. Yang Buhui, poplar of Xiao and Ji Xiaofu female. Yan Susu, what Tian Ying teachs hierarch Yan Tianzheng is female, ability appearance all has, clever and bright, capricious and amorous. When the couple 2 people belt is the same as Zhang Moji after return Central Plains, the couple stands of heavy pressure, should face cliff of Yu another name for Taishan Mountain more, by force of but under, yan Susu tells the culprit that gives his to be killed cliff of Yu another name for Taishan Mountain is deformedly all one's life namely to Zhang Cuishan eventually, zhang Cuishan has feeling be hard to face Yu Dai cliff, satisfy horizontal sword cut one's throat, yan Susu sees this also dies from thorn, go to Acheron in all with the husband. Yan Susu, what Tian Ying teachs hierarch Yan Tianzheng is female, ability appearance all has, clever and bright, capricious and amorous. When the couple 2 people belt is the same as Zhang Moji after return Central Plains, the couple stands of heavy pressure, should face cliff of Yu another name for Taishan Mountain more, by force of but under, yan Susu tells the culprit that gives his to be killed cliff of Yu another name for Taishan Mountain is deformedly all one's life namely to Zhang Cuishan eventually, zhang Cuishan has feeling be hard to face Yu Dai cliff, satisfy horizontal sword cut one's throat, yan Susu sees this also dies from thorn, go to Acheron in all with the husband.
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