Group photo of celebrity of a group of infrequent histories: Graph temperament of 3 England queen ex

1925, zhou En comes the group photo that premier and madam Deng Ying exceed. The political department head that Zhou En comes at that time is yellow Bu military school, the job is very busy. Before this two people are in two ground respectively, difficult can meet, classics organization agrees after, move Deng Ying to exceed come to Guangzhou, the these two have a common goal, lover knot that have mutual affinity is husband and wife, from now on two people photograph immerses with foam, do not have depart again. 1925, zhou En comes the group photo that premier and madam Deng Ying exceed. The political department head that Zhou En comes at that time is yellow Bu military school, the job is very busy. Before this two people are in two ground respectively, difficult can meet, classics organization agrees after, move Deng Ying to exceed come to Guangzhou, the these two have a common goal, lover knot that have mutual affinity is husband and wife, from now on two people photograph immerses with foam, do not have depart again. 1926, on June 28, zhang Zunlin and Wu Peifu meet in Beijing, zhang Zunlin, Zhang Zongchang is respectively in the photograph (person 3 do not tell a general) with Wu Peifu (the person that the hand takes sabre) , meet this formed act according to continuously in all the situation of government of palm the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning, but in July the Northern Expeditionary Army all the way carry everything before it, defeat Wu Peifu. Second year 2 northern expedition, wu Peifu fails thoroughly, guide more than to escape to Sichuan, be sent to Beijing after. 1926, on June 28, zhang Zunlin and Wu Peifu meet in Beijing, zhang Zunlin, Zhang Zongchang is respectively in the photograph (person 3 do not tell a general) with Wu Peifu (the person that the hand takes sabre) , meet this formed act according to continuously in all the situation of government of palm the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning, but in July the Northern Expeditionary Army all the way carry everything before it, defeat Wu Peifu. Second year 2 northern expedition, wu Peifu fails thoroughly, guide more than to escape to Sichuan, be sent to Beijing after. 1956, 30 years old at that time Bai Ershi interviews Li Sha of British queen Yi attend " blood spells Atlantic " royal show the movie star of the meeting, she is showing handclasp with Ma Li Lianmeng in the photograph. What although dress up,the dream shows is very fashionable and sexy, but queen is defeated by her none on temperament, even more get the better of one prepare. 1956, 30 years old at that time Bai Ershi interviews Li Sha of British queen Yi attend " blood spells Atlantic " royal show the movie star of the meeting, she is showing handclasp with Ma Li Lianmeng in the photograph. What although dress up,the dream shows is very fashionable and sexy, but queen is defeated by her none on temperament, even more get the better of one prepare. On Feburary 17, 1933, lu Xun and desolate uncle accept, Cai Yuanpei is in Shanghai group photo, at that time is this 3 people that welcome in home of Mr Song Qingling, the photograph films after lunch. Lu Xun still writes the 3 people after lunch to film side by side in the diary that day 3 pieces of photographs, I become aware those who get my is short. On Feburary 17, 1933, lu Xun and desolate uncle accept, Cai Yuanpei is in Shanghai group photo, at that time is this 3 people that welcome in home of Mr Song Qingling, the photograph films after lunch. Lu Xun still writes the 3 people after lunch to film side by side in the diary that day 3 pieces of photographs, I become aware those who get my is short. The summer 1939, einstein is in horse's hoof bay, wearing the white sandal that 1.35 dollars buy. Einstein is considered as one of scientists with the greatest throughout history by common people, its are returned up to now in the achievement on physics unmanned can to it compare, but go up in the life, einstein is a little dingy however. This body of the Einstein in the photograph dresses up a bit biting ah, knickers adds lady sandal, as expected the ordinary person cannot understand the talent's think of a way. The summer 1939, einstein is in horse's hoof bay, wearing the white sandal that 1.35 dollars buy. Einstein is considered as one of scientists with the greatest throughout history by common people, its are returned up to now in the achievement on physics unmanned can to it compare, but go up in the life, einstein is a little dingy however. This body of the Einstein in the photograph dresses up a bit biting ah, knickers adds lady sandal, as expected the ordinary person cannot understand the talent's think of a way. Attended the scientist that Suoerweihui discusses the 5th times 1927. The person in the photograph is at that time completely the world's toppest scientist, in all 29 people, among them 17 people had won nobel prize, can weighs scientific group " the day is round " . What sit among photograph in front of is Einstein, in him right is bright, left is Luolunci, luo Lunci left is Courier madam, the left of Courier madam is Pulangke. Attended the scientist that Suoerweihui discusses the 5th times 1927. The person in the photograph is at that time completely the world's toppest scientist, in all 29 people, among them 17 people had won nobel prize, can weighs scientific group " the day is round " . What sit among photograph in front of is Einstein, in him right is bright, left is Luolunci, luo Lunci left is Courier madam, the left of Courier madam is Pulangke. This piece of photograph is Kissinger of the Secretary of State before the United States and Li Lianjie handclasp, the Li Lianjie in those days still is a child. According to him memory says, oneself often are taken in one's childhood each places go perform or accompanying leader visit, receive foreign visitor. Kissinger Ceng Yu is medium 1971 revive the secret is visited during the concern is intense China, break ice for Sino-US relation, drove Sino-US relation normalization. This piece of photograph is Kissinger of the Secretary of State before the United States and Li Lianjie handclasp, the Li Lianjie in those days still is a child. According to him memory says, oneself often are taken in one's childhood each places go perform or accompanying leader visit, receive foreign visitor. Kissinger Ceng Yu is medium 1971 revive the secret is visited during the concern is intense China, break ice for Sino-US relation, drove Sino-US relation normalization. Group photo of Si Mai of Li Hongzhang and German premier ining order to. 1896, after be defeated of Chinese armour midday, li Hongzhang open his Euramerican travel, after coming to Germany, si Mai of the premier before those who visit Germany going before he is designed ining order to, the Si Mai ining order to that awaits in those days had retired, but hear Li Hongzhang wants to visit him, also be the military uniform that put on generation of heart emperor Williams to send him designedly, deserve to go up decoration and sabre are opposite with showing of Li Hongzhang take seriously with esteem. Group photo of Si Mai of Li Hongzhang and German premier ining order to. 1896, after be defeated of Chinese armour midday, li Hongzhang open his Euramerican travel, after coming to Germany, si Mai of the premier before those who visit Germany going before he is designed ining order to, the Si Mai ining order to that awaits in those days had retired, but hear Li Hongzhang wants to visit him, also be the military uniform that put on generation of heart emperor Williams to send him designedly, deserve to go up decoration and sabre are opposite with showing of Li Hongzhang take seriously with esteem. Sit in Mr Sun Zhongshan on the chair and Jiang Jieshi, film 1924, jiang Jieshi has been the president of yellow Bu military school at that time. Jiang interpose Shi Cengliu learns Japan, got acquainted with Chen Jimei in Tokyo, was on revolutionary road from now on. Although he has brigade day experience, but the student that is not school of Japanese army sergeancy, just had learned period of time in Zhen Wuxue school, but he is false however saying is graduate of school of Japanese army sergeancy, because he fears this thing always also this later,expose humiliating. Sit in Mr Sun Zhongshan on the chair and Jiang Jieshi, film 1924, jiang Jieshi has been the president of yellow Bu military school at that time. Jiang interpose Shi Cengliu learns Japan, got acquainted with Chen Jimei in Tokyo, was on revolutionary road from now on. Although he has brigade day experience, but the student that is not school of Japanese army sergeancy, just had learned period of time in Zhen Wuxue school, but he is false however saying is graduate of school of Japanese army sergeancy, because he fears this thing always also this later,expose humiliating.
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