Yellow fruiter chute (Guizhou)

Huang Guo cultivates chute, fizzle out namely fruiter cataract. Ancient call Bai Shuihe chute, also renown " Huang Ge villa " chute or " Huang Jueshu " chute, because this locality is distributinging extensively " Huang Gerong " and get a name. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Huang Guo cultivates chute, fizzle out namely fruiter cataract. Ancient call Bai Shuihe chute, also renown " Huang Ge villa " chute or " Huang Jueshu " chute, because this locality is distributinging extensively " Huang Gerong " and get a name. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter chute is located in Chinese Guizhou Province autonomous county of Miao Zu of peaceful the Bouyei nationality of An Shun small towns, belong to Pearl River water system the affluent that Jiang Gan sheds affluent of Pan Jiang of north of Na Panjiang affluent to hit side river on the west but Duan Shui of downstream Bai Shuihe is cloth river, cultivate chute for Huang Guo group in the one class fall with the biggest dimensions, it is one of world-renowned cataract. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter chute is located in Chinese Guizhou Province autonomous county of Miao Zu of peaceful the Bouyei nationality of An Shun small towns, belong to Pearl River water system the affluent that Jiang Gan sheds affluent of Pan Jiang of north of Na Panjiang affluent to hit side river on the west but Duan Shui of downstream Bai Shuihe is cloth river, cultivate chute for Huang Guo group in the one class fall with the biggest dimensions, it is one of world-renowned cataract. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter chute with huge of flow of water celebrated. Chute height is 77.8 meters, among them advocate waterfall is 67 meters tall; Chute is 101 meters wide, among them advocate waterfall is very 83.3 meters wide. Yellow fruiter chute belongs to karst landforms to be eroded mediumly crack typical chute. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter chute with huge of flow of water celebrated. Chute height is 77.8 meters, among them advocate waterfall is 67 meters tall; Chute is 101 meters wide, among them advocate waterfall is very 83.3 meters wide. Yellow fruiter chute belongs to karst landforms to be eroded mediumly crack typical chute. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The cause of formation of yellow fruiter cataract wants trace to come 200 million old before in Triassic, yellow in those days fruiter takes deposit gigantic thick carbonate cliff. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The cause of formation of yellow fruiter cataract wants trace to come 200 million old before in Triassic, yellow in those days fruiter takes deposit gigantic thick carbonate cliff. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Development of yellow fruiter chute is in " in Guan Ling of the 3 all in folding a world clip of 2 Duan Zhonghou layer cliff of a few ash of layer shape cloud " in, the position is in Dong Yi of Weng Zhai small anticline. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Development of yellow fruiter chute is in " in Guan Ling of the 3 all in folding a world clip of 2 Duan Zhonghou layer cliff of a few ash of layer shape cloud " in, the position is in Dong Yi of Weng Zhai small anticline. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter chute is on the Baishui reach of region of the river that make state, river water by boreal Xiang Na, when arriving at yellow fruiter, riverbed appears a big vertical slope cracks a dot to form yellow fruiter fall, current classics chute is backward on the west circuitous an approximate semicircular arc, chord 500 meters, to on the west bulgy 300 meters, arrive at water to blow to the following screw beach head, restore by the flow direction of boreal Xiang Na. Chute is 101 meters wide, 77.8 meters tall. Chute flying have diarrhoea enters rhinoceros pit, current is ordinal the course is pool of dragon of 3 beaches, horse's hoof beach, pig, oily pond of Dang of bottom of piscine well, boiler, bay, risk pond. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter chute is on the Baishui reach of region of the river that make state, river water by boreal Xiang Na, when arriving at yellow fruiter, riverbed appears a big vertical slope cracks a dot to form yellow fruiter fall, current classics chute is backward on the west circuitous an approximate semicircular arc, chord 500 meters, to on the west bulgy 300 meters, arrive at water to blow to the following screw beach head, restore by the flow direction of boreal Xiang Na. Chute is 101 meters wide, 77.8 meters tall. Chute flying have diarrhoea enters rhinoceros pit, current is ordinal the course is pool of dragon of 3 beaches, horse's hoof beach, pig, oily pond of Dang of bottom of piscine well, boiler, bay, risk pond. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Huang Guo of depict of Xu glow guest cultivates chute: "Fully Gansu is unoccupied place south consider, zun Yixi is dangerous pound, 10 thousand experienced flying sky, the stone on the brook issues Fu like lotus leaf, in cut out 3, water supports by Xie Shangman and fall, the Xiao that be like shark 10 thousand, outside horizontal cover door, the person that fall continuously cannot be counted with a unit of length plan, pound bead collapse jade, flying foam emerges instead, be like aerosol rise high into the air, force is very powerful severe; Alleged ' bead shade hook does not coil, flying practice hangs Yao peak ' , all can't draft its are strong also. " in the fall that sees in him, "High and steep is multiple person have, and from big without this broadness person " . Thenceforth rises, yellow fruiter chute is considered as the first chute of countrywide by people gradually. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Huang Guo of depict of Xu glow guest cultivates chute: "Fully Gansu is unoccupied place south consider, zun Yixi is dangerous pound, 10 thousand experienced flying sky, the stone on the brook issues Fu like lotus leaf, in cut out 3, water supports by Xie Shangman and fall, the Xiao that be like shark 10 thousand, outside horizontal cover door, the person that fall continuously cannot be counted with a unit of length plan, pound bead collapse jade, flying foam emerges instead, be like aerosol rise high into the air, force is very powerful severe; Alleged ' bead shade hook does not coil, flying practice hangs Yao peak ' , all can't draft its are strong also. " in the fall that sees in him, "High and steep is multiple person have, and from big without this broadness person " . Thenceforth rises, yellow fruiter chute is considered as the first chute of countrywide by people gradually. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The discharge of chute river water, water hour has a few flow only, the biggest when achieve 1000 many discharge. When water is big, chute is splashed bead fly asperse to many meters 100 high yellow fruiter market, two 3 inside and outside can hear thunderous sound. Water hour, river water still divides 4, spread out is on whole rock wall, do not break its " broad and big " imposing manner. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The discharge of chute river water, water hour has a few flow only, the biggest when achieve 1000 many discharge. When water is big, chute is splashed bead fly asperse to many meters 100 high yellow fruiter market, two 3 inside and outside can hear thunderous sound. Water hour, river water still divides 4, spread out is on whole rock wall, do not break its " broad and big " imposing manner. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The fall of cross of by the waist of water shade hole that there is one to be as long as 134 meters after chute and over- , mix by spring of 3 hall of 5 6 holes window, holes, holes composition of 6 passageways place. From water shade cataract is watched inside the hole, soul-stirring making a person. The water shade hole below so grand chute, alive bound also is infrequent in each district chute. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The fall of cross of by the waist of water shade hole that there is one to be as long as 134 meters after chute and over- , mix by spring of 3 hall of 5 6 holes window, holes, holes composition of 6 passageways place. From water shade cataract is watched inside the hole, soul-stirring making a person. The water shade hole below so grand chute, alive bound also is infrequent in each district chute. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The Bouyei nationality pressing down peace that yellow fruiter cataract is located in Guizhou Province how to arrange city the Bai Shuihe upper reaches of churchyard of Miao Zu autonomous county, 45 kilometre locate southwest of An Shun city, press down churchyard of autonomous county of Miao Zu of peaceful the Bouyei nationality, northeast is apart from 150 kilometre of city of Guiyang of Guizhou provincial capital. Climate is friendly, rainfall is abundant, year rainfall is in 1300 millimeter above, rainwater is centered in 5-7 month, mean monthly rainfall is in 200 millimeter above, june rainfall near 300 millimeter, after this drop off of fall of a few months, december is a month with annual least precipitation, mean monthly fall is less than 20 millimeter, precipitation is 15 times the fall of a month is least month about moster. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The Bouyei nationality pressing down peace that yellow fruiter cataract is located in Guizhou Province how to arrange city the Bai Shuihe upper reaches of churchyard of Miao Zu autonomous county, 45 kilometre locate southwest of An Shun city, press down churchyard of autonomous county of Miao Zu of peaceful the Bouyei nationality, northeast is apart from 150 kilometre of city of Guiyang of Guizhou provincial capital. Climate is friendly, rainfall is abundant, year rainfall is in 1300 millimeter above, rainwater is centered in 5-7 month, mean monthly rainfall is in 200 millimeter above, june rainfall near 300 millimeter, after this drop off of fall of a few months, december is a month with annual least precipitation, mean monthly fall is less than 20 millimeter, precipitation is 15 times the fall of a month is least month about moster. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter cataract is located in Guizhou western low-lying region, altitude is inferior, all the year round does not have frost, year average air temperature is controlled for 14 ℃ ; The winter does not have severe cold, xia Mo intense heat of summer, it is to hibernate summer resort. The coldest in January, average air temperature is in 4.3 ℃ , but lowermost air temperature can drop to 0 rarely; The hottest in July, average air temperature is in 22 ℃ , won't have high temperature day basically. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Yellow fruiter cataract is located in Guizhou western low-lying region, altitude is inferior, all the year round does not have frost, year average air temperature is controlled for 14 ℃ ; The winter does not have severe cold, xia Mo intense heat of summer, it is to hibernate summer resort. The coldest in January, average air temperature is in 4.3 ℃ , but lowermost air temperature can drop to 0 rarely; The hottest in July, average air temperature is in 22 ℃ , won't have high temperature day basically. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The discharge that Huang Guo upholds cataract water maintains commonly in every second 8-12 stere. The flow with the largest monsoon can amount to every second 110-150 stere. In every second 2-3 below the circumstance of the discharge of stere, yellow fruiter cataract can form landscape, the water that 5 stere discharge controls, can show the one side with yellow fruiter elegant chute already, do not break again grand. (the picture comes from IC Photo)The discharge that Huang Guo upholds cataract water maintains commonly in every second 8-12 stere. The flow with the largest monsoon can amount to every second 110-150 stere. In every second 2-3 below the circumstance of the discharge of stere, yellow fruiter cataract can form landscape, the water that 5 stere discharge controls, can show the one side with yellow fruiter elegant chute already, do not break again grand. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Because upriver water quantity is reduced, the low water season by April comes every year at the beginning of November, wang Erhe reservoir will move water to yellow fruiter chute, everyday the quantity that move water not under every second 5 stere, the discharge that can make sure Huang Guo cultivates season of cataract low water so maintains in every second 8 stere above. Although encounter big drought again, yellow fruiter cataract will still keep elegant and grand. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Because upriver water quantity is reduced, the low water season by April comes every year at the beginning of November, wang Erhe reservoir will move water to yellow fruiter chute, everyday the quantity that move water not under every second 5 stere, the discharge that can make sure Huang Guo cultivates season of cataract low water so maintains in every second 8 stere above. Although encounter big drought again, yellow fruiter cataract will still keep elegant and grand. (the picture comes from IC Photo)20 centuries after 80 time, celebrity of large quantities of one China and foreign countries are visited to yellow fruiter, epigraph. Cameraman Wu Yinxian inscribes demit: "Lofty or bottomless of one have diarrhoea, wei Ran marvellous spectacle " ; Esthetician dynasty hears a topic: "Ethereal Lai Xi " ; Xiao Xian of Great Master of Guizhou book female calligraphy inscribes: "Bai Shuiji is watched " ; Liaohan of chairman of mate of person of raw throughout the country lays a problem: "Yellow fruiter is yellow, bai Shuihe is white, yellow white alternate with, the world a special skill " ; Wu Zunren of home of traditional Chinese painting inscribes: "Wonderland " ; Yu Guangyuan inscribes economist: "Yellow fruiter beauty spot comes from Xu glow guest this, know for common people place gradually. (the picture comes from IC Photo)20 centuries after 80 time, celebrity of large quantities of one China and foreign countries are visited to yellow fruiter, epigraph. Cameraman Wu Yinxian inscribes demit: "Lofty or bottomless of one have diarrhoea, wei Ran marvellous spectacle " ; Esthetician dynasty hears a topic: "Ethereal Lai Xi " ; Xiao Xian of Great Master of Guizhou book female calligraphy inscribes: "Bai Shuiji is watched " ; Liaohan of chairman of mate of person of raw throughout the country lays a problem: "Yellow fruiter is yellow, bai Shuihe is white, yellow white alternate with, the world a special skill " ; Wu Zunren of home of traditional Chinese painting inscribes: "Wonderland " ; Yu Guangyuan inscribes economist: "Yellow fruiter beauty spot comes from Xu glow guest this, know for common people place gradually. (the picture comes from IC Photo)
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