Comfort north country: Is the courtyard that one year nobody live what kind of? Rape winter jasmine

Taking the advantage of Pure Brightness holiday, returned old home of comfort north country. The last few years, our family lives in the county all the time, native place courtyard nobody lives, so I also come rarely. Taking the advantage of Pure Brightness holiday, returned old home of comfort north country. The last few years, our family lives in the county all the time, native place courtyard nobody lives, so I also come rarely. Thinking originally, do not have has done courtyard one year, affirm desolate and mixed and disorderly, who thinks actually spring scenery is infinite. Oily cauliflower leaves to be being filled, a big dandelion in the courtyard also blossommed, reverse the picture that Chun Nuanhua opens, in the heart glad. Thinking originally, do not have has done courtyard one year, affirm desolate and mixed and disorderly, who thinks actually spring scenery is infinite. Oily cauliflower leaves to be being filled, a big dandelion in the courtyard also blossommed, reverse the picture that Chun Nuanhua opens, in the heart glad. See small courtyard from roof. Oily cauliflower does not sow, oily cauliflower him seed that was last year drops be born to go up. On the elm of neighbour home, yu money presses curved branch. Remember in one's childhood, often climb a tree, lu is worn eat. See small courtyard from roof. Oily cauliflower does not sow, oily cauliflower him seed that was last year drops be born to go up. On the elm of neighbour home, yu money presses curved branch. Remember in one's childhood, often climb a tree, lu is worn eat. According to the convention, I answer native place to climb roof every time, clear the rubbish such as housetop leaf. Issue conduit especially, jam easily sundry. In a next conduit that are blocked up the mouth is in, grew peach of tuft paper mulberry, preparing to clear, be in however discover egg of a bird aside. According to the convention, I answer native place to climb roof every time, clear the rubbish such as housetop leaf. Issue conduit especially, jam easily sundry. In a next conduit that are blocked up the mouth is in, grew peach of tuft paper mulberry, preparing to clear, be in however discover egg of a bird aside. Not give the heart to clears withered leaf, I put some of leaf again in bird egg below, hope bird mom can be successful hatch birdie. Not give the heart to clears withered leaf, I put some of leaf again in bird egg below, hope bird mom can be successful hatch birdie. The old building of my home shares boreal house, on the west house, and east house 3. Boreal house is advocate room, father is built, already 30 years, when building a house at that time, it is the village highest, most of air. The old building of my home shares boreal house, on the west house, and east house 3. Boreal house is advocate room, father is built, already 30 years, when building a house at that time, it is the village highest, most of air. The house is, but the height that is two buildings almost highly. The house that such blue brick builds is not quite common, red brick room is more. The house is, but the height that is two buildings almost highly. The house that such blue brick builds is not quite common, red brick room is more. Still plant in past home have 5 mus of land, the last few years, father body is bad, I also go to work in the county, contract cropland went out. Contract expend a mu of ground 600 yuan. A lot of years ago, father spent many 2500 money, those who buy is secondhand the tractor also is laid aside very long. Still plant in past home have 5 mus of land, the last few years, father body is bad, I also go to work in the county, contract cropland went out. Contract expend a mu of ground 600 yuan. A lot of years ago, father spent many 2500 money, those who buy is secondhand the tractor also is laid aside very long. Of native place courtyard small hind garden, my Mom likes kind of leek to still have green vegetables, plant on the side pear tree, plum still has persimmon tree. Cannot think of really, do not have has done native place small courtyard one year, still so the awaken of spring is thick, vibrant. Often should come home later look, here has my happiest childhood, life and dream are from in begin. . . . . . (above picture all by " atlas says a thing " achieve formerly film, see agrestic, remember nostalgic, welcome your attention. )Of native place courtyard small hind garden, my Mom likes kind of leek to still have green vegetables, plant on the side pear tree, plum still has persimmon tree. Cannot think of really, do not have has done native place small courtyard one year, still so the awaken of spring is thick, vibrant. Often should come home later look, here has my happiest childhood, life and dream are from in begin. . . . . . (above picture all by " atlas says a thing " achieve formerly film, see agrestic, remember nostalgic, welcome your attention. )
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