Because new coronal is pneumonic the influence of epidemic situation, library gram is a lot of more headaching problem. At present the whole world supplies catenary insecurity, the inventory of IPhone 11 is about to make work exhaust, the likelihood faces the problem that shopkeeper rises in price.
On new York east the divulge of one door inn of the area: Wide welcome IPhone 11 Pro already out of stock several weeks, also knowing to arrive the next time is when.
At present epidemic situation has affected numerous country, the supply that this allows malic company catenary is pounded repeatedly. Although library gram Boss is right epidemic situation is more hopeful, express " be provisionality to the destruction of company business " , but outside dividing China, other country is current the situation is grimmer.
Before a few days, supply the plant of Korea LG Innotek that photographs module resembling a head for IPhone all the time, because employee contracts disease,poison is forced shutdown.
According to forecasting, the IPhone yield first quarter is lower than what the apple anticipates this year 35% the left and right sides, plan to produce 47 million IPhone originally, but produced 36 million only, predict to cannot achieve the income goal that season of the 2nd money makes.
Fortunately. . . China is base of the biggest production, fuji rehabilitation is versed in, library gram loosened at a heat. After all, its whether restore quickly to produce can immediate effect to the apple the shipment of this quarter is measured.
Current, fuji health each plant area answer produced rate of go back to work to achieve 80% above, although already progressively go back to work, but production is carried fast slow at anticipating, supply because of what this restricted IPhone, the global battalion that affects malic company directly closes.
Analyse old man Daniel Ives to express, although be below optimal circumstance, the supply of IPhone manufacturer catenary also should arrive at the beginning of April restore completely to produce can, at worst, supply catenary to interrupt may last to June the last ten-day of a month.
The apple will cancel spring news briefingThe whole world supplies catenary insecurity, affect the daily sale of IPhone 11 series not only, everybody expects long already IPhone 9 and IPhone12 set cannot come possibly as scheduled.
The intermediary outside occupying reports, suffer epidemic situation effect, malic company decides to defer the spring news briefing March. And taste newly means arrival makes fruit noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch with what kind of people the problem of the care, a variety of doubt blow on the face and come. . .
"Is the IPhone 9 that awaits hard met as scheduled and come? "Is the IPhone 9 that awaits hard met as scheduled and come??
"Should release on the line? "Should release on the line??
"Do not release direct official net to go up frame? "Do not release direct official net to go up frame??
Look from long-term point of view, the 5G IPhone that gets attention fully also will be affected, defer possibly on the autumn news briefing September formerly, but analyse old man people predict to won't adjourn too long, most a month.
IPhone11 is in the United States already out of stock, how long can you still maintain in China?After IPhoneXR of champion of afterwards sales volume, IPhone11 makes the 2nd popular apple mobile telephone, so popular, the pressure of the apple that offer money indeed pressure is not little.
But, do not look the actual output of IPhone is a lot of less than anticipating now, with compared last year, still promoted 4% . Especially China is malic factory seat, our " supply " it is enough.
So " demand " ?
This one epidemic situation, affected not only supply chain, what still caused market demand is fatigued and weak.
During epidemic situation all apple retailing shop of China already was shut, the shop that begins to do business at present opens the door time is cut, client flow is very low also, consumer decreases to product requirement.
(the everybody that believes to be in the home curtilage, what be closed is to put the state of mind that fly not only, the travel power that still has consumption? The professor's flower Zhang sheet has reduced two digit. . . )
At present height of popularity of Chinese epidemic situation has gone, all apple retailing shop already restored mainland region today do business. From the point of current condition, china did not explode an IPhone11 be in short supply, the phenomenon with insufficient inventory.
So why is the United States met be in short supply?Because the whole world exceeds the IPhone mobile phone of 90% ,be to be in China to assemble, the United States be in short supply, because China is resuming production,the likelihood is, and partial goods cannot arrive at the United States in time again.
Overall for, epidemic situation has very big impact to global all trades and professions. To the apple, be in short supply of partial area occurrence IPhone11 may continue a period of time, but home appears the circumstance probability that rise in price is not big.
Nevertheless, this still affects a few new model release, the IPhone 9 that was about to come soon especially. . . So, hope epidemic situation can end ~ at an early date only
The welcome leaves a message the area talks about ~
You think IPhone11 and 2000 clumpy IPhone9
Which be worth to buy more?
If IPhone11 is in domestic out of stock
Do you feel to should rise in price?