Japanese blessing island shows internal heat of Olympic Games emperor each in a limited time watch 3

Origin: ? Is Long oily?

Japanese blessing island shows internal heat of Olympic Games emperor each in a limited time watch 30 seconds

△ picture origin: NHK

2 days, fire of Olympic Games emperor begins to be revealed external in Japanese blessing island. Get new hat influence of pneumonic epidemic situation, every audience stops the time restriction that views fire of Olympic Games emperor is in 30 seconds, the need when the audience queues up maintains social distance.

Japanese blessing island shows internal heat of Olympic Games emperor each in a limited time watch 30 seconds

△ picture origin: NHK

After Tokyo Olympic Games decides delay comes to will kick off on July 23, 2021, future of fire of Olympic Games emperor will protect existence Japan for some time, await fire of Olympic Games emperor to deliver an activity to restart. (bud of He Xin of total stage reporter)

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