Novel: Cummer is close not sticky person lets person envy, but I fear to dare be not contacted with

Novel: Cummer is close not sticky person lets person envy, but I fear to dare be not contacted with her however

Author: Baby should could there be rather

The mobile phone is given out " drop drop " clew sound, lei Xian one roll, had pulled a mobile phone beside, look carefully, it is one is pushed nevertheless send a message, software is selling bud to ask: "Why to see a someone? " Lei Xian saw time, it is 1:30, this time, what is Yi Han doing? Again and again, it is to sleep to be not worn really, run toilet washs a face, most night shaves to the mirror, blow at the same time, hate hate ground to say at the same time: "Yi Han, I will part company with you tomorrow! I will part company with you tomorrow!!

The following day, lei Xian goes to work to make a draft worked out in one's mind at the same time at the same time, prepared the one a lengthy speech or article of the day, after mobile phone screen illumes, pale, illume to pale again again, still can not hearten however that " is there time in the evening, I have word and you to say. " send successfully. The mobile phone is abrupt in the hand one shake, frightened oneself to jump instead. It is boundless calls him a Lu is strung together in the evening child, he replies immediately: "Good " . In abrupt heart one is loosened, it what thing will say again tomorrow is good to have what thing will say again tomorrow, this is Lei Xian the ending of 2000 words a draft worked out in one's mind.

Two people sit before barbecue spreads out, lei Xian draws out skill machine, no matter be small letter, short message, phone,which where is quiet. The ground asks his unwilling to give up boundless: "You make a telephone call to me. "You make a telephone call to me..

Boundless busy move and board muscle fight, very distain the ground asks: "I am sick, I call to you, I is this with your video? I is this with your video??

Lei Xian is disinclined to refute, "I try a telephone bad. "I try a telephone bad..

"Fell? "Fell??

"Without "

"Drink water? "Drink water??

"Without. "Without..

When phone noise rises, thunder constitution within an inch of did not throw the phone, for the first time he hopes the phone is bad.

Boundless one swallowed board muscle, ask him: "I visit the brother the phone did not drink water, does your brain drink water? Does your brain drink water??

Lei Xian achieves acme at a draught angrily, "I want TMD to part company with Yi Han! "I want TMD to part company with Yi Han!!

Hear Ca of bamboo prod Ka only, boundless threw prod to ask Lei Xian: "I see you is not to drink water in the head, pressing a root is water! Etc, you is this to change beautiful conjugal love of a kind of means? Can play quite "

Lei Xian scrupulous, "I want to part company with her really, I am serious! I am serious!!

Boundless boil with anger, "Garment Han where is bad, you are about to part company with her, her only defect are eye be no good, became your girlfriend. Became your girlfriend..

Lei Xian is a bit indescribable, "How do I say to part company, enrage you into such, you Can You Up (you go on you ah) . You Can You Up (you go on you ah) ..

Boundless takes board muscle and Lei Xian again stronger, "Your boy, say you two, you are ill-affected still, my if it were not for is given to fall by your elder brother's wife, we two become enemy early with respect to fall out. I had not seen which girl, so sensible like small Han! So sensible like small Han!!

Before Lei Xian looks at an eye string child, say: "Because this is sensible,I am, just want to part company! Just want to part company!!

Boundless chews gristle so that Ka Ka rings continuously, he has refused and thunder constitution was communicated further.

Lei Xian, a meter 80, weight passes 100 kilograms man, resembling is small like complaining Fu, long-winded rises: "To today had been the 8th day, full 8 days, I and she did not say a word, did not meet, I almost every day insomnia, can be her, you see her friend group! Beautiful cate, beautiful pat oneself, excellent job, momently not at a loose end! She pays no attention to me to whether be beside her at all, I suspect, she did not notice likely, in these 8 days, I did not contact her all the time! I did not contact her all the time!!

Boundless stopped eventually mix in the hand in the mouth, ask Lei Xian: "Why didn't you contact her 8 days then? "Why didn't you contact her 8 days then??

Lei Xian hits enlightened word to record, "The last phone, be 8 days ago in the evening 10:30, I drink wine to return the home to hit her, her tone is light, I am pleasing intentionally say, I come back to get early today. She answers me, be? I ask she waits for next doing, she says to bathed to sleep next, I and she said good night. How much didn't I drink that day, did not tumble into bed so. I lie the landlord is fought on the bed, arrived at 12 o'clock half I do not have a beans, brush a small gain to prepare to sleep. Did not think of her transmit a small gain, time is 5 minutes ago. Is good night the meaning that sleep? Can be small gain still brushed when she sleeps? Can be small gain still brushed when she sleeps??

Boundless drank a beer, "Brother, the thing has bit of incorrect interest it seems that! The thing has bit of incorrect interest it seems that!!

Lei Xian says: "I am very angry at that time, want to make a telephone call to her originally, think of she comes back so that early replies today to me suddenly I say, be? " Lei Xian looks up see boundless, "She does not remember me after all at all is a few home! "She does not remember me after all at all is a few home!!

Boundless also says without the word for a short while, what the issue comes is strange, he can laugh perfunctorily only, "This also is not what important matter. "This also is not what important matter..

"This is an important matter! You constant boast she is sensible, clever, drink to me much, play big, not angry, but in fact, it is she did not care at all! She had not cared, I am when to come home, whats to do not have and work when she is together, with who fool around is together, these things that you make a noise so that cannot leave to hand in, she had never cared! She had never cared!!

Boundless path: "A strange woman, so bad nevertheless? So bad nevertheless??

Of Lei Xian complain Fu to had been not acted, he dashs along: "She tells me, went sleeping, turned again next small gain, she all the time, be perfunctory I. Be perfunctory I..

Boundless says: "She this is to want Gong Xing to give a wall, brother, you still do not clutch dot, still run what does this comes and my long-winded do! Still run what does this comes and my long-winded do!!

Thunder constitution shrug: "This is off the rails, that if I tell you, she from be together with me, all the time such? all the time such??

Boundless is silent, lei Xian is silent also, this time, the phone rang, it is the phone of boundless however.

Boundless was received rise, "Wife, fasten irritated I, I am busy, he Leixian, alas, very won't late, be at ease be at ease, the Suo that fasten , good good good. good good good..

Lei Xian looks at boundless to say: "I envy you to have the wife of a Suo, look now, it is strange to also be? It is strange to also be??

Two old men, on barbecue booth, actually silent.

According to Lei Xian's requirement, boundless dialed Yi Han's telephone.

Phone that, sound is melting and clear: "Boundless elder brother, look for our home Lei Xian? Look for our home Lei Xian??

Boundless the play according to Lei Xian: "Hum, I hit his phone to do not have get through, be together with you? Be together with you??

Yi Han does not have idle: "Alas, he was not in with me now, then I help you call to him try, let him hit the past to you, good not? Good not??

Yi Han did not give boundless more chances, he can say only: "Good " there hanged a phone.

Meanwhile, lei Xian's phone rang, it is Yi Han.

Yi Han says: "Husband, boundless elder brother calls look for you, you answer a phone to him. You answer a phone to him..

Answer fine long hair of Lei Xian is irrelevant: "So late, what do you do? What do you do??

Yi Han pauses, "See a movie in the home, thing of it doesn't matter. Thing of it doesn't matter..

Lei Xian thinks she also should ask herself these days is some busier at least what, cheesy excuse has not thought good, yi Han says: "Husband, what summer eats is bad to be troubled by gastric bowel easily to catch a cold, you drink wine ten million to remember having bit of thing, had built the quilt in the evening, fasten catch a cold, do obeisance to. Do obeisance to..

Lei Xian threw the cup in the hand: "Her whats pay no attention to! Can be her how do know! How likely! How likely!!

"How Yi Han resembles is programming those who come out is same, nicety is not had by accident, you say, she may be a robot, be Siri reincarnation definitely? " boundless head hole is large.

"Go your, your cummer just is a robot! Your cummer just is a robot!!

Thunder constitution wine enters sadness, drink groggy returned the home, those who become Mom God theatrical work is being defended before sofa, the husband that just came back meal bureau is lost go up in the bed, son of one face about is such, in the heart vinegary: "How to drink again, small Han also is good-tempered really, also be in charge of without giving thought to, by move your strength comes! By move your strength comes!!

Which crock does not open the bottle that where to carry, lei Xian is kicked flew shoe, say next: "I and she parted company, wait for me to look for new daughter-in-law to you! Wait for me to look for new daughter-in-law to you!!

Heroine is acting in teleplay recumbent the foot of a wall appoint grievance is bent, old Mom immediately of Lei Xian with respect to scamper boiler: "Ah? What do you say? Leveret whelp, you are made, I think over, you so one every day dawdle does not consider be eager to make progress, drink such, morning and evening must be given to swing by small Han. Alas ah, my life, how so bitter. A husband not save worry, a son is sneaking, had a daughter-in-law that be learned and courteous not easily very much, the result still does not have tarry... "

Late the teleplay 8 o'clock does not look in vain as expected, prepare to add bit of specially good effect at any time it seems that in the acting of old Mom.

Lei Xian regrets oneself ought not to come home, because he worked to had leased a building around the unit, want to come home originally the warmth that will search bit of home, regrettablly warmth was not found, be pestered by nightmare instead personally.

He hates straight itch of the root that get a tooth, think of oneself are experienced these, yi Han knows not at all, gas is to not was in more can scatter. He developed a bath with cold water, all sound mom are main screen, lie on the bed next.

Consider an issue again and again: Is what have a problem me?

Lei Xian is the Yi Han that knows on a party, yi Han is the boudoir honey of Yuan of Yuan of his work in the same placing, on that party, almost everybody remembered this girl.

Yi Han is not particularly beautiful, but you had seen, just know why to describe a person to be able to be used occasionally " temperamental " . Her dress is fit installing one pace skirt, there is light smile from beginning to end on the face, laughing to present his compliment to everybody. Nifty before stranger ground sells bud, drink both neither cheat also not desperately, her existence, let everybody feel a kind of excitement, schoolboys spell a wine cannot refrain fromingly to come.

The climax that met that day, it is Yi Han stands up suddenly, lift cup those who walked along Lei Xian before. She a word did not say, raise the goblet in raise hand, two people are quaff. Jeer all round, move of Yi Han laugh says, "You look very like an acquaintance. "You look very like an acquaintance..

Lei Xian falls to Yi Han full, fall to oneself again full, say: "You look the girlfriend that resembling is me. "You look the girlfriend that resembling is me..

"Oh? Do I and your cummer grow very to resemble? Do I and your cummer grow very to resemble??

"Not, I am a lone bark. I am a lone bark..

The bright red on garment Han face, the voice that jeer is bigger and bigger, lei Xian says: "Open a fun, garment young lady can fasten life. Garment young lady can fasten life..

Yi Han is crooked head, cheers says: "Good, I keep to the end. I keep to the end..

Lei Xian asked Yuan Yuan in the evening that day, connection means of Yi Han.

The thing later need not dilatancy, lei Xian's insanity lets surround the person that watch to weep accordingly, the freely of spot old tear that the lone eldest sister of a firm divorce succeeds in courtship: "Falling in love at first sight so is of actual existence! "Falling in love at first sight so is of actual existence!!

After merits and virtues is satisfactory, the cummer that Mom of dye-in-the-wood ground and brother, dad enrages to announce him by Lei Xian -- Yi Han, the judge assistant in the court, renown school graduates, family education is good, all-round, all these looks is impeccable simply.


empyreal, today have been empyreal, in the road that Lei Xian goes to work, feel oneself must be gotten helping a head with the hand, for fear that does not take care, head roll comes down, be given to be collected by who again.

Arrived unit, yuan Yuan sees this groggy, helping the great stature of the head up, can't help curious: "How, is small Han cruel to your home? Is small Han cruel to your home??

Ground of anger of thunder constitution anger says: "Can not be, look gives me those who hit! Look gives me those who hit!!

Yuan Yuan titter says: "Impossible, I understand Han of our wife and children, won't hit you for certain, she is disinclined to start work. She is disinclined to start work..

Lei Xian resembling was to come husband of mother's eldest sister, meet unexpectedly who is urgent, his growl rises: "Small Han is a fair maiden, it is goddess, how likelihood and my this mob is same. How likelihood and my this mob is same..

Yuan Yuan is a bit amazed, but her at hand works there had urginging, she sneaks away trot, face sentence classical: "Classes are over do not go! "Classes are over do not go!!

After coming off work, lei Xian and Yuan Yuan sit in cafe, music is deft and quiet, chan of Chan of the pitter-patter outside the window, lei Xian's mood is a lot of slower, the mood that rises this accumulation abreacts come out.

Yuan Yuan is listening quietly.

Finally, lei Xian asked him 100 think of do not get its to solve, should build almost on the principle problem of the head: "Is what have a problem me? "Is what have a problem me??

Yuan Yuan shakes his head gently, those who have a problem perhaps is small Han, small Han has her strange place, I say not clear.

Thunder constitution within an inch of fell on his knees to Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan hesitated to say: "Actually I want to say with you all the time, but see what your sentiment has held out all the time, I think I also may be oversensitive. Between you and small Han, actually I facilitate. Actually I facilitate..

"It is I fall in love at first sight, she what chase after next ah, all of this our company knows, how do you return take credit for other's merit? How do you return take credit for other's merit??

Yuan Yuan laughs, "You think back to again carefully after-thought, at the outset, the first word, you and small Han say, small still Han and you say? Small still Han and you say??

"What distinction do this have? "What distinction do this have??

"The first word, certainly small Han says first, because be before the banquet, I recommended you to small Han. I tell her, you are in a company professional work is good, the person is honest also, grow patchily also, the northeast fellow that is big Lie Lie -- "

"How do I grow patchily also namely? "How do I grow patchily also namely??

"Can you listen to me to say a focal point? Small Han and I say she is eager to wanting to cast off single state, parents forces badly, so, she -- " Yuan Yuan did not say suddenly.

"So she has been shown actively to me on the banquet, issued decoy to wait for me to swallow the bait? Issued decoy to wait for me to swallow the bait??

"Not, you cannot so say, small Han just wants to know you actively, you are to fall in love at first sight, be dead set chases after, this does your must admit? Say small Han is enough and outstanding really again, at that time on the banquet so much lone male, which is not itch to try, you should thank me, it is my recommend, the cummer that she just became you is good. The cummer that she just became you is good..

Lei Xian falls in the action of coffeine, helping a head no longer, intelligence quotient also was returned to gradually. Yuan Yuan said so much, he held a key in time: "Her age not quite, why parents forces she is so fierce, must marry earlier go out? Must marry earlier go out??

"This... " Yuan Yuan wants to say not quite apparently.

"I knew, it is for certain male friendly old situation is too difficult before she is mixed, before I grow very to resemble her male friend, so her pitch on I. She at that time is not to say, I look like a person. Pardonable she is right I all the time so indifferent, I all the time since it is a substitute only, it is a shadow stopped only. Still think oneself are how important role, fast empty after the show just discover oneself are dozen of soy actually. " Lei Xian says at a heat, fill coffee of a beautiful type.

"Request, your old man can see bit of idol play less, you think you are discriminate ! I and you say, you love a letter to be not believed, you are the first love of small Han. You are the first love of small Han..

"Your deceive ghost, I drank wine to won't believe, when I know small Han, she 27, a beauty is like the goddess of a beauty, I was encountered in 27 ability this silk, just had first love? Just had first love??

Yuan Yuan sighed: "I also do not know, I remember only, she is drunk much when, had said, say when to need not get control, say her ideal, it is oneself a person, cheesy ground is alone eventually old. Saying marriage is the compromise with vivid opposite, the child is burden of all one's life, so she also does not want to marry -- "

"Impossible, when be together with me, small Han never so had said! Small Han never so had said!!

"She encounters you at that time, it is parents forces the most closely, when pressure is the greatest, when she listens to me to introduce your case, what to say, can be later, you became my friend to encircle li of beautiful conjugal love, cruel the frequenter of lone dog, I also feel, she may be to encounter right person, changed former think of a way. Changed former think of a way..

Lei Xian is long silent, yuan Yuan asks afraidly: "These are bygone affection, you and she now, calculate some problems, which have a lover not to quarrel ah... . Which have a lover not to quarrel ah... ..

Lei Xian is turned a deaf ear to, after-thought has the word of small Han, he drank off at a heat the beautiful type coffee in the cup, stand up, "I must look for small Han, I should talk with her. I should talk with her..

Lei Xian runs at a heat on 6 buildings, when knocking, ability realizes, also do not know small Han is in do not be in the home.

Small Han is wearing night clothes, coming loose the hair opens the door, what expect these days without insomnia of constitution of a bit thunder is awkward, small Han is receiving a telephone call, did not consider at all on Lei Xian, threw slipper to him only with respect to face about.

Hear small Han only to the tone sighs in the phone, say: "Into also Xiao He, be defeated also Xiao He "

Put down phone, face about goes kitchen, give a dish of fruits that had washed to Lei Xianduan, say: "Strong coffee is drunk so fast, wait for meeting caffein to come up this are afflictive, delay of fruit taking a place one delay. Delay of fruit taking a place one delay..

Lei Xian is empyreal do not see small Han, the speech draft of all harangue was not used, it is eyeball asks goggle at eye only: "How do you know -- "

"Coffee, yuan Yuan tells me. Yuan Yuan tells me..

Lei Xian asks: "The about you thing that then she says, be true? Be true??

Small Han raises eyebrow, "Do you feel? "Do you feel??

Lei Xian thinks, still say: "It is true that I feel. Small Han, you tried hard, but you do not love me. Only I love you in love, take care of me with you, it is insufficient, such feeling does not have a law to live. I waited empyreal, also insomnia empyreal, resembling is like complaining Fu, did not wait during come your phone, you may not become aware this is empyreal before mixing empyreal have what distinction. I love you, past love, also love now. But I still am overcome your do not love me, I want to part company with you. I want to part company with you..

Small Han circles one tuft hair after ear, say: "Lei Xian, your man, why resembling is a women like, have to asks I love not to love you all the day, do you love not to love me such problem? I can have taken care of you, won't be mischievous pretty tangles, won't willfully make a trouble, these, insufficient? We are the people of an age, cannot a bit actualer, two people pass comfortably. Have to nags these love and the issue that do not love, significant? Significant??

Lei Xian looks at the car a unit of weight in compote child, in bright red colour and lustre, have melting temptation. But he still takes a holy daughter to say if really: "Annals differs to should not, do not be seek, small Han, I am sorry. I am sorry..

Small Han still sits over, she takes out a unit of monthly interest rate of a car from dish child, abrupt say: "Lei Xian, I want how to be done, you is ability so cranky? You is ability so cranky??

"Ah? Small Han, your in one's heart does not want to marry at all, why do you choose to do my girlfriend then? Why do you choose to do my girlfriend then??

"Lei Xian, you work thinks only and do not think in order to make a living? Be done only in the life and do not do, where by got you to want. When can you just understand, living ability is crucial, how can living best is a main selection of subject. Choose a wife that suits oneself, meet than choosing a wife that loves you more Shu Xin, better also in the future to yours. I and you, suit namely. Suit, not as more important as love? Not as more important as love??

Glare of thunder constitution eye gets the old, small Han is wearing night clothes, the appearance of hair of hang down loosely is very beautiful, but he does not know how, it is the model that recalls Nie Xiaoqian to flutter in sky only.

He is absentminded, reason lets him stand up, preparation leaves, small Han also is not persuaded to stay, just give him an U dish.

"What is this? " Lei Xian is very bemused

"Go back look not to know, do obeisance to do obeisance to " small Han gives an attractive smile.

Lei Xian goes back, the first thing opens computer namely, u dish in have a motion picture only, " the sweetheart that disappear " .

Lei Xian sees a late night, the heroine control to the husband and opposite are arranged alive, let him be in this Xia Ye, streaming with sweat.

The movies ends, he phones small Han: "Why to let me see this? "Why to let me see this??

The sound of small Han as before smooth and steady and soft: "I know you drank coffee meeting insomnia, consider the issue that produces today again, insomnia is met only more flooey, give you a motion picture look, the mood of delay unship insecurity. Look to sleep rapidly, there still will be the forms for reporting statistics of the unit tomorrow, one pile thing. Right, dear? Dear??

Lei Xian's sweat is brushed also do not brush, right, what she says is right.

To Be Or Not To Be, it Is A Question.

As a child half month after Home Han comes out, he still did not make an appointment with small Han actively. Once upon a time is to be being borne disappear, now is dare not see. Ineffable, he is afraid of her.

Lei Xian's original girlfriend, cry 2 be troubled by 3 hang oneself, he had not been afraid of, just disrelish irritated. Show the cummer of 5 stars class that this individual sees the person loves nowadays, he is not willing approbatory is, oneself are full of fear.

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