Wuhan rises today restore to deal with marriage to register suspensive spot to promulgate card cerem

Wuhan rises today restore to deal with marriage to register suspensive spot to promulgate card ceremony

Original title: Wuhan rises today restore to deal with marriage to register suspensive spot to promulgate card ceremony

Hunan day Metropolis Daily on April 3 dispatch (reporter Wang Ronghai) now, wuhan citizen political situation issues the announcement that about whole town marriage the orgnaization that register restores to deal with marriage to register.

Prevent as whole town epidemic situation accuse a situation overall to good, handle the demand that marriage registers to satisfy people, accuse headquarters to agree via signing up for Wuhan city epidemic situation to prevent, wuhan city marriage registers an orgnaization to rise from April 3, restore to deal with marriage to register.

One, make an appointment register. The marital party that holds green health to pile up should shift to an earlier date 1-2 day makes an appointment through small letter, network, the phone affirms wait for a form to make an appointment register, group by group time-sharing is dealt with. Right really cannot Shen Lingjian the personnel of health code, the healthy monitoring proof that can issue by living ground village, community undertakes conduction.

2, hold a code to register. When conduction marriage is registered, party should wear good guaze mask actively, show make an appointment green code of code and health, accept temperature to detect, by make an appointment time paragraph, queue up to call date to enter marital registry office to deal with marriage to register.

3, time-out is begun marry register promulgate card ceremony and marital family coach wait for relevant service.

Origin: Phoenix net Hubei

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