The sex after the gentleman before the person, person invades 14 years old " foster daughter " , d

The sex after the gentleman before the person, person invades 14 years old " foster daughter " , does vice-president Bao Yuming of 52 years old have much dreariness?

Bao Yuming, appear on the market trustee of former independence of company of former vice president of group of company outstanding luck, resurgence, actually the gender invades star of 14 years old of foster daughter plum (alias) nearly 4 years. . . . . .

The girl commits suicide for many times abortive, jump the sea is scooped up, call the police 3 times, 2 put on record, remove 1 times case, hardly what result.

But all truths, be being torn apart entirely as video of 6 minutes.

"His that moment says I am his daughter, can follow him only. Can follow him only..

On December 31, 2015, starlet first time of 14 years old is harmed by Bao Yuming.

Her whats do not understand, know private parts is painful only.

In the inquiry on the net, grandma of a doctor says " you by strong X " , help the newspaper below guidance in its alarm.

After Bao Yuming knows, received the mobile telephone of starlet, and brought back her again from Tianjin Beijing.

After this, bao Yuming lets starlet see evil common movie, adult has a child, become aggravated the ground is revulsive her.

The sex after the gentleman before the person, person invades 14 years old " foster daughter " , does vice-president Bao Yuming of 52 years old have much dreariness?

The chatting record of starlet and Bao Yuming

such, starlet calls the police, do note.

Doing even during noting, she is mad him hand. Because think one act act too broke down, but she still insists to finish note.

Below this piece by the photograph of exposure, potbellied Bao Yuming is preparing the adhesive plaster in handle, stick on body of Li Xing star.

And the diabolical backside in evil bloodcurdling, bare the upper part of the body, have the lovely Bobby child on the cabinet and pure little girl picture, the shooting angle that adds a victim leaves the nightmare that will come namely, resembling was to form " world name is drawn " .

All these makes a person bristle with anger, abhorrent to extremely.

Want to pull more that little girl ah.

4 years ago, she ability is 14 years old.

Spend average age, in April auspicious spring day times, the sky of Yantai is so clear azure blue, dan Xiaoxing star does not see a window outside.

She says: "No point " .

The sex after the gentleman before the person, person invades 14 years old " foster daughter " , does vice-president Bao Yuming of 52 years old have much dreariness?

A progress with this newest thing is, bao Yuming says: "I and she never with ' foster father daughter ' the identity gets along " .

"Double-faced person " Bao Yuming, can be the skill good play that perform really.

Alien comes, he is complaisant, natural and graceful, a pair of decent appearance.

But when face about faces starlet, he is a pair of diabolical appearance: The control of type of brainwashing, Pua.

Funnier is, bao Yuming possesses qualification of barrister of Chinese lawyer qualification and American federal supreme court at the same time, 10 beautiful of Cenghuo whole nation total counsel.

Namely, his deliberatelly break the law.

Acider is, 9 years ago, bao Yuming ever sent an article " from " go whoring Su Younv " the difference that sees minor protection " :

The appeal concerns a section the legitimate rights and interests of cogent protection minor, prevent prerogative person as far as possible with an opportunity given by.

Legal setting so elder a person, he understands very much encroach 14 years old to be mixed below 14 years old above, mix in jural measurement of penalty punishment is completely different!

But the one's words that faces starlet, he says he won't do illegal business, still censure foster daughter " requite kindness with enmity " .

The sex after the gentleman before the person, person invades 14 years old " foster daughter " , does vice-president Bao Yuming of 52 years old have much dreariness?

What is a beast in human face?

Be without strange animal of human nature, camouflage becomes the model of Everyman, conceal is in the crowd.

Terrible? He is very terrible!

Once had a word special fire: The day is not afraid of, the ground is not afraid of, be afraid that the rogue is literate.

This is pair of hellion is joking.

Nowadays, devil has high intelligence quotient, high diploma, professional law knowledge, still make the issue of conscienceless, if why deal with can if why deal with,he just win a justice for the victim? Does ability make numerous female incorrect is this society disappointed?

Hope this put on record, it is exterior kongfu only no longer.

This girl has died too much second, make her this vivid come over.

This just is not in what be without setting for is individual get back justice, this is to be in safeguard terrestrial justice.

Law and justice, do not want disappoint please of this girl all and brave!

And summer is wheaten: Progress everyday little, insist to bring about-face. Youth is not old, we change good A together!

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