Taiyuan railroad aids go back to school of return to school after the vacation of Shanxi of more tha

Taiyuan railroad aids go back to school of return to school after the vacation of Shanxi of more than 10000 Ben Shuobo graduate of force whole nation. Ren Lina is photographed

In new network Taiyuan on April 10 report (Ren Lina) 10 days, the reporter learns from station of Taiyuan of limited company of group of bureau of Chinese railroad Taiyuan, come since April 10 on April 17, the student of year of graduation of more than 10000 Ben Shuobo that comes from countrywide each district will head for medical university of college of Taiyuan grain industry, Shanxi university and Shanxi to wait for a college to report for duty.

Taiyuan railroad aids go back to school of return to school after the vacation of Shanxi of more than 10000 Ben Shuobo graduate of force whole nation. Ren Lina is photographed

Current, be worth epidemic situation to prevent the crucial phase that accuse. To satisfy Taiyuan city demand of first go back to school of undergraduate return to school after the vacation, taiyuan station is prevented according to epidemic situation accuse to give a demand actually with group passenger, science makes carriage organization plan, perfect passenger transport serves measure, from buy ticket, pull in, mix by the car gave a station to offer convenience condition.

Taiyuan railroad aids go back to school of return to school after the vacation of Shanxi of more than 10000 Ben Shuobo graduate of force whole nation. Ren Lina is photographed

This station staff member Li Jing says, in link of carry out ticket, for more than 1000 provincial the student bought ticket, accomplish concentration to choose, collective gives a bill, and advantage of passenger ticket of electron of have the aid of sends the message that take a car to student mobile phone. In the meantime, along the line of active butt joint stands each and passenger train, do good student pull in ahead of schedule, install each check, preparation that wait and takes a car to work.

Taiyuan railroad aids go back to school of return to school after the vacation of Shanxi of more than 10000 Ben Shuobo graduate of force whole nation. Ren Lina is photographed

Taking car segment, staff member of workshop of the passenger transport austral Taiyuan makes new media product technically, through small letter group push for the student ahead of schedule send a travel sweet reminder, inform the banned article such as high concentration alcohol clearly to be not carried, pluvial snow weather does good individual heat preservation, the protective equipment such as guaze mask adorns correctly, and need to get ready ahead of schedule " healthy code " wait for information.

Receiving station link, the station receives car, special passageway to guide in the platform, measure lukewarm register and in the flow such as change bus, arranged " graceful graceful love serves an area " " change a plum to aid tired room " volunteer service group adds party member hillock is stared at accuse, ensure by fall constituent job is fast and orderly.

Taiyuan railroad aids go back to school of return to school after the vacation of Shanxi of more than 10000 Ben Shuobo graduate of force whole nation. Ren Lina is photographed

Prevent in epidemic situation dominate a field, the station strengthened a passenger to give a station to take a route further disappear is killed and the job such as student baggage disinfection is prevented accuse strength.

Through firm link the canal accuses, offer convenience traffic condition for the college student that is about to graduate, the comprehensive Shanxi that help strength resume classes of each college go back to school. (Be over)

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