I save each district to leave in succession river! Flood of reduce the menace of ice run prevents sp

Bibcock news dispatch (reporter Yu Haixia) on April 8, my province holds video of job of flood of reduce the menace of ice run to attemper the conference. Since entering a winter, the Songhua River is average precipitation and look of calendar year the corresponding period are more than slanting, heilongjiang, tender river, the Wusuli River all slants little, the biggest ice is thick be close to or all be worth under calendar year. I save the Songhua River in main Jiang He its press down beautiful Mu Siao above river paragraph, collect of desert of tender river library is the following river paragraph, Heilongjiang Jia Yin paragraph, head of tiger of the Wusuli River paragraph had left in succession river, want flood of high vigilance approach and spring flood to happen.

I save each district to leave in succession river!

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