Baltimore / Washington bullet team (show wonder) legend center Wei Si - Angsaierde dies, die at the age of is 74 years old.
Person of Home Angsaierde issues statement: "We are taking deep sadness to announce, the man that we adore, father and grandfather, wei Si - Angsaierde is struggling for a long time with serious illness, affect again recently pneumonic hind, fall in the company of family this morning gentle the ground left. He is the huge rock of our family, faithful patriarchal, loving his wife, child, close friend and teammate. He is our hero, have deep love for play a ball game for special zone of Baltimore, Washington, so old, he ever was wearing the polo shirt that represents two cities. He ever was wearing the polo shirt that represents two cities..
Angsaierde carries off in 1968-69 sports season convention of optimal Xin Xiuhe surpasses large award of MVP of reinforced material, 5 selected complete star, 1977-78 sports season takes a team to gain the championship, be elected as total final MVP, selected 1988 Nai Smith basketball celebrity hall.
Field of career of profession of heart of the Er that hold a place of strategic importance high all gets 3.9 14 10.8 cent, backboard, secondary attack, his son small Wei Si - Angsaierde is the trainer that dig gold.