The secret of 3 article fish of American? Turn gene fish is infecund, do not allow to breed in the U

In these seafood, the fish that imports from abroad is more and more. In major entrance fish, the country of South America is holding very large proportion.

In present entrance seafood, 3 article fish has made the mainstream fish of seafood market. Suffer the effect of Japanese food culture, our country also is to more and more peoples begin to be used to edible body of 3 article fish bone and eat 3 article slices of fish meat raw. Actually, besides the South America country such as Chile, the United States also is one big 3 article fish exports a nation. So 3 article fish of the United States after all under cover how many secret? According to money new network report reports, the United States turns the characteristic that 3 article fish is having gene to cannot be borne, at the same time its are not approved undertake breed aquatics in the United States.

The United States turns gene 3 article fish, if the person is used for a long time, can you affect a person to bear a function normally? Bring about thereby infecund. The addition of virus of this Beijing new coronal comes just about rotation gene 3 article fish.

3 article fish of American are approval of medical canal department and do not allow to breed in the United States, pay close attention to this word mainly please.

The fact explains, conceal is in our life, imperceptible a long use, have really to human body cannot go against the harm that turn, turn gene must discreet, policy must rigorous.

The secret of 3 article fish of American? Turn gene fish is infecund, do not allow to breed in the United States

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