Much branch: The high speed that enter capital did not affect Feng Lu because of epidemic situation

Much branch: The high speed that enter capital did not affect Feng Lu because of epidemic situation

16 days, the message says, beijing high speed closes into Beijing way way. New capital signs up for a reporter from Beijing head hair group and understanding of the branch that make a valve arrive, be accused at present without road because of epidemic situation by the canal. Head chief says related hair group, feng Lu is in charge of by the branch that make a valve, if have the measure that seal a road truly, the branch that make a valve or traffic appoint affirmative meeting issues an announcement. The department that make a valve also says, did not receive the information that the road that enter capital closes.

16 days morning, reporter of new capital newspaper makes tubal inning from Beijing 122 call the police the stage understands, have not receive at present have collect fees into Beijing the station closes administrative message.

Heibei saves a freeway to give an information to serve a net to show, come 16 days from 13 days 11 when, because conserve construction work takes up driveway is reached,many freeway has rain limitation prohibits the circumstance that 9 above passenger car and danger taste the path on the car, but do not have Feng Lu.

Subsequently, reporter of new capital newspaper contacts a hair group a staff member, the other side says, head hair group administer each freeway collects fees into Beijing the station did not close measure. A section of a highway of partial high speed has traffic control, but these control step do not begin from recently.

In addition, head chief says related hair group, did not seal road measure at present, and Feng Lu is to hand in tubal branch to be in charge of, if have the measure that seal a road truly, the branch that make a valve or traffic appoint affirmative meeting issues an announcement.

New capital signs up for a reporter from Hua Beigao fast highway Inc. understands, beijing Shanghai high speed also was not affected into Beijing direction by epidemic situation and close, because partial a section of a highway has road conserve exercise to need to take up lash-up driveway perhaps exceeds driveway, but the measure that closes without road.

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