Da oneself why don't have a thing to feed a grape with respect to king giving name of the last rule


① this bowl of chicken broth not quite row. Use index will calculate, so as to is revealed different the huge gap that holds to degree to fall, but this is unreasonable. Maths is close science, and the potential basis of this bowl of chicken broth is absurd however, because anybody importunate effect is impossible to grow period ground to grow with exponential level, now and then index growth already was god-given, more it is addition. Standard level of hypothesis A, B all is 1, so holding to A is increase its knowledge, technical ability with slow addition, namely everyday with 0.0001 other perhaps and decimal slow growth, the effect also is defer feedback, there are this two people only in the market, good luck can be in both between wander randomly, when A insists to grow, because have more knowledge, technical ability, you have larger possibility to seize opportunity (it is to encounter not only) , try hard luckier more namely. And certain hour, do poineering work for example the project is bought by angel investment, patent, the novel erupts suddenly type circulates, the company is bought to wait a moment by excessive price, ability now and then implementation index rises.

- like this kind of rational to have the bar essence of life that occupy

What ② says is good! Take out today will read a book, take more everyday later, the I can read one day 37.8 hours book after a year! !

- logistic wizard [choke up with sobs]

Child of ③ my neighbour now a meter, he should insist to grow tall little everyday only, after a year, he with respect to 37.8 meters!

Pressure of secretary of a Party or League branch of my this village is very great

① Wang Shu is written down

The achievement of the Foolish Old Man removed the mountains touchs ② God, I died to have my son, the son died to have grandchildren, the descendants is endless, can carry away hill one day eventually, god listened to discharge two male immortals, side I is fair his home gives birth to the child, understand applause

The ass of ③ production team also is done not have so tired ah!

How does he get rich?

List of ① order for arrest sees be understanding completely

② left share golden basin, want what golden basin washs his hands to want to come here to sweep a code to pay

③ he sold the golden basin that wash one's hands

Da oneself why don't have a thing to feed a grape with respect to king giving name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant?

① feeds an upper part of a leg of pork, king of name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant gnaws half hours, da oneself did not do not have a thing to do

② ah this. . . You think, da if oneself fills in a sugar cane or a banana arrives in mouth of king of name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant, , , very abnormal. . .

- cannot bare-handed break off a Durian to eat to king of name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant

- - say to follow you so these youths are to do not have method preach to manage

③ otherwise? Does king giving name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant gather up garlic?

Hearing is an intellectual [clever light shines]

① chants favour Q Q Q, base hold do not brush 6, e shines will escape, watch my show

② " the ass that chant " the hoof that the fleshy rob a tomb that donkey-hide gelatin of asinine ass ass uses with the baked wheaten cake that get a skin uses.

③ " chant female " female female female braces puts on the cent in practicing half hair two years combing personally

Happy momently, treat only all sorts of not happy, remember paying close attention to Da. Attention is more wonderful! Transmit ╋ is shared, you will obtain infinite joy!

Examine more and wonderful content the head portrait that interesting graph article clicks me turns over experience history article, it is rich only everyday you laugh!

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