か of な of き of つ of き of ひ と い ? _AKB48 of ら Shan Bencai, NMB48, shan Bencai
- MVThe film " り of た of が of の of も of DESTINY
- MVRollin ′ Rollin ′ is duple fast - _AKB48 of PROD
- MVRumor is duple fast - PRODUCE48_ Korea galaxy, kor
- MV[Group of fabaceous breast caption] 180827 HKTBING
- MV180828AKBINGO! Ep507_AKB48
- MV "Short Ver of ね of た of の of good き " .
- MVDance practices Cut @ Produce48_AKB48, korea galax
- MVVocal practices Cut @ Produce48 Ep12_AKB48, korea