Do not contend for, pay no attention to, not angry! Saw through, also understood with respect to work!
Errant Yu Chun puts in Jing birds dwell 's charge, heart of Ba hill chastity compares Gu Song
5 phoenix confused are in 8 a mythical bird like the phoenix, drive shuts the door to avoid fire gets lost eventually
Do not know Wei of the court of a feudal ruler to read aloud bad luck, become without the poem dark write leisurely mood to write down
Resting tung Bai Ci believes breath shade, dish Yu Yiyan does obeisance to Yin Qing
Break course may I ask to have all day, wine not the emperor disappears know
(beautiful article, chicken broth, 3 farming, country, energy)
Savor life 100 condition, comprehend life together!
More comprehends article of life, wonderful beauty