Yue Yang policeman of leak of one bus natural gas deals with in time eliminate hidden danger

Yue Yang policeman of leak of one bus natural gas deals with in time eliminate hidden danger

Hua Sheng is online on April 8 dispatch (reporter Qiu Fenghua) this morning 8 when 18 minutes, area under administration of group of building of Yue Yang of detachment of policeman of public security bureau of Yue Yang city builds Hunan road on industrial and commercial bank because a bus did not notice roadside branch height, the natural gas canister of roof is blown by branch, cause leak of natural gas instant, cause safe hidden trouble to circumjacent dweller. After the policeman of group of Yue Yang building that is on duty around discovers, all passengers that board the bus instantly are orderly and scattered the limits outside reaching 50 meters, dial at the same time 119 call the police, carry out traffic control to this a section of a highway.

Yue Yang policeman of leak of one bus natural gas deals with in time eliminate hidden danger

The policeman does good spot safety in time to defend the job, 50 meters of less than do not allow the site use bright internal heat, prohibit accepting hatchet man plane, smoking, lest fireman is in process of rush to deal with an emergency,produce explosion and bring about casualties. After 40 minutes, fireman carries the bus on the head successfully natural gas conduit to stem, prevented natural gas in time to divulge accident aggravation.

In the morning at 9 o'clock half, policeman of group of in relief building of policeman high mountain comes to public transportation firm of Yue Yang city, in the light of incident of leak of bus natural gas is right public transportation company undertook agreement talking, to ensure broad passenger and citizen safety, department of hope general hand over to the collective or the state is opposite strictly according to the requirement natural gas car detects regularly, undertake to the driver major grooms regularly, take strict precautions against this kind of accident to happen again.

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