" AutoX " capture dollar of several ten million A3 annulus financing, plan and class of L4 of outf

36 krypton learn, drive automatically company " AutoX " announce, already obtained before a few months get the dollar of several ten million that send by east wind A3 annulus financing. After this financing, east wind and AutoX plan massive amount antenatal to hold L4 degree nobody drive commercial vehicle, autoX also plans to be base with Shenzhen to home market dilate.

According to the data that AutoX government provides, the seed that this company ever obtained Zhang Shoucheng and Xu Xiaoping annulus investment, obtained 2017 couplet of capital, Taiwan sends the investment of the division now; Still obtain later on the strategy of steam group invests, this also is to go up steam drives in nobody the investment with the largest field.

AutoX introduces on look forward to of car of these two homebred heads regards steam and east wind as strategic partner, very similar Cruise and the collaboration of this general, cropland are politic. This company author holds CEO Xiao Jianxiong concurrently to express, they are in rather he is domestic and international car plant talks about collaboration, think an unmanned road-sense make it a general platform, resemble installing the Windows system on the car.

Besides with go up beyond collaboration of steam, east wind, autoX still is in this year on March 29, released the first jointly with Biyadi nobody drive edition " Pro of the Qin Dynasty " pure dynamoelectric by with the car, those who aim at is nobody drive Robotaxi setting. AutoX tells 36 krypton, a quantity is produced model Pro of the Qin Dynasty can be in AutoX technology is used to finish in the day nobody are changed upgrade.

By January 2019, autoX is formal south Shenzhen a mountainous area established headquarters of Chinese research and development, combine delimit with Shenzhen city nobody drive demonstrative area, plan construction is large-scale nobody drive demonstrative motorcade.

AutoX offerred a paragraph to be south Shenzhen to 36 krypton reporter of hill downtown nobody drive video, quicken edition, 31 seconds grow when. The road periphery that video films has edifice of Tecent edifice, Baidu edifice, China embellish bamboo shoots in spring and stream of people to have the coastal city that block up shopping centers. Advocate drive have a driver, deputy drive have a test man. In this paragraph of video, this car can avoid automatically let have the pedestrian that block up and car, finish many crossroad left-hand rotation to wait drive behavior. 36 krypton reporter is seeking the other side to provide complete video, in order to judge whole drive process last a period of time how long, whether to have artificial interference.

" AutoX " capture dollar of several ten million A3 annulus financing, plan and class of L4 of outfit of antenatal of east wind quantity nobody drive commercial vehicle

AutoX is south Shenzhen a mountainous area nobody drive video cut pursues (graph source: AutoX)

36 krypton ever reported, on August 27, 2018, autoX was rolled out in California drive automatically unripe bright transmissive service, and the sell goods of unmanned goods shelves that carries on the car serves, deliver goods rate is top can amount to hour of 120 kilometre / , but because try the road speed limit of operation area, highest service speed per hour is 70 kilometre / hour. This car changes his costume or dress by Lincoln MKZ, carried a lidar, 8 are photographed like the head.

AutoX government says, end now, DOT of American the Ministry of Communication and NHSTA L4 level nobody drive in the company of safe level attestation, autoX is exclusive China nobody drive company. This standard is limits of eye preexistence bound inside, the strictest safe requirement that issues by authoritative government sector.

AutoX government says, they had been entered new round of financing that is as high as several dollars, enrolling the talent such as accept technology, operation, business affairs and governmental concern, the plan reachs group dilate hundreds of people.

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