Inform against black evil case 3 people bear the palm 25 thousand yuan

Inform against black evil case 3 people bear the palm 25 thousand yuan

China business signs up for dispatch (reporter Yang De adds up to photography Deng Xiaowei) yesterday morning, not ended police holds clew to inform against promotive radical golden hair to put a ceremony, 3 clew informed against person spot to get bonus 25000 yuan. This is not ended police informs against a person the 3rd times to extend to clew promotive fund.

Local tyrant, village bully, sand bully is destroyed because of informing against in succession

On March 26, 2018, police station of 6 villages fort receives substation of public security not ended Mr Li is informed against, rao Mou does not support his to enter into an election contest because of the victim village director, the menace on utterance undertakes to its in holding instrument to rush into victim home. Not ended police works through a large number of investigation, destroy finally " village bully " , uncover criminal case 3 cases, arrest 2 people.

In August 2018, police station of careless beach of substation of public security not ended receives victim Mr Liu to inform against, say its drive when sand is being carried toward some village before guiding a few workers, be held to fetters by 4 men in village doorway maul. Not ended police establishs case group to launch investigation instantly, harm case proceed with intentionally from this, will with the member of gang of 7 people crime that Li Mou army, Yang Mou heads is captured entirely, destroyed successfully to be adopted for many times dozen break those who wait for violent means to control building materials illegally to supply " sand bully " group of crime of quality vicious power. Take broken criminal case 3 cases at the same time, public security case 2.

In November 2018, police station of Seoul of substation of public security not ended receives Mr Wang to inform against, in north of not ended area the somebody outside the door austral some village collects 3 ring protective cost, and already lasted a many month. Solid to informing against material to undertake checking discovering clew is belonged to, immediately of substation of public security not ended establishs case group to spread out investigate, uncovered the blackmail case that with benefit some waits for such-and-such, Han Mou to be organized artificially finally, the butcher that destroyed to spread out to placing forcibly collection " stall is expended " , have the gang of experience evil crime of blackmail. Already arrested 2 people now, get online chase after escape 1 person.

Not ended police collects evil clue of experience black experience 24 hours

Yesterday, two male one female 3 citizens that cause black vicious power finally because of informing against clew to be succeeded to destroy by police take stake.

According to introducing, the experience that masses of support of not ended police informs against actively is black clew of evil case key, uncovered experience many cases continuously black evil case, destroyed group of vicious power crime, experience evil crime gang, " village bully " , arrest guilty suspect in all 11, sweep for overall situation black establish new meritorious service again except evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting. It is reported, sweeping black except beginning of evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting, not ended police took the lead in establishing 100 thousand yuan of clew to inform against special award fund, and early or late to " case of gang of evil crime of Xi Mou bright experience " clew informs against person Xiaozhang to waited for many masses to extend to reward fund. To at present, not ended police already extended early or late clew rewards nearly 40 thousand yuan.

"Masses is informed against more and more eagerly, our hit black except evil job thorough already popular feeling. " deputy director general of substation of public security not ended, sweep black do director Wang Yajun to express, sweep oneself black since be being begun except evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting, not ended police transfers force of policemen of more than 50 essence holds water sweep black do, right " underground goes out alarm team, village bully, sand bully, city bully, local tyrant " and " 12 black " wait for a problem to pull net type platoon to check. Not ended police was received in all 2018 inform against clew 348, already investigated a tie entirely, substation already got clue 2019 213. Not ended police continues to face numerous people to collect sweep black violate guilty clew except evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting. Once check,inform against clew solid, will give 2000 yuan of award that differ to 30000 yuan of amount according to relevant provision.

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