It is very easy to cheat his, but it is very difficult to cheat this society

Always hear somebody to say, honesty is a kind of good disposition quality. Those who see honesty can not produce get effect instantly will pass on in social angle, because the society is mixed,the interaction between the individual is a kind long-term, the condition of exert a subtle influence on. But put in trade to differ, trading is a microcosmic society, the refine that also is human nature metals and stone-a symbol of hardness and strength, a bit a few flaws are met here times more infinite ground enlarge, enrol cannot sustain till you.

Whether do you lack ▌ that sincerity in trading?

Do not know you has thought, whether can oneself accomplish this to see the honesty with be like easy really? Before answering this question, we are necessary to understood honesty to include what kind of import after all.

Honest basis of the object different and OK divide roughly it is two kinds, it is honest to others, 2 it is honest to oneself.

The first kind of everybody is contacted more, here for the moment does not talk. About the 2nd kind you can oppugn the likelihood somewhat, should cheat oneself for what? Can this cheat live? In perhaps living, won't do really, but different in trade.

Enter the arena longing for prices to go down his direction, in the result somewhat when deviation, believe prices can turn around after all as before, is this a kind " self-deceiving " ? Very much before the market person does not wish to admit he is puny, also do not wish to acknowledge a mistake when go against power prices blow on the face and coming finish, this results from in human nature " bigoted " , not hesitate even toughly for this the hypothesis that persuades to take oneself to believe have not confirms. This is a lot of people the germ that dies in period city: Do not wish to be conquered by the market, always imagine oneself can the palm accuses overall situation, stand at indefectible.

Ghost millet ever said: Since ancient times up to now, its one also, change is boundless, each return somewhat. The sage's wisdom tells us, though way way also can want exclusively to face up to its a lot of change, searching a root to ask the bottom grasps the pattern is Chongzhongzhi is weighed, cut the hand the centre of the palm that cannot feel all the different kind changes not to escape to give his. If say this is the world outlook to the market, of income of that piece of gift that " 3 slightly " the methodology that coachs we trade namely, among them one paragraph is told " soft set somewhat, just applied somewhat " the way to deal with a situation that handles vicissitude of the market namely. Trading is not a Lu Gang after all, do not acknowledge a mistake absolutely, do not believe unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease absolutely, however firm soft go before aid ground. The set that wants reason when deficit stops caustic, place oneself are right the manner of prices; Want to know stop where it should stop when gain, discovery is incorrect come on the stage instantly, cannot flay a flint. Have pair of him openness only, not the heart puts airy ability to review filthy human nature truly, make reasonable decision-making.

Everybody mights as well here close an eye to think carefully, whether are oneself put in dishonest to oneself circumstance in trade? 2 class market is a doorsill low, share the market with huge group, here everybody feels he is clever and zenithal, and others is stupit. Human nature is here also by deductive incisively and vividly, always must meditate, hour summary. This is right not just trade technology, it is the state of mind to oneself and thought more.

It is very easy to cheat his, but it is very difficult to cheat this society

▌ becomes his bosom friend, reject oneself to cheat oneself

Everybody calculates to oneself going up is the most familiar stranger, leave look more nearlier not clear. So, want to make oneself trading road straightway, must break through this one obstacle, understand oneself deeply, become oneself bosom friend.

Besides daily self-communion, because acknowledge is not clear,still a method can decrease and the loss that cause: Build trade completely system. The frame that uses a system will restrain his rambling and free ideology. The place in millet of ghost of no less than says " namely desire the expensive week of Bai, what be about to entire namely is expensive close " , limitation and plan ability are made let a risk can accuse in each respects. Enter the arena below what condition, come on the stage below what condition, the hero below what condition breaks wrist, next pursuit strike what condition to want to make unified fixed arrangement, such ability are only unapt operation disorder, cannot can depend on.

Different ginseng and market have different kind, means itself does not have the cent of actor bad, but impossible somebody falls to be able to achieve stable gain in the circumstance that invests a system without the individual, building the base that invests a system effectively is honest to oneself. The deep him understanding, disposition actor weakness that understands oneself, avoid too subjective thing to appear in trade as far as possible. Hold to established investment principle, not easily shake and change investment course. Only such, ability beats his heart continuously, adopt the difference of parallel system requirement and own apiration, see oneself true face clear. Also only what just can establish an individual truly so trade system.

Said so much, just hope you understands trading is not a technology merely than going all out, it is the argue of state of mind and disposition more. It is OK to there are which kind of gimmicks in the market stand erect all ages and do not fall, also do not have which person to be able to become Chang Sheng's general. So, positive-appearing image elder people say in that way, trade accomplish the Xiu Lian that finally is pair of human nature. Drop a mask, open his mind to oneself, beat him heart continuously most the one side of ferocious, only such genuine ability lives in the market.

It is very easy to cheat his, but it is very difficult to cheat this society

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