The company does not make social security, how should employee complain dimension authority to had w

Insurance knowledge

The unit is accountability for social security of each employee pay, face not the unit of pay social security, we can ask the company supplies capture. But if the course talks things over for many times, the unit rejects social security of employee filling pay as before, that laborer this how does thought for the time being?

The company does not make social security, how should employee complain dimension authority to had written down 3 methods, proposal transmit!

The isle should say

1, inform against to unit of social security agency, social security of filling capture of unit of requirement choose and employ persons.

" social insurance law " formulary unit is accountability for employee pay social security, if the word of social security of not seasonable pay, regular to unit collection fine for delaying payment, should be in at the same time with one times above 3 times the following, owe the administrative penalty of capture amount, can use this one clause to inform against an unit as laborer so, use the social security of individual of force pursue and wipe out of social security orgnaization.

2, do not put forward to leave one's post for pay social security and ask with the unit compensate pays economy to compensate gold and filling capture social security.

According to the regulation of labor contract law, if the company does not give worker pay the word of social security, laborer can remove with this labor contract, and apply for economy compensate gold. Want an unit to exist only such be not handed in or the behavior of leakage capture, laborer is OK to labor censorial group perhaps works the arbitration has appeal, advocate oneself legitimate rights and interests.

3, unit not lawfully pay social security, can advocate the unit recoups a loss.

If unit of choose and employ persons does not have laborer to handle social security, bring about laborer to cannot enjoy social security treatment quite. Laborer asks unit of choose and employ persons recoups a loss, court of people of this kind of case should give accept, if do not have pay endowment insurance to bring about,cannot retire those who enjoy treatment, protect without pay medical service bring about cannot submit an expense account medical treatment expends attribute this kind of situation, laborer is OK appeal individual right.

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