[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of blac

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

Central be determined will be swept black except evil undertake after all

Ask you so be sure to him be cautious behavior

Everything thinks thrice before you act

Do not make the accessory of black vicious power not carefully


If, you are a worker, work in a company all the time, very unfortunate, the black eldest child that your boss is be worthy of the name by chance... black eldest child defaults your salary, you exhausted all sorts of method, he does not send salary namely, still say, XXX owes my money, have ability you look for him to want.

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

Then you under one anger, laid the person that owes money, still mauled, you form this moment likely to harm a blame intentionally;

Or, you give the person that owes money imprisoned, want him to return money, the likelihood forms your behavior to imprison a blame illegally!

Or, the Che Fei that you look at the person that owes money constant not pleasing to the eye, give the car was bungled, the likelihood forms your behavior to destroy property blame intentionally;

Or, when go to work, look at the machine that the person that owes money bangs then, remembered oneself salary, got angry, give the machine was bungled, your behavior may be formed destroy production to manage a hardship.


If, you still are a worker, but your working environment is gambling house, inopportune is boss of this gambling house it is black eldest child, you are in charge of driving everyday receive send tea of gambler, end to pour water, check the identity, deal. . . . . . Open door technically even to the person, draw high salary thereby. So your behavior may be suspected of opening gambling house blame or gamble crime.

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power


[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power


[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power


[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power


[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power


[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

Black eldest child drives gave an accident, give the person bumped, act recklessly. Must you take sb's place, slotting tool of your two costal region! Was finished, you are formed harbor blame!


If, in the hotel that you open, inn, barber shop, or yourself home, you know perfectly well black eldest child to constituent others walks the street and provide a room, you are suspected of a look staying walk the street blame. If you help black eldest child " pimp " , be suspected of the introduction walking the street, count a blame and punish. Person of belt of black eldest child comes drug taking, you are suspected of a look taking pain of other drug taking.

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power


If, you accompany black eldest child to go on the driveway, bumped into others, others abused black eldest child, you should help the old come forward, he is pushed on the driveway, as a result his trip bumps on driveway tooth to perhaps be given to bump dead by the car from the back, your behavior may form error to cause person death, if you hit him one fist, above of flesh wound of the appraisal that hurt feeling, your behavior may form intended harm.


If, you are an officeholder, get acquainted with socially a few black eldest children, they let you helping inquiry news, you may be suspected of violating crime of citizen individual information. Black eldest child lets you be being helped again do some of bad thing, you may be suspected of derelict blame or blame of misuse of authority.


If, you are a ruffian, feel oneself this all one's life marries wife hopeless, can be you from a wife was bought to come home to give birth to baby to you over there black eldest child, or, you are in black vicious power bought a child to come home in the hand raise. At this moment, your behavior made crime of the woman that bribe is kidnapped and sell, children.

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power


If, you are a farmer, contracted a few hilltop, kind full tree, good not easy, sapling seedling was brought up, village bully people incite you to cut a tree, still tell you to need not do cut licence. At this moment, you may offend criminal law, make denudation forest crime. If, you want to go wild animal of concentrate on work at selected units " give presents " village bully, then you were about to see well, your behavior may be suspected of chasing illegally wild animal!


If, black eldest child needs for crime, let you forge, false papers of falsification, buying and selling. At this moment, your behavior may be formed forge, blame of archives of office of state of falsification, business, certificate, seal.

Above enumerated behavior, at ordinary times you are likely carelessly, but be suspected of crime possibly, once touch,offend on black vicious power, will naturally become sweep black the target that divides evil blow. Reality makes clear, black vicious power often is sent through pulling a side to written guarantee, entertain guests have a meal wait for member of fashion draw sb over to one's side, yourself is profligate, become the key target that they develop possibly, resistance is weak tip off information even or harbor, indulgent illegal criminal, secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing of nigrify vicious power.

1.Perhaps, you are a farmer only, but you have to become of village secretary of a Party or League branch " iron brother " , " sworn brothers " , OK in the village hide the truth from the masses, stand by one's word, be a be worthy of the name " village bully " . Your feeling follows him to work very arrogant, became village cadre through organizing the practice bribery at an election that play a bank note to still help you, later all sorts of resource in your forestall village, gnaw eat villager increase, occupy by force or low makes over village collective asset to grab interest, do a few business that break the law. Good, you are " sweep black except evil " optimal object.

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

2.Perhaps, you work namely, but your working environment is hall of a large game or report plays a city, actually it is wrapping around namely the feature of gamble black shelter of lawful appearance, plane of so called sport is one-armed bandit, what " one sword 18 shark " , " all-purpose shark " , " sea shark is princely " wait for game game have everything that one expects to find. Your boss is very arrogant, of dye-in-the-wood black eldest child model, employed a gang little younger brother to visit site, "Stand sentry stand sentry " , " uphold order " , you are among them one of, so your behavior may be suspected of opening gambling house blame or gamble crime.

3.Perhaps, you go to work in company of a mining industry, very pretty good or manager of a branch is in charge of organizing production. Your boss is more arrogant, what " outstanding entrepreneur " , " committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference " halo overspreads a body, but privately however local ruffian of collect a gang is scampish, with rod of shotgun, iron and dynamite clear the way, violent loot mine, be power shake one party " mine bully " , dig excessive to collect without aptitude illicit, I am sorry, sweep black except evil when, you also can be become " illegal mining blame " one of guilty suspects.

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

4.Perhaps, you are one accompanies a visitor all the day " make a sightseeing tour " tourist guide, of course this is not the main purpose that you work, another your job leads a visitor namely " drive shop, force to trade " earn money. Of course this affirmation can be encountered not not know how to behave in a delicate situation, obedient even opposed tourist, but this does not pour you hard, because you are not a person,fighting, there is all corners of the country that holds out you from the back " eldest brother " , of course those sell goods also not be stubble of be apt to, not of know how to behave in a delicate situation threaten, indocile closes little black room, opposed is hit directly then bend over below. Was opposite, you are so called black tourist guide!

5.Perhaps, you are an envy evil be like enemy " anger is green " , resent to the society all the day, disappointed to the government, feel the world is too dark, abreact without what however channel. One day you knew on the net " tall person " profess civilian justice personage, with your have a common goal, make up then a few false the situation of a disaster, alarm affection and horrible information, even the video of party of bring shame on and government, opinion on public affairs, let you carry all sorts of network channel transmission all the day. Actually, you already by outside the condition " lofty on " instead China black vicious power is used, had you still had?

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

6.Perhaps, because you became hobo without professional skill, but encounter suddenly one day " eldest brother " , particularly good to you, take you to be very popular drink hot, return discrepancy public place of entertainment, arranged a job to you, wrap not only eat encase, pay is particularly high still, let you hide a packet of thing in the body to carry to him the ground goes abroad even namely. You will be very obliged docile and obedient, actually he is " black poison is peddled " , and your job is carry poisonous man, should sentence capital punishment.

7.Perhaps, you are " small borrow " the company works, actually you also know it is put namely usurious, since be usurious, have what still do not have money naturally. But this boss that does not pour you hard, and you help him demand repayment namely, you think " be in debt return money, perfectly justified " , " make what way " , to returning what do not have money, you threaten, the door, beat up, imprison, affront, but met this " sweep black except evil " .

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

8.Perhaps, you are in " meeting place " , " piscina " or " KTV " wait for spatial job, it is a clerk only apparently, although inglorious but sound also calculate a serious work. However, your boss is fierce, black and white two sweep the deck, courage is great also, the surface is managed legally, but inside Tibet " yellow bet poison " , dry still even move forces fine is the business of prostitute, although your person is not evil, but also be always follow sb's advice to the boss' directive, such accomplice that you became crime!

9.Perhaps, you develop business to work to a house property, industry treatment is good, also may be a company that tear open change. However, ask for the ground to tear open change which have so successful, those who encounter a few to be fed up with " nail door " that is unavoidable, your boss is fierce nevertheless, also be black and white sweep the deck, at hand is overbearing and rampant local ruffian blackguardly, you follow them to be opposite every day " nail door " menace threatens, clutch report cuts off the water supply, destroy mobbish, break lacquer of vitreous fuel injection, return violent forced releasing finally. You this follows black vicious power typically to hang namely above.

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

10. perhaps, you are an own experience unjust, interest is damaged appeal for help door, long-term since the problem is couldn't get from beginning to end solve, as it happens has to follow you " those who have the same illness sympathize with each other " person, want to pull your join the gang to hold a group in the arms to warm oneself, incendiary a flock of people that include you inside go into the street processional demonstrate, call catchword, stay, surround disturbed and a government organization, public order, you think person much power is great, can solve your problem so, so you also are very happy with it. Who tells the gang of black vicious power that this is plot of a group of politicize, you were used again, can have you had?

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

11.Perhaps, you are do-nothing at ordinary times faineant, one day had a brother to offer a good assignment to you, need not sell coolie, also need not think, the market that buy outright, night fair, early town is dominated in the brother, collect administration fee to butcher of small vendor's stand, it is actually " protection is expended " , bully goes bully city, aggressive is rampant, encounter refuse to obey of management, or do not hand in what make money money, less, with respect to be foul-mouthed, be troubled by deadlocked lift booth, even boxing foot addition, small faker people live under another's roof, also can dare anger not dare character! So good, you have a famous renown number " city bully " .

[sweep black except evil] vigilant! Did not make oneself imperceptible become the accomplice of black vicious power

12.Perhaps, you are small official of a basic level only, you feel black vicious power " umbrella " won't hang with you forever above. You are wrong, "Umbrella " sound seem " lofty on " , actually not statified class, wanted you to take family advantage only, need not what call each other brothers, inside administrative responsibility, the behavior turn a blind eye to to common people of bully and oppress of a few people, tyrannize, harbor indulgent, break the law not correct, execute the law lax, have case do not stand, have case do not check, so the black vicious power that you became a tunnel " umbrella " .

1: [sweep black except evil] Wu Erhe area informs against black vicious power to violate guilty activity to reward method

2: [big beautiful Wu Erhe] let a tourist stay, wu Erhe from " terminal " arrive " destination "

3: [big beautiful Wu Erhe] " rose garden " the slow days in civilian constellation, halcyon and free and easy

4: [big beautiful Wu Erhe] the right season or time of spring outing go for a walk in the country in spring! Su Dajiang should come Wu Erhe goes to " Dou Ting is good " journey

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