Problem of high school maths learn case 10, revulsive and formulary foundation practices, strange ch

Learn law guidance: Revulsive formula is not difficult, but when classmates learn, feel a bit dizzy truly, the reason is many teachers ask the student carries formula on the back, carry 27 formula on the back but not difficult how, with revulsive formula at the same time solution inscribes most problem to need much pace to finish. My teach a law to use 10 words true word only namely " strange change occasionally changeless, the symbol sees quadrant " , this kind of method is out of shape require one step only can, much simpler, detailed sees the character below explains

Problem of high school maths learn case 10, revulsive and formulary foundation practices, strange change occasionally changeless, the symbol sees quadrant

Study the practice situation of revulsive formula in view of education high school student, the proposal does not want the revulsive formula with specific mechanical memorizing, mechanical memorizing criterion apply mechanically, cannot apply neatly, get used to change hard. Reason wants understanding control and apply neatly " strange change occasionally changeless, the symbol sees quadrant " metabolic rule. For this, this book gives out with the means of the exercise revulsive formula.

No matter what problem, one pace finishs this kind of method, practice in the test and verify in solving a problem please

Problem of high school maths learn case 10, revulsive and formulary foundation practices, strange change occasionally changeless, the symbol sees quadrant

Solution problem covers a region: Add horny change for an axes horn or decrease an acute angle, with revulsive formula but one pace reachs the designated position.

Habitual nurturance: In front tamp foundation, from the back criterion follow a rational line to do some work well, result become to nature

{! - - PGC_COLUMN- - }Problem of high school maths learn case 10, revulsive and formulary foundation practices, strange change occasionally changeless, the symbol sees quadrant

Solution inscribes train of thought: Be out of shape, make axes role leading, lean to revulsive formula

Can be out of shape by revulsive formula first, change brief, take the place of next value, cut not bouncing measure and calculate hard

Problem of high school maths learn case 10, revulsive and formulary foundation practices, strange change occasionally changeless, the symbol sees quadrant

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