Beijing time on April 12, be in the 3rd " constant dock-glass " international football championship is first-run in discharging a contest, time of convention of group of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class team of U17 of antler of island of deer of 2 smoother than 2 battle Japan. In nodding ball big fight, level ground of goalkeeper Huo Shen attacks repeatedly adversary orders a ball two grains, final team with 7 win victory than the total score of 6. Constant size turns over against the wind dish, absolutely emulative spirit, the insanity that got spot fan hits Call.
Jiang Weilang is in Lu Dao protects a ball under antler player press hard on
As 2018 inferior Guan Guanjun, green example of cervine island antler also belongs to top class level in Asian football. In contest of the group before this, team of U17 of cervine island antler with 1 than 1 force made the same score " extraterrestrial " parent group Brazil of Luonaerduo Kelusailuo. Today match begin phase, u17 of cervine island antler shows physical ability advantage, the 23rd minute, cervine island antler opens a corner kick, halfback blessing former Zuo to head burst open the door, 1 than 0 banner. After throwing a ball, constant old young general people lifted kickback, recaptured very quickly on field active advantageous position, successive innovation gave goal of opportunity menace the other side, the 34th minute, advanced field makes group of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class an essence of life is wonderful cooperate, wu Junjie straight a place of strategic importance gives He Xinjie, the bottom below latter is answered pass, zhang Jun bright faces Buddhism to be pushed calmly shoot, turn score for 1 than 1 smooth. The 68th minute, zhou Tiancheng passes the ball to forbidden zone, revive Tian Shidi receives ball shoot to will be disturbed by the door for a short while, subsequently his face about fills shoot a net, 2 than 1 exceed score instead. 4 matches, the goal number of team of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class rises stage by stage, realize changeover first, report gives team member people cooperate tacit understanding to spend have progress, face what the setback falls to face ability of field meet an emergency to also be in promotion, after Hu Lian surpasses, episcopal practice represents: "Although score is backward, field is relatively wet also slip, but we also are encouraging a player to be paid attention to more all the time cooperate, not impatient. Not impatient..
Nevertheless this is gotten the better of bureau be one 3 fold, the 87th minute, team of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class is in hind the error that pass a ball, after the interpose of Zuo of cane of Yi of team of U17 of cervine island antler seizes an opportunity, insert on fill shoot excommunicate. Those who depend on last hour is absolutely smooth, cervine island antler delays the competition bit of ball big fight.
Wu Junjie of team member of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class controls a ball
In nodding ball big fight, before both sides 3 rounds punish entirely into, the 4th round of Li Yu that come on the stage judge dot ball is attacked, situation of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class is tight, the 5th round, the key that faces decision victory or defeat orders a ball, constant gate jumps suddenly deep level ground towards the left very quickly, attacked the dot ball of the interpose of Yi Teng Zuo , subsequently, team member of constant big U17 punishs the ball that take a place, chase after score for 4 than 4 smooth. The 6th round of man-to-man penalty shot, suddenly deep level ground again magical attack the dot ball of Wei of Liu of fine of Ji of player of the other side, as the header on field Zhou Tiancheng punishs the ball that take a place calmly, group of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class is final with 7 than the 6 victories that gain this hard-earned.
Attack continuously two suddenly deep level ground that choose a ball are judged to be this field optimal player, dot ball is big prewar, he comforted the teammate Chen Jiafeng of last hour occurrence error, huo Shen discloses after level ground contest, he says to teammate at that time: "You are at ease! Attack dot ball has me to be in, do not fear! If I attacked, ask me to drink water. " the match ends momently, boys are embraced together, cheer to the top of one's bent victory, coach and mom are comforting Chen Jiafeng aside, "This is the match, " the travel before encouraging him to continue, this is the price that growing place should pay.
Su Tianshi burst open the door exceeds score instead
The spot hundreds fan also passion cries out, for Heng Daxi team of class tooth sufficient school acclaims, and constant size player people also rank comes ahead the fan bow one's thanks of boost the morale of. The victory that this free and easy rises and fall, undoubted meeting enhances a player further people self-confident heart, and this so rich match experience, also be " constant dock-glass " such old scene can give international football championship the player people brought results and grow.
After team of U17 of antler of island of deer of victory of group of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class, attendant Bian Qingzhu
On April 14, team of U17 of sufficient school of tooth of Heng Daxi class will be mixed team of U17 of happiness of an ancient name for China contends for current match the 5th.