Make rich about opening a source with the sea before communication means is held and open regularly

Make rich about opening a source with the sea before communication means is held and open regularly mix model the announcement of plenary meeting of holder of portion of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment (next turning D32 edition)

One, to sit a meeting is basic circumstance

According to " negotiable securities of People's Republic of China invests fund way " (the following abbreviation " " fund law " " ) , " fund of investment of open collect negotiable securities runs administrative way " the regulation that waits for legal laws and regulations and " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model, haikaiyuan makes rich before and open regularly mix model negotiable securities invests fund (the following abbreviation " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix " or " this fund " , fund code: 004218) fund of the Hai Kaiyuan before fund management person runs limited company (the following abbreviation " our company " ) Inc. of bank of merchant of mandatory person action arranges classics and the fund of this fund consistent, the fund portion holder that decides to attend a meeting this fund with communication means call together is big, the specific arrangement of the conference is as follows:

1, the conference holds kind: Communication means.

2, the conference decides by ballot case stop time: Since April 18, 2019, to on May 14, 2019 17:00 stop (with fund management the person is received vote bill time is allow or be with clock of system of fund management person accurate) .

3, conference news report votes of the ticket post the drop that amount to the ground

Fund manages a person: Hai Kaiyuan fund runs limited company before

Business address: Division of cropland of blessing of city of Guangdong province Shenzhen is deep south highway square edifice of Fu Chundong of 7006 10 thousand divisions 10

Contact: Jin Zhuopu

Zip code: 518040

2, the conference discusses matter

" about revising before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model what negotiable securities invests fund fund contract and adjust the concerned item such as cost rate is second reading " (specific refer to accessory one) .

3, the rights and interests of plenary meeting of fund portion holder registers day

The rights and interests of this second congress registers day to be on April 17, 2019, trade that day namely after time ends, fund management limited company registers advanced Haikaiyuan in book portion hold average per capita has all fund of this fund power enters this second fund portion holder plenary meeting.

4, vote of the ticket fill in and send make way

(one) paper quality is voting (apply to orgnaization investor and individual investor)

1, this second conference votes the ticket refers to accessory 2. Fund portion holder can go up from relevant newspaper clipping, duplicate or log onto website of this fund management person ( download and print vote ticket.

2, fund portion holder ought to according to vote the requirement of the ticket fills in relevant content, among them:

(1) individual investor proper motion is voting, need to voting sign on the ticket, offer oneself effective Id photocopy;

(2) orgnaization investor proper motion is voting, need to voting this unit official seal is built on the ticket (or the other seal that fund management person approbates, similarly hereinafter) , offer those who build official seal to do business charter photocopy (batch of language that organization of institution, society or other unit can use those who build official seal to have authority department, open an account to prove or register certificate photocopy to wait) ;

(3) individual investor entrusts other to poll, should voting by agent sign on the ticket or affix one's seal, offer the individual investor that is acted as agent effective Id photocopy, and the original of accredit a power of attorney that fills appropriate (specific refer to accessory 3) . If agent is an individual, still need to offer procuratorial effective Id photocopy; If agent is an orgnaization, the builds official seal business charter photocopy that still needs to provide agent (batch of language that organization of institution, society or other unit can use those who build official seal to have authority department, open an account to prove or register certificate photocopy to wait) ;

(4) orgnaization investor entrusts other to poll, should voting by agent sign on the ticket or affix one's seal, offer by the builds official seal business charter photocopy of acting holder (batch of language that organization of institution, society or other unit can use those who build official seal to have authority department, open an account to prove or register certificate photocopy to wait) , and the original of accredit a power of attorney that fills appropriate (specific refer to accessory 3) . If agent is an individual, still need to offer procuratorial effective Id photocopy; If agent is an orgnaization, the builds official seal business charter photocopy that still needs to provide agent (batch of language that organization of institution, society or other unit can use those who build official seal to have authority department, open an account to prove or register certificate photocopy to wait) .

3, fund portion holder or its agent need to vote those who fill appropriate ticket and require relevant file rise from April 18, 2019, to on May 14, 2019 17:00 previously (with fund management the person is received vote bill time is accurate) the business address that the means service that pass deliver of person specially assigned for a task or mails appoints to our company, make clear in envelope surface please: "Haikaiyuan makes rich before and National People's Congress of hold of portion of fixed and open mixture fund can vote special " .

Conference news report votes of the ticket send the dot that amount to the ground to be as follows:

(2) the network is voting (apply to individual investor only)

For holder of convenient fund portion (individual investor, similarly hereinafter) participate in congress to poll, since April 18, 2019, to on May 14, 2019 17:00 previously (with fund management person system clock is accurate) , fund management person hands in easy system and small letter to trade on the net the system establishs voting zone, have voting fund portion holder through voting zone, should use open an account certificate date reachs entry password to undertake entry, in order to check the status of fund portion holder, ensure the rights and interests of fund portion holder.

5, plan ticket

1, the plan ticket way that Bencihui discusses is: By this fund management the person of two scrutinize balloting of person accredit is in fund is mandatory person (Inc. of the bank that enrol business) accredit represents supervise next undertaking plan ticket, and to its by the notary organization plan ticket process is given notarial. Clique of mandatory person refus represents fund to undertake supervisory to the plan bill that watch be determined sees, do not affect plan ticket and vote result.

2, what fund portion holder holds every fund portion to enjoy one ticket right to vote, and every fund portion enjoys equal right to vote.

3, vote the cognizance of ticket effectiveness is as follows:

(1) paper face votes the effectiveness of the ticket is maintained

1) vote the ticket fills in complete clarity, what offer a file to accord with this conference to notice a provision, and in end service appoints connection address before time, to vote effectively ticket; Vote effectively the ticket sees by watch be determined plan into vote accordingly result, portion plan enters the fund that its represent the fund share sum total that attends plenary meeting of this holder of second fund portion to vote.

2) if vote,watch be determined sees be determined of blank, watch see punch-drunk or mutual contradiction, but other each accord with the conference to notice a provision, regard waive the right as to vote, plan into vote effectively ticket; Press " waive the right " plan those who enter correspondence vote result, portion plan enters the fund that its represent the fund share sum total that attends plenary meeting of this holder of second fund portion to vote.

3) if vote,the signature on the ticket or part of affix one's seal fill in not complete, unsharpness, or fail to offer identity of holder of portion of valid proof fund or procuratorial classics of the proof file of effective accredit, or fail to be in end service appoints connection address before time, all vote to disable ticket; Invalid vote ticket not plan into the fund share sum total that attends holder of this second fund portion to be able to vote greatly.

4) fund portion holder repeats ticket of put the question, if each vote,the ticket votes concur, criterion identification votes ticket; If each vote,ticket watch be determined sees not identical, press following principle processing:

① service time is not same day, with final service fill in to vote effectively the ticket is accurate, first of service vote the ticket regards as be recalled;

② service time is same day, regard as in same vote diverse list be determined was made see on the ticket, plan vote into waive the right ticket;

③ service time decides by following principles: Of service of person specially assigned for a task allow with handing over time actually to be, the gets with fund management person time that mail is accurate.

(2) the network votes the effectiveness of the ticket is maintained

1) the cut-off with voting network time is on May 14, 2019 17:00 previously (with fund management person system clock is accurate) .

2) voting system supports the network only odd second voting, fund portion holder cannot be revised votingly as a result through the network, ask discretion of fund portion holder to poll.

6, condition of resolution become effective

1, oneself issue watch be determined to see with accredit other represents those who issue watch be determined to see directly, the fund share that fund portion holder represents not less than this fund registers day fund total share in rights and interests 50% (contain 50% ) ;

2, the fund portion holder that discusses item classics to attend the meeting and procuratorial place hold second reading careful the 2/3 above of right to vote (contain 2/3) through just be effective;

3, the item that resolution of this plenary meeting of holder of second fund portion carries, inspect of card of China of the 5 inside day newspapers since the day that this fund management person carries oneself can put on record, the matter that plenary meeting of fund portion holder decides votes oneself the become effective since the day that carry.

7, call together plenary meeting of fund portion holder and 2 accredit 2 times

Basis " fund law " the regulation with fund contract, need of this plenary meeting of holder of second fund portion votes effectively the 50% above that the fund share that ticket place represents occupies rights and interests to register day fund total share (contain 50% ) just can hold. If plenary meeting of this holder of second fund portion nots agree with,the requirement is narrated before closing and cannot hold quite successfully, basis " fund law " the regulation with fund contract, this fund management person can be inside formulary time plenary meeting of holder of portion of fund of same and second reading reassemble. The plenary meeting of fund portion holder of reassemble ought to have a delegate 1/3 above (contain 1/3) the holder of fund portion is direct issue watch be determined to see or accredit other is represented issue watch be determined to see; When holding plenary meeting of fund portion holder afresh, unless accredit file has additionally,carry bright, the of all kinds accredit that holder of this fund fund portion makes during accredit of this plenary meeting of holder of second fund portion still effective, but if accredit kind happens,change or holder of this fund fund portion makes accredit afresh, it is with newest means or newest accredit accurate, define the announcement that sees the plenary meeting of holder of reassemble fund portion that releases at the appointed time.

8, this second congress is relevant orgnaization

1, convener (fund management person) : Hai Kaiyuan fund runs limited company before

2, fund is mandatory person: Enrol merchant bank Inc.

3, notary organization: Notarial place is believed in Beijing

4, attorney office: Office of attorney of Shanghai source peaceful

9, important clew

1, ask fund portion holder to be when ticket of put the question, mature mail in road time, send ahead of schedule vote ticket.

2, plenary meeting of this holder of second fund portion can pass of our company website to consult about announcement, if investor has any doubt, can call our company client to serve phone 4001-666-998 to seek advice.

3, the concerned content of this announcement by before limited company of management of Hai Kaiyuan fund is in charge of explaining.

Accessory one: " about revising before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model what negotiable securities invests fund fund contract and adjust the concerned item such as cost rate is second reading "

Accessory 2: " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model plenary meeting of holder of portion of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment votes ticket "

Accessory 3: " accredit a power of attorney "

Accessory 4: " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model the modification specification of fund of negotiable securities investment to legal file "

Hai Kaiyuan fund runs limited company before

2  19 years on April 15

Accessory one

About revising before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment

What adjust the concerned item such as cost rate is second reading

Haikaiyuan makes rich before and open regularly mix model holder of portion of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment:

It is those who raise fund capital fund to run efficiency, protect interest of fund portion holder, hai Kaiyuan fund manages limited company basis before " law of fund of investment of negotiable securities of People's Republic of China " , " fund of investment of open collect negotiable securities runs administrative way " and " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " concerned regulation, via as mandatory as fund person Inc. of the bank that enrol business talks things over consistent, offer to be opposite now " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " according to " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model fund of negotiable securities investment is opposite the modification specification of legal file " (, revise accordingly " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model fund of negotiable securities investment is mandatory agreement " relevant content and adjust cost to lead.

At the same time basis " fund of investment of open collect negotiable securities runs administrative way " regulation, offer accredit fund manages a person in obligate choice period offers 20 not less than open day below the premise with redemptive choice of fund portion holder, clear " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " of the date of become effective, choice period explain buy redemptive arrangement to reach explain the business regulation of the item such as rate of atone for cost shifts to an earlier date announcement. It is during choice period, because this fund needs to answer redemptive wait for a circumstance, fund portion holder agrees to be in choice period exempt " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " in conventional investment combines scale limitation to reach open period wait for a clause.

Above is second reading, grant to discuss please.

Accessory 2

Haikaiyuan makes rich before and open regularly mix model negotiable securities invests fund

Plenary meeting of fund portion holder votes ticket

(this voting ticket but clip, duplicate or log onto this fund to manage person website ( download and print, filling in complete sign all be after affix one's seal effective. )

Accessory 3

Accredit a power of attorney

At present entrusts a gentleman / lady / the company represents him (or this orgnaization) attend voting end time is on May 14, 2019 17:00 previously hold with communication means before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model plenary meeting of holder of portion of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment, and for you full-fledged member exercise is right all and second reading right to vote. Accredit period of efficacy signs day to remove the day that to holder of this second fund portion plan ticket ends congress meeting to stop oneself. The Haikaiyuan before be like makes rich and open regularly mix model fund of negotiable securities investment holds those who discuss plenary meeting of identical and second reading fund portion holder afresh, divide outside having authorization additionally, this accredit continues effective.

Client (sign / affix one's seal) :

Client Id date or business charter registers name or integrate social credence code:

The sea before client opens number of source fund account:

Depositary (procuratorial) (sign / affix one's seal) :

Depositary (procuratorial) Id date or business charter registers name or integrate social credence code:

Entrust date: Date


1, this accredit a power of attorney but clip, duplicate or abstain by above format, filling in complete sign all be after affix one's seal effective.

2, in this accredit a power of attorney " client Id date or business charter registers name or integrate social credence code " , point to subscribe of fund portion holder, explain of the certificate number when buying this fund or this certificate number update.

3, the watch be determined that the watch be determined of depositary sees on behalf of client this fund account issues total fund share sees.

Accessory 4

Haikaiyuan makes rich before and open regularly mix model negotiable securities invests fund

To the modification specification of legal file

" before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " (the following abbreviation " " fund contract " " ) on April 12, 2017 become effective, considering the interest of holder, basis " law of fund of investment of negotiable securities of Chinese people republic " , " fund of investment of open collect negotiable securities runs administrative way " wait for relevant law laws and regulations, this fund edits fund name, change runs means, fund to expend rate, investment limitation of strategy of limits, investment, investment, add C kind the item such as fund portion needs to hold plenary meeting of fund portion holder, to this fund fund contract modification content undertakes deliberative. The contract provision kind that needs to revise shows as follows:

One, " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " modification content

Paragraphic and textual the Haikaiyuan before the content after editing revises reason fund name makes rich and open regularly mix model the Haikaiyuan before negotiable securities invests fund makes rich and mix model in contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment about fund name edit no longer give uncecessary details. The first part is introductive 3, before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model fund of negotiable securities investment manages person according to by fund " fund law " , fund contract etc concerns formulary collect, control administrative committee via Chinese negotiable securities (the following abbreviation " Chinese card inspect is met " ) register.

Chinese card inspect will be right the enrollment of this fund collect, do not make clear its to be made to the value of this fund and accrual materiality is judged or assure, also do not make clear invest in this fund does not have a risk. Chinese card inspect will be incorrect the investment value of fund and market prospect make materiality judgement perhaps assure.

3, before Haikaiyuan makes rich and mix model negotiable securities invests fund by before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model negotiable securities invests fund change to register and come. Haikaiyuan makes rich before and open regularly mix model fund of negotiable securities investment manages person according to by fund " fund law " , " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " etc concerns formulary collect, control administrative committee via Chinese negotiable securities (the following abbreviation " Chinese card inspect is met " ) register.

The Haikaiyuan before Chinese card inspect will be right makes rich and open regularly mix model collect of fund of negotiable securities investment and its change those who be this fund to register, do not make clear its to be made to the value of this fund and accrual materiality is judged or assure, also do not make clear invest in this fund does not have a risk. Chinese card inspect will be incorrect the investment value of fund and market prospect make materiality judgement perhaps assure.

State according to changing registered actual condition to adjust. Paraphrase of the 2nd part 1, fund or this fund: The Haikaiyuan before pointing to makes rich and open regularly mix model negotiable securities invests fund 1, fund or this fund: The Haikaiyuan before pointing to makes rich and mix model negotiable securities invests fund, this fund by before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model negotiable securities invests fund change to register and will register actual condition to adjust according to change. 7, announcement of fund share put on sale: Point to " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model announcement of put on sale of share of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " delete provision of the inapplicable after deleting change to register. 9, " fund law " : Show the 5th times via the 10th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress the conference was passed on October 28, 2003, carry out since June 1, 2004, and classics on December 28, 2012 eleventh thirtieth of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress second conference edits, carry out since June 1, 2013, and classics is dozenth on April 24, 2015 a Standing Committee of the National People's Congress the 14th conference " Standing Committee of the National People's Congress about revising < law of haven of People's Republic of China > the decision that waits for 7 law " revise " law of fund of investment of negotiable securities of People's Republic of China " reach those who promulgate mechanism to often make to its to edit 8, " fund law " : Show the 5th times via the 10th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress the conference was passed on October 28, 2003, and classics on December 28, 2012 eleventh thirtieth of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress second conference edits, carry out since June 1, 2013, and classics is dozenth on April 24, 2015 a Standing Committee of the National People's Congress the 14th conference " Standing Committee of the National People's Congress about revising < law of haven of People's Republic of China > the decision that waits for 7 law " revise " law of fund of investment of negotiable securities of People's Republic of China " reach those who promulgate mechanism to often be made to its to edit perfect state. 15, banking supervises an administration: Show Chinese people bank mixes / or course of study of Bank of China controls administrative committee 14, banking supervises an administration: Show Chinese people bank is mixed / or the Bank of China is sure to supervise administrative committee to be updated according to actual condition. 23, fund marketing: Show fund management person or sale orgnaization conduct propaganda recommend fund, portion of fund of put on sale, of conduction fund portion explain buy, the business such as canal of redemptive, changeover, ask someone else to do what is asked of one and fixed norm investment 22, fund marketing: Show fund management person or sale orgnaization conduct propaganda recommend fund, sell fund share, of conduction fund portion explain buy, the actual condition that the business such as canal of redemptive, changeover, ask someone else to do what is asked of one and fixed norm investment registers according to change is adjusted state. 28, fund trades account: Show sale orgnaization opens for investor, record investor deals with subscribe through should selling an orgnaization, explain buy, the fund portion that canal of redemptive, changeover, ask someone else to do what is asked of one and fixed norm invest to wait for business and cause is fluctuant the account that reachs balance situation 27, fund trades account: Show sale orgnaization is opened for investor, record investor is dealt with through should selling an orgnaization explain buy, clause of inapplicable of the fund after canal of redemptive, changeover, ask someone else to do what is asked of one and the fund portion that fixed norm invests to wait for business and be caused change the account that reachs balance situation deletes change to register. 29, day of fund contract become effective: Show fund collect obtains the condition of provision of law law plan and fund contract provision, fund management person can deal with fund to put on record to Chinese card inspect formalities ends, obtain Chinese card inspect the meeting is written affirmed date 28, day of fund contract become effective: Point to " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " become effective day, former " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " stop the actual condition that registers according to change to adjust since same day. 31, fund collect period: During what the day that put on sale ends stops coming since the day that shows from fund portion forelock makes work, the longest must not exceed 3 months

32, fixed and open: Point to what this fund adopts to be in close period inside close run, close period with close period between run mode openly regularly

33, close period: Show this fund is putting add period inside, divide open period beyond during, in close period inside, this fund is not dealt with explain buy, redemptive wait for business, also do not appear on the market trade

34, open period: Show this fund is opened explain buy, redemptive those who wait for business during. Benjijindi is opened period the monthly after first days are 3 months of day of this become effective of fund fund contract is right day, the 2nd is opened period the monthly after first days are 6 months of day of this become effective of fund fund contract is right day, the 3rd is opened period the monthly after first days are 9 months of day of this become effective of fund fund contract is right day, with this analogize. Of this fund every are opened period for 2 to 5 weekday, specific during open in every by fund management person period the announcement before beginning explains. During open this fund is adopted open run mode, investor can handle fund portion explain buy, redemptive or other business, open period not redemptive or changeover turns the fund share that give will turn automatically into the next to close period. If open period the first weekday causes fund to cannot be opened on time because of force majeure or other state explain buy with redemptive business, open period the next weekday since the day that eliminates from the influencing factor of force majeure or other state begins. If open period internal cause produces force majeure or other state causes fund to cannot be opened on time explain buy with redemptive business, or the agreement of basis fund contract produces fund to pause explain buy with redemptive business, open period will press time-out explain buy with redemptive during lengthen accordingly. Narrate before open period specific time manages a person with fund at the appointed time announcement is accurate

35, monthly is right day: Show specific date is in some the corresponding date in follow-up calendar monthly, like this correspondence date is blame weekday, criterion postpone comes next weekday, of if this calendar monthly is medium nonexistent corresponding date, criterion postpone comes next weekday

Delete provision of inapplicable of the fund after deleting change to register. 36, put add period: Show fund contract become effective comes end the nonsked term between 30, put add period: Point to " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " become effective comes " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " the real case that ends the nonsked deadline between to be registered according to change is adjusted. 40, open day: Point to opening period inside, handle fund portion for investor explain buy, the weekday of redemptive or other business 34, open day: Point to handle fund portion for investor explain buy, inapplicable of the fund after the weekday of redemptive or other business deletes change to register is stated. 43, subscribe: Point to in fund inside collect period, investor applies for to buy the deed of fund portion according to the regulation of fund contract and recruit manual

44, explain buy: After pointing to fund contract become effective open period inside, investor applies for to buy the deed of fund portion according to the regulation of fund contract and recruit manual

45, redemptive: After pointing to fund contract become effective open period inside, the requirement that fund portion holder sets by fund contract and recruit manual asks to exchange fund share the behavior that is cash

46, fund changeover: Show fund portion holder is being opened period inside the requirement that has effect announcement regulation at the appointed time according to this fund contract and fund management person, apply for to manage its hold fund person government, the behavior of the share of other fund fund that the fund portion changeover of some fund runs person government for fund

37, subscribe: Show advanced sea leaves to the source makes rich and be opened regularly mix model the collect of fund of negotiable securities investment period inside, investor basis " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " and " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model manual of recruit of fund of negotiable securities investment " the Haikaiyuan before the regulation applies for to buy makes rich

38, explain buy: After pointing to fund contract become effective, investor applies for to buy the deed of fund portion according to the regulation of fund contract and recruit manual

39, redemptive: After pointing to fund contract become effective, the requirement that fund portion holder sets by fund contract and recruit manual asks to exchange fund share the behavior that is cash

40, fund changeover: Point to fund portion holder to have the requirement that effect announcement sets at the appointed time according to this fund contract and fund management person, apply for to manage its hold fund person government, the behavior of the share of other fund fund that the fund portion changeover of some fund runs person government for fund

The actual condition that registers according to change is adjusted. 49, a huge sum is redemptive: Show this fund is opened period the individual and open day inside, fund is only redemptive application (after sum total of redemptive application share adds fund to change change trains to give application share number, deduct explain the remaining sum after buying application share sum total and fund changeover change trains to enter application share sum total) the 20%43 that exceeds total share of on one workaday fund, a huge sum is redemptive: Show this fund is individual and open day, fund is only redemptive application (after sum total of redemptive application share adds fund to change change trains to give application share number, deduct explain the remaining sum after buying application share sum total and fund changeover change trains to enter application share sum total) the 10% registers according to change actual conditions that go up to open day fund total share more than are adjusted. Without 50, the category of fund portion: Show Benjijingen is occupied explain those who buy way of collection of cost, sale service fee is different, fund portion cent is distinct category: A kind fund portion and C kind fund portion. Cent of portion of of all kinds fund establishs different fund code, be calculated respectively and publish net value of share of of all kinds fund and net value of accumulative total of share of of all kinds fund

51, A kind fund portion: Point to in investor explain the collection when buying explain buy fare, and do not be trapped from this category fund assets the fund share that carries a sale to serve cost

52, C kind fund portion: Point to in investor explain when buying not collection explain buy fare, but be trapped from this category fund assets the fund share that carries a sale to serve cost

The relevant paraphrase of the category of portion of fund of actual condition complement after be being registered according to change. Without 56, swing price mechanism: Show when this fund of all kinds portion encounters big explain buy redemptive when, through adjusting the pattern of fund share net value, the market that adjusts fund investment combination pounds cost allocation to give actual explain buy, redemptive investor, reduce the adverse effect of interests of pair of holder of portion of the fund that put an amount thereby, the paraphrase of actual condition complement of the fund after ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of investor is not damaged to kill and get the requirement of active code and change are registered treatment a basis fairly.

The fundamental condition of fund of the 3rd part 3, of fund run way

Bond, open type regularly

This fund is run with opening way regularly, namely in order to close period and open the means with period alternate photograph to run.

Benjijindi is opened period the monthly after first days are 3 months of day of this become effective of fund fund contract is right day, the 2nd is opened period the monthly after first days are 6 months of day of this become effective of fund fund contract is right day, the 3rd is opened period the monthly after first days are 9 months of day of this become effective of fund fund contract is right day, with this analogize.

Of this fund every are opened period for 2 to 5 weekday, specific during open in every by fund management person period the announcement before beginning explains. During open this fund is adopted open run mode, investor can handle fund portion explain buy, redemptive or other business, open period not redemptive or changeover turns the fund share that give will turn automatically into the next to close period.

This fund is putting add period inside, divide open period outside, all be close period. In close period inside, this fund does not accept fund share explain buy, redemptive wait for business, also do not appear on the market trade.

If open period the first weekday causes fund to cannot be opened on time because of force majeure or other state explain buy with redemptive business, open period the next weekday since the day that eliminates from the influencing factor of force majeure or other state begins. If open period internal cause produces force majeure or other state causes fund to cannot be opened on time explain buy with redemptive business, or the agreement of basis fund contract produces fund to pause explain buy with redemptive business, open period will press time-out explain buy with redemptive during lengthen accordingly. Narrate before open period specific time manages a person with fund at the appointed time announcement is accurate.

3, of fund run way

Bond open mode

Make clear those who change the fund after registering to run way. 5, the total of lowermost collect share of fund

The total of lowermost collect share of this fund is 200 million.

6, par value of fund share put on sale and subscribe charge

Par value of this put on sale of fund fund share is a RMB 1 yuan.

Specific subscribe cost leads this fund to be carried out by the regulation of recruit manual.

Delete clause of inapplicable of the fund after deleting change to register to not have 6, the category of fund portion

Benjijingen is occupied explain those who buy way of collection of cost, sale service fee is different, fund portion cent is distinct category.

In investor explain the collection when buying explain buy fare, and do not be trapped from this category fund assets the fund share that carries a sale to serve cost, call A kind fund portion; In investor explain when buying not collection explain buy fare, but be trapped from this category fund assets the fund share that carries a sale to serve cost, call C kind fund portion. A kind, C kind fund portion installs code respectively, be calculated respectively and announcement is of all kinds fund share net value and net value of accumulative total of share of of all kinds fund.

The specific setting of category of concerned fund portion, cost leads water equality to manage a person to decide by fund, it is in recruit manual announcement. According to fund sale status, the agreement of fund management person in contract of not lawbreaking code, fund and do not damage the case that already had rights and interests of fund portion holder to fall, after as mandatory as fund person talks things over to agree and perform proper program, can increase the new fund portion category, sale that perhaps halts category of existing fund portion to wait, need not hold plenary meeting of fund portion holder, but adjust the fund before carrying out to administrative person requires seasonable announcement and sign up for Chinese card inspect to be able to put on record.

Investor can choose by oneself explain bought fund portion category. This fund does not get mutual changeover between category of different fund portion.

The real case of the fund after be being registered according to change is additional the specific provision of fund portion category. The historical evolution of fund of the 4th part the put on sale of portion of fund of the 4th part

One, object of means of the time of put on sale of fund portion, put on sale, put on sale

1, time of put on sale

Since the day that makes work from fund portion forelock the longest must not exceed 3 months, time of particular put on sale sees announcement of fund share put on sale.

2, means of put on sale

The other way that the fund that sells an orgnaization through each sells a site or runs orgnaization of person, sale to offer by fund makes public put on sale, the adjusts sale orgnaization relevant announcement that the specific list that sells an orgnaization each sees announcement of fund share put on sale and fund management person are released at the appointed time.

Sale orgnaization is accepted to what subscribe applies for do not succeed certainly on behalf of this application, and receive subscribe to apply for really on behalf of sale orgnaization only. Subscribe admits to identify eventuate in order to register an orgnaization to allow really really. To subscribe application and subscribe portion identify a case really, investor should inquire in time and appropriate exercise counterpoises legally benefit.

3, object of put on sale

Code of be good law sets but the other investor that investor of the orgnaization outside investor of the individual investor of fund of investment of invest in negotiable securities, orgnaization investor, the orgnaization outside eligible condition and RMB qualification condition and legal laws and regulations or Chinese card inspect can allow to buy negotiable securities to invest fund.

2, the subscribe of fund portion

1, subscribe charge

The subscribe cost rate of this fund manages person decision by fund, show in the row in recruit manual. Fund subscribe charge does not include fund property.

2, the processing means of collect period accrual

The interest of deposit of current of bank the corresponding period that effective subscribe money generates during collect returns convert fund portion holder for fund portion all, among them the specific amount of accrual and accrual turn the specific amount of portion allows with registering the record of the orgnaization to be.

3, the computation of fund subscribe portion

The computational means with fund subscribe specific portion is shown in the row in recruit manual.

4, the processing means of subscribe portion remaining sum

The computation of subscribe portion is withheld decimally hind 2, decimally to the nearest whole number of 2 the following shares, from this the profit that the error generates or loss are assumed by fund worth.

3, the limitation of amount of fund portion subscribe

1, when investor subscribe, the money of means sum pay that needs to set by sale orgnaization.

2, fund management person can trade to every fund the amount of subscribe of odd pen lowest of account undertakes limitative, specific limitation consults please recruit manual or relevant announcement.

3, fund management person can is opposite the amount of accumulative total subscribe of the individual investor during collect undertakes limitative, specific limitation and processing technique consult please recruit manual or relevant announcement.

4, investor is inside collect period is OK for many times subscribe fund portion, subscribe cost applies for alone computation by every subscribe. Subscribe endures manage not to get cancel.

The historical evolution of fund of the 4th part

Haikaiyuan makes rich before and mix model negotiable securities invests fund by before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model negotiable securities invests fund change to register and come.

Haikaiyuan makes rich before and open regularly mix model the card inspect that Chinese card inspect can allot classics of fund of negotiable securities investment on November 1, 2016 is permitted [2016]2504 sign language registers collect, fund of the Hai Kaiyuan before fund management is factitious runs limited company, fund is mandatory and factitious Inc. of the bank that enrol business.

Haikaiyuan makes rich before and open regularly mix model fund of negotiable securities investment made public collect on April 7, 2017 at coming on Feburary 13, 2017, person of management of the fund after collect ends can be dealt with to Chinese card inspect put on record formalities. Inspect of classics China card will be written affirm, " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " on April 12, 2017 become effective.

From 201X year day of X month X comes 201X year Hai Kaiyuan abundant mixed X month X to be opened regularly a few days ago mix model fund of negotiable securities investment holds plenary meeting of fund portion holder with communication means, the conference is discussed passed " about revising before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model what negotiable securities invests fund fund contract and adjust the concerned item such as cost rate is second reading " , the Hai Kaiyuan before content includes makes rich and open regularly mix model change of fund of negotiable securities investment runs means, fund to expend rate, investment limitation of strategy of limits, investment, investment, add C kind fund portion and more the name is " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and, edit accordingly fund contract. Resolution of afore-mentioned plenary meeting of fund portion holder vote oneself the become effective since the day that carry. From 201X year sun of X month X rises, " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " become effective, former " before Haikaiyuan makes rich and open regularly mix model contract of fund of fund of negotiable securities investment " have be no longer in force from same day.

The actual condition that registers according to change deletes inapplicable provision, make clear the historical evolution of fund. Of fund of the 5th part put add fund of the 5th part puts on record

One, the condition that fund puts on record

Inside 3 months since the day that this fund makes work from fund portion forelock, in total of fund collect share not less than 200 million, fund collect amount 200 million yuan of not less than RMBs and the condition of not less than 200 people issues fund subscribe number, fund collect period at the expiration of one's term of office or laws and regulations of law of basis of fund management person and recruit manual can decide to halt fund put on sale, invite legal test inside 10 days endowment orgnaization check endowment, the day that receives check endowment report oneself rises 10 days inside, can deal with fund to put on record to Chinese card inspect formalities.

Fund collect achieves fund to put on record of the condition, from fund management the person deals with ending fund to put on record formalities obtains Chinese card inspect the meeting is written since affirmed day, " fund contract " become effective; Otherwise " fund contract " not become effective. Fund management person is in the next day that gets Chinese card inspect to be able to affirm a file is right " fund contract " become effective matters concerned gives announcement. Fund management person answers fund the capital of collect stocks special account during collect, before fund collect behavior ends, anybody must not be employed.

2, fund contract cannot the processing means of capital of the collect when become effective

If collect deadline at the expiration of one's term of office, not contented fund puts on record condition, fund management person ought to assume following responsibility:

1, the liability that with its intrinsic worth assumes because of collect behavior generation and charge;

2, after at the expiration of one's term of office of fund collect deadline return inside 30 days return investor already the money of pay, add plan accrual of deposit of current of bank the corresponding period;

3, fail like fund collect, mandatory person and sale orgnaization must not request fund management person, fund pay. Mandatory person and sale orgnaization are fund management person, fund all fee that fund collect pays should be assumed severally by each.

3, fund puts the amount of fund portion holder inside add period and asset dimensions


Of fund of the 5th part put add

One, the change of fund portion is registered

" fund contract " after become effective, benjijindeng writes down an orgnaization to will have this fund more the change of name and necessary information.

2, fund puts the amount of fund portion holder inside add period and asset dimensions


The actual condition that registers according to change deletes inapplicable provision, portion of compensatory fund changes the principle regulation that register. Of portion of fund of the sixth part explain buy with redemptive one, of fund run way

Delete provision of inapplicable of the fund after deleting change to register. 3, explain buy and open day and time redemptively

1, open day and open time

This fund is opened period inside, investor handles fund portion in open day explain buy and redemptive, open day is open period every weekday inside. What specific conduction time is Shanghai stock exchange, Shenzhen stock exchange is normal trade of day trade time, but the requirement that inspect of card of plan of law of law of basis of fund management person, China meets or the formulary announcement time-out of this fund contract explain buy, redemptive when except. The specific professional work of open day deals with time to carry in recruit manual or relevant announcement bright. In close period inside, this fund is not dealt with explain buy, redemptive wait for business, also do not appear on the market trade.

After fund contract become effective, if appear,new negotiable security trades the market, stock exchange trades time change or other and special situation, open day and open time are narrated to undertake corresponding adjustment before fund management person will inspect a circumstance to be opposite, but should be in carry out a few days ago according to " information announces measure " concerned regulation is in appoint the announcement on agency.

2, explain buy and open day and time redemptively

1, open day and open time

Investor handles fund portion in open day explain buy and redemptive, what specific conduction time is Shanghai stock exchange, Shenzhen stock exchange is normal trade of day trade time, but the requirement that inspect of card of plan of law of law of basis of fund management person, China meets or the formulary announcement time-out of this fund contract explain buy, redemptive when except.

After fund contract become effective, if appear new negotiable security / futures trades the market, negotiable securities / futures exchange trades time change or other and special situation, open day and open time are narrated to undertake corresponding adjustment before fund management person will inspect a circumstance to be opposite, but should be in carry out a few days ago according to " information announces measure " concerned regulation is in appoint the announcement on agency.

Of the fund after be being registered according to change run means and investment limits to adjust. 2, explain buy, redemptive begin day and business to handle time

Open in every period before beginning, fund management person answers the agreement of contract of according to fund is in appoint the announcement on agency to open period specific time.

Fund management person must not agree in fund contract the date besides or of portion of time conduction fund explain buy, redemptive perhaps change. Opening period inside, investor puts forward in the date besides fund contract agreement and time explain buy, redemptive or changeover applies for and the orgnaization that register affirms accept, its fund portion explain buy, redemptive price is opened for this period Neixiayi opens day fund share explain buy, redemptive price; But if investor is being opened period after professional work of the last open day deals with time to end, put forward explain buy, redemptive perhaps change application, regard invalid application as. Open period and open period deal with explain the relevant announcement that buys the specific arrangements with redemptive business to see recruit manual and fund management person are released at the appointed time.

2, explain buy, redemptive begin day and business to handle time

Fund management person does not exceed 3 months to begin to deal with since the day of fund contract become effective oneself explain buy, conduction time of specific professional work is in explain buy the regulation in beginning announcement.

Fund management person does not exceed 3 months to begin to deal with since the day of fund contract become effective oneself redemptive, conduction time of specific professional work is in redemptive the regulation in beginning announcement.

In affirmatory explain buy begin with redemptive after beginning time, fund management person should be in explain buy, redemptive and open a few days ago according to " information announces measure " concerned regulation is in appoint the announcement on agency explain buy with redemptive beginning time.

Fund management person must not agree in fund contract the date besides or of portion of time conduction fund explain buy, redemptive perhaps change. Investor puts forward in the date besides fund contract agreement and time explain buy, redemptive or changeover applies for and the orgnaization that register affirms accept, its fund portion explain buy, redemptive price opens share of day of this kinds of fund to fall explain buy, redemptive price.

Of the fund after be being registered according to change run means to adjust. 4, explain buy with redemptive principle

1, " sealed price " principle, open namely period inside explain buy, net value of share of fund of the calculative after redemptive price closes city that day with application is fiducial have consideration;

3, explain buy with redemptive principle

1, " sealed price " principle, namely explain buy, net value of share of of all kinds fund is the calculative after redemptive price closes city that day with application fiducial have consideration;

State according to changing the actual condition of the fund after registering to perfect. 5, explain buy with redemptive program

1, explain buy and apply kind redemptively

Investor needs fibrous root occupies the program that sells orgnaization regulation, opening period the specific professional work of open day puts forward inside conduction time explain buy or apply for redemptively.

4, explain buy with redemptive program

1, explain buy and apply kind redemptively

Investor needs fibrous root occupies the program that sells orgnaization regulation, the specific business that opening day puts forward inside conduction time explain buy or apply for redemptively.

Delete provision of inapplicable of the fund after change is registered. Without 4, fund management person can be inside the range that legal laws and regulations permits, be opposite lawfully afore-mentioned explain buy and redemptive application identifies time to undertake adjustment really, must adjusting before carrying out according to " information announces measure " concerned regulation is in appoint the announcement on agency and sign up for Chinese card inspect to be able to put on record. Compensatory fund manages a person to be able to adjust relevant business to handle the regulation of time. 7, explain buy and redemptive price, charge and its utility

1, the computation of this fund share net value, reservation arrives decimally hind 4, decimally hind the 5th round, the profit that generates from this or loss are assumed by fund worth. After fund contract become effective, in close period inside, fund management person ought to at least fund asset net value mixes weekly announcement fund share net value. Opening period inside, fund management person ought to open the next day of day in every, exposure opens net value of the fund share net value of day and fund share accumulative total. Meet special condition, inspect of classics China card can agree, computation of OK and proper defer or announcement.

6, explain buy and redemptive price, charge and its utility

1, this fund A kind fund portion and C kind fund portion installs code respectively, be calculated respectively and announcement is of all kinds fund share net value and net value of accumulative total of share of of all kinds fund. This fund is of all kinds the computation of fund share net value, all withhold decimally hind 4, decimally hind the 5th round, the profit that generates from this or loss are assumed by fund worth. The net value of share of of all kinds fund of T day received the consideration after city that day, it is inside T+1 day announcement. Meet special condition, inspect of classics China card can agree, computation of OK and proper defer or announcement.

The actual condition of the fund after be being registered according to change is adjusted. 2, ... explain bought significant share is clean explain buy amount to divide with the fund share net value that day, significant portion unit is a portion, afore-mentioned computation all press round method as a result, reservation arrives decimally hind 2, the profit that generates from this or loss are assumed by fund worth.

3, ... redemptive amount is multiplied to press the effective and redemptive portion that affirms actually with fund share net value deducts corresponding expense that day, redemptive amount unit is yuan. Afore-mentioned computation all press round method as a result, reservation arrives decimally hind 2, the profit that generates from this or loss are assumed by fund worth.

4, explain buy charge to be assumed by investor, do not include fund property.

2, ... explain bought significant share is clean explain buy amount to divide with the net value of share of this kinds of fund that day, significant portion unit is a portion, afore-mentioned computation all press round method as a result, reservation arrives decimally hind 2, the profit that generates from this or loss are assumed by fund worth.

3, ... redemptive amount is multiplied to press the effective and redemptive portion that affirms actually with net value of share of this kinds of fund deducts corresponding expense that day, redemptive amount unit is yuan. Afore-mentioned computation all press round method as a result, reservation arrives decimally hind 2, the profit that generates from this or loss are assumed by fund worth.

4, A kind of fund portion explain buy fare by explain buy A kind the investor of fund portion is assumed, do not include fund property.

The actual condition that classifies according to changing portion of the fund after registering is perfect and relevant state. Without 8, when this fund of all kinds portion happens big explain buy or when redemptive case, fund management person can be used swing price mechanism, the fair sex that with ensuring fund appraise is worth, specific processing principle and operation standard follow relevant law laws and regulations and the regulation of superintendency branch, self-discipline regulation. Complement swings the principle regulation of the price. 8, refuse or pause explain bought case

Opening period inside, when producing following case, fund management person can refuse or suspend accepting investor explain buy application:

5, accept some or certain explain when buy application to may be affected or harming interest of holder of existing fund portion.


Happen afore-mentioned the 1st, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 time-out explain buy one of case and fund management person decides time-out explain when buying, fund management person ought to be appointed according to concerning a regulation to be in time-out is published on agency explain buy announcement. If of investor explain buy application to be rejected, be rejected explain buy money capital to will return investor. In time-out explain when bought situation is eliminated, fund management person should restore in time explain the conduction that buys business, and time-out is pressed during opening explain buy during lengthen accordingly.

7, refuse or pause explain bought case

When producing following case, fund management person can refuse or suspend accepting investor explain buy application:

5, accept some or certain explain when buy application to may be affected or damaging interest of holder of existing fund portion or potential to putting interest of holder of quantity fund portion to form great and adverse effect.


Happen afore-mentioned the 1st, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 time-out explain buy one of case and fund management person decides time-out explain when buying, fund management person ought to be appointed according to concerning a regulation to be in time-out is published on agency explain buy announcement. If of investor explain buy application to be rejected, be rejected explain buy money capital to will return investor. In time-out explain when bought situation is eliminated, fund management person should restore in time explain buy the conduction of business and lawfully announcement.

Ask according to legal laws and regulations complement suspends redemptive status, delete provision of inapplicable of the fund after change is registered. 9, time-out redemptive or delay the case that pays redemptive money

Opening period inside, when producing following scenario, the redemptive application that fund management person can suspend accepting investor or defer pay redemptive money:


Produce one of afore-mentioned case and decision of fund management person suspends accepting redemptive application or defer when paying redemptive money, fund management person answers to sign up for Chinese card inspect to be able to put on record that day, the redemptive application that already affirmed, fund management person answers full specified amount pays; Be like temporary cannot full specified amount pays, answer to give redemptive applicant what can pay a part to apply for a quantity to occupy application gross by individual account prorata, did not pay a part to be able to adjourn pay, and with accepting redemptive application the fund share net value that day is a basis to calculate redemptive amount. Fund portion holder can choose beforehand when application is redemptive will likely that day did not obtain accept a part to give cancel. When suspending redemptive circumstance eliminating, the conduction that fund management person answers to resume redemptive professional work in time and announcement, and time-out can be pressed during opening redemptive during lengthen accordingly.

8, time-out redemptive or delay the case that pays redemptive money

When producing following scenario, the redemptive application that fund management person can suspend accepting investor or defer pay redemptive money:

5, successive two or two above open day happening a huge sum is redemptive.


Produce one of afore-mentioned case and decision of fund management person suspends accepting redemptive application or defer when paying redemptive money, fund management person answers to sign up for Chinese card inspect to be able to put on record that day, the redemptive application that already affirmed, fund management person answers full specified amount pays; Be like temporary cannot full specified amount pays, answer to give redemptive applicant what can pay a part to apply for a quantity to occupy application gross by individual account prorata, did not pay a part to be able to adjourn pay, and with accepting redemptive application the net value of share of of all kinds fund that day is a basis to calculate redemptive amount. If appear,the 5th afore-mentioned place state case, press the relevant provision processing of fund contract. Fund portion holder can choose beforehand when application is redemptive will likely that day did not obtain accept a part to give cancel. When suspending redemptive circumstance eliminating, the conduction that fund management person answers to resume redemptive professional work in time and announcement.

According to changing registered actual condition complement suspends redemptive status, perfect and relevant state. 10, the case with redemptive a huge sum and processing means

1, the cognizance with redemptive a huge sum

If this fund is open period inside the fund portion inside individual and open day is only redemptive application (after sum total of redemptive application share adds fund to change change trains to give application share number, deduct explain the remaining sum after buying application share sum total and fund to change change trains to enter application share sum total) before exceeding one weekday, consider as namely produced a huge sum redemptive.

2, the processing means with redemptive a huge sum

When fund occurrence a huge sum is redemptive, fund management person is OK the asset combination state at that time decides sum is redemptive or defer according to fund pay redemptive money.

(2) defer pay redemptive money: The redemptive application that fund management person agrees to code of be good law and fund contract should be accepted at giving entirely that day and affirm. But to accepted redemptive application, what because pay investor,think is redemptive when the property that apply for and has changes to may cause bigger wave motion to fund asset net value now, fund management person should undertake affirming to all that day redemptive application, the redemptive portion that handles in proportion that day is not gotten 20% under fund total share, redemptive application can defer the others pay redemptive money, but wait disbursement time the longest do not exceed 20 weekday. Delay disbursement redemptive application with redemptive application the fund share net value that day is calculated for the foundation redemptive amount.

Opening period inside, if this fund happening a huge sum is redemptive and redemptive application exceeds the odd-numbered days of holder of single foundation portion total share of fund of be on duty for the day of on one appraise of 10% , fund management person has authority to exceed this proportional redemptive application to carry out delay to deal with to holder of this single foundation portion, before the redemptive application of redemptive application and other portion holder consults, the rest of holder of this single foundation portion narrates a clause to handle. Like delay conduction deadline is opened more than period, open period lengthen accordingly, prolate is open period inside do not deal with explain buy, also do not accept new redemptive application, namely administrative person is fund to be opened formerly only period internal cause refers redemptive application to exceed fund total share 10% above and be adjourned to deal with holder of redemptive single foundation portion to conduct redemptive business.

3, the announcement with redemptive a huge sum

Should produce afore-mentioned a huge sum redemptive defer when paying redemptive money state...

9, the case with redemptive a huge sum and processing means

1, the cognizance with redemptive a huge sum

If this foundation is single the fund portion that opens in a few days is only redemptive application (after sum total of redemptive application share adds fund to change change trains to give application share number, deduct explain the remaining sum after buying change trains of application share sum total and fund changeover to enter application share sum total) the fund that day opens before exceeding, consider as namely produced a huge sum redemptive.

2, the processing means with redemptive a huge sum

When fund occurrence a huge sum is redemptive, fund management person is OK the asset combination state at that time decides sum is redemptive or adjourn partly according to fund redemptive.

(2) partial delay is redemptive: What because pay investor,think is redemptive when the property that apply for and has changes to may cause bigger wave motion to fund asset net value now, fund management person accepts redemptive scale not to fall under the of 10% premise that goes up to open day fund total share that day, but delay of redemptive to the others application is dealt with. If undertake afore-mentioned delay are dealt with, redemptive that day to holder of single foundation portion application exceeds on one to open day fund total share the part of 10% above, will authority undertakes adjourning conduction. The redemptive application that handles to adjourning that day, ought to not adjourn by individual account conduction redemptive application volume is occupied did not adjourn the scale of conduction redemptive application gross, determine the redemptive share that accepts that day. Redemptive to failing part, investor can choose delay when submitting redemptive application redemptive or cancel redemptive. Choice delay is redemptive, will turn automatically into next open day to continue redemptive, until all and redemptive till; The choice cancels redemptive, did not win accepted share that day redemptive application will by cancel. The redemptive application of delay and fall to open day of redemptive application to be handled along with all the others, the net value of share of of all kinds fund that do not have lien and opens day below is calculated for the foundation redemptive amount, with this analogize, until all and redemptive till. If investor did not make clear choice when submitting redemptive application, investor fails redemptive part makes automatic delay redemptive processing.

(3) time-out is redemptive: Successive above of 2 open day (contain this number) produce a huge sum redemptive, if fund manages a person to think to be necessary, can suspend accepting the redemptive application of fund; The redemptive application that has accepted can be deferred pay redemptive money, but must not exceed 20 weekday, ought to be in appoint agency aspirant travel announcement.

3, the announcement with redemptive a huge sum

Should produce afore-mentioned a huge sum redemptive adjourn when dealing with...

The cognizance with the redemptive a huge sum after the actual condition that registers according to change makes clear change to register reachs processing kind. 11, time-out explain buy or redemptive announcement and open afresh explain buy or redemptive announcement

2, if produce suspensive time to be 1 day, fund management person answers at opening day afresh, in appoint gold of ascend the throng of the print on agency to be opened afresh explain buy or redemptive announcement, announce 1 opens the fund share net value of day fund portion recently.

4, above time-out and recover fund explain buy set with redemptive announcement, do not apply to what fund contract agrees to close period with open period pause or restore what run means changeover to cause explain buy with redemptive case.

10, time-out explain buy or redemptive announcement and open afresh explain buy or redemptive announcement

2, if produce suspensive time to be 1 day, fund management person answers at opening day afresh, in appoint gold of ascend the throng of the print on agency to be opened afresh explain buy or redemptive announcement, announce 1 opens the fund share net value of portion of day of of all kinds fund recently.

Perfect state, delete provision of inapplicable of the fund after change is registered. 12, fund changeover

Fund management person can be being opened period inside decide open according to relevant law laws and regulations and the regulation of this fund contract the changeover business between this fund and the other fund that fund management person manages...

11, fund changeover

Fund management person is OK decide open according to relevant law laws and regulations and the regulation of this fund contract the changeover business between this fund and the other fund that fund management person manages...

Delete provision of inapplicable of the fund after change is registered.

(D32 edition turns below)

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