Accident of explosion of Jiangsu noisy water has 17 people to be adopted again criminal coercive mea

[integrated dispatch] after Jiangsu saves accident of explosion of chemical plant of county of saline town noisy water to happen, 15 days have 17 people to be adopted again this month criminal coercive measures. Share 26 crime suspect to be adopted at present criminal coercive measures. This accident happened on March 21, cause 78 people to die.

Government of municipal Party committee of city of salt of province of Jiangsu of the Communist Party of China, municipal government releases platform " saline city is released " announce a news, ring according to Jiangsu of Chinese the State Council company of Shui Tianjia appropriate " 3 · 21 " progress of job of investigation of board of inquiry of accident of particularly great burst and police are investigated, on April 15, police reachs the medium that makes false assessment for this company relevant project to organize 17 suspects that are suspected of crime to adopt criminal coercive measures to limited company of chemical industry of Jiangsu Tian Jiayi. Up to now, share 26 crime suspect to be adopted criminal coercive measures.

Accident of explosion of Jiangsu noisy water has 17 people to be adopted again criminal coercive measures

New network reports in, beijing time on March 21 14 when 48 minutes, the limited company of chemical industry of Jiangsu Tian Jiayi inside area of garden of noisy water chemical industry produces explosion. Up to on March 27, the accident already caused 78 people death, more than 600 people are different degree gets hurt. The accident affects circumjacent 16 enterprises, accident ground is all enterprise already in succession stop production.

On April 3, saline city municipal Party committee publicizes a ministry to ever released a message to say, noisy water " 3 · 21 " after accident happening, police begins investigation work instantly, and on March 23 put on record is investigated. Already the suspect that to Jiangsu limited company of Tian Jiayi chemical industry has weighty responsibility 3 times adopts criminal coercive measures.

On April 13, saline city municipal Party committee publicizes a ministry to release a message to say again, via investigating, recently, police decides to Jiangsu limited company of Tian Jiayi chemical industry reachs his to accuse a group of alley of partner Jiangsu Home Ni the suspect that limited company has weighty responsibility additionally 6 times adopts criminal coercive measures.

Accident of explosion of Jiangsu noisy water has 17 people to be adopted again criminal coercive measures

After the accident, employee of many Tian Jiayi tells Beijing " new capital signs up for " reporter, dot of explosive on fire is plant area probably on the west the solid flotsam storehouse of side. This storehouse and be apart of natural gas station are not far, the boat after be engaged in reason happening pats a graph to look, the position that natural gas stands already was become by scamper a large hole.

Basis " Beijing youth signs up for " the report that date of small letter public issues before this, 2015, tian Jiayi company plans to build a solid to abandon burn with waste liquid project. " solid of limited company of Tian Jiayi chemical industry abandons Jiangsu and fluid is abandoned burn project (4500 tons of / year) the environment affects transaction " show, the project exists " leak, fire or explosion " risk. In passing to criticize a report in this annulus, the degree of the risk is " in acceptable range " . The story that the company tells in Hong Kong points out, tian Jiayi shares 6 administration to punish a record at present, condemnatory reason includes to violate solid body trash management system, disobey an environment to affect an evaluation system, disobey air pollution prevention and cure to manage a system to wait. (be over)

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